# encoding: UTF-8 require 'stringio' module Earthquake module Output def output_filters @output_filters ||= [] end def output_filter(&block) output_filters << block end def outputs @outputs ||= [] end def output(name = nil, &block) if block outputs.delete_if { |o| o[:name] == name } if name outputs << {:name => name, :block => block} else insert do while item = item_queue.shift item["_stream"] = true puts_items(item) end end end end def puts_items(items) [items].flatten.reverse_each do |item| next if output_filters.any? { |f| f.call(item) == false } outputs.each do |o| begin o[:block].call(item) rescue => e error e end end end end def insert(*messages) $stdout = StringIO.new puts messages yield if block_given? unless $stdout.string.empty? STDOUT.print "\e[0G\e[K#{$stdout.string}" Readline.refresh_line end ensure $stdout = STDOUT end def color_of(screen_name) config[:colors][screen_name.delete("^0-9A-Za-z_").to_i(36) % config[:colors].size] end end init do outputs.clear output_filters.clear config[:colors] ||= (31..36).to_a + (91..96).to_a config[:color] ||= {} config[:color].reverse_merge!( :info => 90, :notice => 31, :event => 42, :url => [4, 36] ) config[:raw_text] ||= false output :tweet do |item| next unless item["text"] info = [] if item["in_reply_to_status_id"] info << "(reply to #{id2var(item["in_reply_to_status_id"])})" elsif item["retweeted_status"] info << "(retweet of #{id2var(item["retweeted_status"]["id"])})" end if !config[:hide_time] && item["created_at"] info << Time.parse(item["created_at"]).strftime(config[:time_format]) end if !config[:hide_app_name] && item["source"] info << (item["source"].u =~ />(.*)</ ? $1 : 'web') end id = id2var(item["id"]) text = (item["retweeted_status"] && item["truncated"] ? "RT: @#{item["retweeted_status"]["user"]["screen_name"]} #{item["retweeted_status"]["text"]}" : item["text"]).u text.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ') unless config[:raw_text] text = text.coloring(/@[0-9A-Za-z_]+/) { |i| color_of(i) } text = text.coloring(/(^#[^\s]+)|(\s+#[^\s]+)/) { |i| color_of(i) } text = text.coloring(URI.regexp(["http", "https"]), :url) if item["_highlights"] item["_highlights"].each do |h| color = config[:color][:highlight].nil? ? color_of(h).to_i + 10 : :highlight text = text.coloring(/#{h}/i, color) end end mark = item["_mark"] || "" status = [ "#{mark}" + "[#{id}]".c(:info), "#{item["user"]["screen_name"].c(color_of(item["user"]["screen_name"]))}:", "#{text}", (item["user"]["protected"] ? "[P]".c(:notice) : nil), info.join(' - ').c(:info) ].compact.join(" ") puts status end output :delete do |item| if item["delete"] && cache.read("status:#{item["delete"]["status"]["id"]}") tweet = twitter.status(item["delete"]["status"]["id"]) tweet["_mark"] = "[deleted]".c(:event) + ' ' puts_items tweet end end output :event do |item| next unless item["event"] print "[#{item["event"]}]".c(:event) + " " case item["event"] when "follow", "block", "unblock" puts "#{item["source"]["screen_name"]} => #{item["target"]["screen_name"]}" when "favorite", "unfavorite" puts "#{item["source"]["screen_name"]} => #{item["target"]["screen_name"]} : #{item["target_object"]["text"].u}" when "list_member_added", "list_member_removed" puts "#{item["target_object"]["full_name"]} (#{item["target_object"]["description"]})" else if config[:debug] ap item end end end end extend Output end