require 'spec/spec_helper' module Pipeline describe Base do context "- configuring" do before(:each) do class ::SamplePipeline define_stages FirstStage >> SecondStage end end it "should allow accessing stages" do SamplePipeline.defined_stages.should == [FirstStage, SecondStage] end it "should allow configuring default failure mode (pause by default)" do SamplePipeline.default_failure_mode = :pause SamplePipeline.failure_mode.should == :pause SamplePipeline.default_failure_mode = :cancel SamplePipeline.failure_mode.should == :cancel SamplePipeline.default_failure_mode = :something_else SamplePipeline.failure_mode.should == :pause end end context "- setup" do before(:each) do @pipeline = end it "should start with status not_started" do @pipeline.status.should == :not_started end it "should instantiate stages with status not_started" do @pipeline.stages.each { |stage| stage.status.should == :not_started } end it "should validate status" do lambda { => :something_else)}.should raise_error end end context "- persistence" do before(:each) do @pipeline = end it "should persist pipeline instance" do @pipeline.should be_new_record lambda {!}.should_not raise_error @pipeline.should_not be_new_record end it "should allow retrieval by id" do! retrieved_pipeline = Base.find( retrieved_pipeline.should === @pipeline lambda {Base.find('invalid_id')}.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it "should persist type as single table inheritance" do pipeline =! retrieved_pipeline = Base.find( retrieved_pipeline.should be_an_instance_of(SamplePipeline) end it "should persist pipeline stages" do pipeline = pipeline.stages.each {|stage| be_nil} lambda {!}.should_not raise_error pipeline.stages.each {|stage| be_nil} end it "should allow retrieval of stages with pipeline instance" do pipeline =! retrieved_pipeline = SamplePipeline.find( retrieved_pipeline.stages.should === pipeline.stages end it "should associate stages with pipeline instance" do pipeline =! pipeline.stages.each {|stage| stage.pipeline.should === pipeline} end it "should destroy stages when pipeline instance is destroyed" do pipeline =! Pipeline::Stage::Base.count(:conditions => ['pipeline_instance_id = ?',]).should > 0 pipeline.destroy Pipeline::Stage::Base.count(:conditions => ['pipeline_instance_id = ?',]).should == 0 end end context "- execution (success)" do before(:each) do @pipeline = end it "should increment attempts" do @pipeline.attempts.should == 0 @pipeline.perform @pipeline.attempts.should == 1 end it "should perform each stage" do @pipeline.stages.each { |stage| stage.should_not be_executed } @pipeline.perform @pipeline.stages.each { |stage| stage.should be_executed } end it "should update pipeline status after all stages finished" do @pipeline.perform @pipeline.status.should == :completed end it "should save status" do! @pipeline.perform @pipeline.reload.status.should == :completed end end context "- execution (in progress)" do it "should set status to in_progress" do pipeline = pipeline.send(:_setup) pipeline.status.should == :in_progress pipeline.reload.status.should == :in_progress end end context "- execution (irrecoverable error)" do before(:each) do class ::SamplePipeline define_stages FirstStage >> IrrecoverableStage end @pipeline = end it "should not re-raise error" do lambda {@pipeline.perform}.should_not raise_error(IrrecoverableError) end it "should update status" do @pipeline.perform @pipeline.status.should == :failed end it "should save status" do! @pipeline.perform @pipeline.reload.status.should == :failed end end context "- execution (recoverable error that doesn't require user input)" do before(:each) do class ::SamplePipeline define_stages FirstStage >> RecoverableStage end @pipeline = end it "should re-raise error (so delayed_job retry works)" do lambda {@pipeline.perform}.should raise_error(RecoverableError) end it "should change status to :retry" do lambda {@pipeline.perform}.should raise_error(RecoverableError) @pipeline.status.should == :retry end it "should save status" do! lambda {@pipeline.perform}.should raise_error(RecoverableError) @pipeline.reload.status.should == :retry end end context "- execution (recoverable error that requires user input)" do before(:each) do class ::SamplePipeline define_stages FirstStage >> RecoverableInputRequiredStage end @pipeline = end it "should not re-raise error" do lambda {@pipeline.perform}.should_not raise_error(RecoverableError) end it "should update status" do @pipeline.perform @pipeline.status.should == :paused end it "should save status" do! @pipeline.perform @pipeline.reload.status.should == :paused end end context "- execution (other errors will use failure mode to pause/cancel pipeline)" do before(:each) do class ::SamplePipeline define_stages FirstStage >> GenericErrorStage end @pipeline = end it "should not re-raise error" do lambda {@pipeline.perform}.should_not raise_error(Exception) end it "should update status (pause mode)" do SamplePipeline.default_failure_mode = :pause @pipeline.perform @pipeline.status.should == :paused end it "should save status (pause mode)" do SamplePipeline.default_failure_mode = :pause! @pipeline.perform @pipeline.reload.status.should == :paused end it "should update status (cancel mode)" do SamplePipeline.default_failure_mode = :cancel @pipeline.perform @pipeline.status.should == :failed end it "should save status (cancel mode)" do SamplePipeline.default_failure_mode = :cancel! @pipeline.perform @pipeline.reload.status.should == :failed end end context "- execution (retrying)" do before(:each) do class ::SamplePipeline define_stages FirstStage >> RecoverableInputRequiredStage end @pipeline = end it "should not re-raise error" do lambda {@pipeline.perform}.should_not raise_error(RecoverableError) end it "should update status" do @pipeline.perform @pipeline.status.should == :paused end it "should save status" do! @pipeline.perform @pipeline.reload.status.should == :paused end it "should skip completed stages" do @pipeline.perform @pipeline.stages[0].attempts.should == 1 @pipeline.stages[1].attempts.should == 1 @pipeline.perform @pipeline.stages[0].attempts.should == 1 @pipeline.stages[1].attempts.should == 2 end it "should refresh object (in case it was cancelled after job was scheduled)" do # Gets paused on the first time! @pipeline.perform # Status gets updated to failed on the database (not on the current instance) same_pipeline = SamplePipeline.find( same_pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :failed) # Retrying should fail because pipeline is now failed lambda {@pipeline.perform}.should raise_error(InvalidStatusError, "Status is already failed") end end context "- execution (state transitions)" do before(:each) do @pipeline = end it "should execute if status is :not_started" do @pipeline.should be_ok_to_resume lambda {@pipeline.perform}.should_not raise_error(InvalidStatusError) end it "should execute if status is :paused (for retrying)" do @pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :paused) @pipeline.should be_ok_to_resume lambda {@pipeline.perform}.should_not raise_error(InvalidStatusError) end it "should execute if status is :retry" do @pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :retry) @pipeline.should be_ok_to_resume lambda {@pipeline.perform}.should_not raise_error(InvalidStatusError) end it "should not execute if status is :in_progress" do @pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :in_progress) @pipeline.should_not be_ok_to_resume lambda {@pipeline.perform}.should raise_error(InvalidStatusError, "Status is already in progress") end it "should not execute if status is :completed" do @pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :completed) @pipeline.should_not be_ok_to_resume lambda {@pipeline.perform}.should raise_error(InvalidStatusError, "Status is already completed") end it "should not execute if status is :failed" do @pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :failed) @pipeline.should_not be_ok_to_resume lambda {@pipeline.perform}.should raise_error(InvalidStatusError, "Status is already failed") end end context "- cancelling" do before(:each) do class ::SamplePipeline define_stages FirstStage >> RecoverableInputRequiredStage end @pipeline = @pipeline.perform end it "should update status" do @pipeline.cancel @pipeline.status.should == :failed end it "should save status" do! @pipeline.cancel @pipeline.reload.status.should == :failed end it "should refresh object (in case it was updated after job was scheduled)" do # Gets paused on the first time! # Status gets updated to failed on the database (not on the current instance) same_pipeline = SamplePipeline.find( same_pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :failed) # Retrying should fail because pipeline is now failed lambda {@pipeline.cancel}.should raise_error(InvalidStatusError, "Status is already failed") end end context "- cancelling (state transitions)" do before(:each) do @pipeline = end it "should cancel if status is :not_started" do lambda {@pipeline.cancel}.should_not raise_error(InvalidStatusError) end it "should cancel if status is :paused (for retrying)" do @pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :paused) lambda {@pipeline.cancel}.should_not raise_error(InvalidStatusError) end it "should not cancel if status is :in_progress" do @pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :in_progress) lambda {@pipeline.cancel}.should raise_error(InvalidStatusError, "Status is already in progress") end it "should not cancel if status is :completed" do @pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :completed) lambda {@pipeline.cancel}.should raise_error(InvalidStatusError, "Status is already completed") end it "should not cancel if status is :failed" do @pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :failed) lambda {@pipeline.cancel}.should raise_error(InvalidStatusError, "Status is already failed") end end context "- resuming" do before(:each) do class ::SamplePipeline define_stages FirstStage >> RecoverableInputRequiredStage end @pipeline = @pipeline.perform end it "should refresh object (in case it was updated after job was scheduled)" do # Gets paused on the first time! # Status gets updated to failed on the database (not on the current instance) same_pipeline = SamplePipeline.find( same_pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :failed) # Retrying should fail because pipeline is now failed lambda {@pipeline.resume}.should raise_error(InvalidStatusError, "Status is already failed") end end context "- resuming (state transitions)" do before(:each) do @pipeline = end it "should resume if status is :not_started" do lambda {@pipeline.resume}.should_not raise_error(InvalidStatusError) end it "should resume if status is :paused (for retrying)" do @pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :paused) lambda {@pipeline.resume}.should_not raise_error(InvalidStatusError) end it "should not resume if status is :in_progress" do @pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :in_progress) lambda {@pipeline.resume}.should raise_error(InvalidStatusError, "Status is already in progress") end it "should not resume if status is :completed" do @pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :completed) lambda {@pipeline.resume}.should raise_error(InvalidStatusError, "Status is already completed") end it "should not resume if status is :failed" do @pipeline.update_attribute(:status, :failed) lambda {@pipeline.resume}.should raise_error(InvalidStatusError, "Status is already failed") end end context "- callbacks" do before(:each) do @pipeline = end it "should allow callback before running the pipeline" do @pipeline.should_receive(:before_pipeline_callback).once @pipeline.perform end it "should allow callback after running the pipeline" do @pipeline.should_receive(:after_pipeline_callback).once @pipeline.perform end it "should run callback after cancelling a pipeline" do @pipeline.should_receive(:after_pipeline_callback).once @pipeline.cancel end end end end