You can test forj cli (and lorj as well) from any OS, like linux/windows or mac thanks to vagrant. There is 2 differents implementations of forj cli working on fedora or ubuntu. Choose the one you want. To test forj cli, do the following: 1. install [virtualbox |] or vmware workstation 2. install [vagrant|] 3. clone the forj repository. $ `git clone` 4. run vagrant up $ `cd forj/vagrant/fedora` $ `vagrant up` If you want to test both forj and lorj from source, use this different way: For more information about lorj, a process/controller library, see 3. clone the forj and lorj repository. $ `git clone` $ `git clone` 4. run vagrant up $ `cd forj/vagrant/fedora` $ `lorj_src=../lorj vagrant up` Now you are in, under fedora in this example, and forj cli installed from source. You are in a linux environment, where you can do anything you need. Example use cases: - you want to install the latest forj cli package sudo gem uninstall forj sudo gem install forj - You want to test an update in forj 1. update your code under your host, on in vagrant, /srv/forj/... 2. update the installation with sources. This will execute rubocop and rspec, before any install. sudo /srv/forj/vagrant/configure/