module RestFtpDaemon class Helpers def self.get_censored_config config = Conf.to_hash config[:users] = Conf[:users].keys if Conf[:users] config[:endpoints] = Conf[:endpoints].keys if Conf[:endpoints] config end def self.format_bytes number, unit="", decimals = 0 return "Ø" if number.nil? || units = ["", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P" ] index = ( Math.log(number) / Math.log(2) ).to_i / 10 converted = number.to_f / (1024 ** index) truncated = converted.round(decimals) "#{truncated} #{units[index]}#{unit}" end def self.text_or_empty text return "-" if text.nil? || text.empty? text end def self.identifier len rand(36**len).to_s(36) end def self.tokenize item return unless item.is_a? String "[#{item}]" end def self.highlight_tokens path return unless path.is_a? String path.gsub(/\[([^\[]+)\]/, '\1') end def self.extract_filename path return unless path.is_a? String # match everything that's after a slash at the end of the string m = path.match(/\/?([^\/]+)$/) return m[1] unless m.nil? end def self.extract_dirname path return unless path.is_a? String # match all the beginning of the string up to the last slash m = path.match(/^(.*)\/[^\/]*$/) return "/#{m[1]}" unless m.nil? end def self.extract_parent path return unless path.is_a? String m = path.match(/^(.*)\/([^\/]+)\/?$/) return m[1], m[2] unless m.nil? end def self.job_method_label method return if method.nil? klass = case method when JOB_METHOD_FILE "label-primary" when JOB_METHOD_FTP "label-warning" when JOB_METHOD_FTPS "label-success" else "label-default" end "
" end def self.job_runs_style runs return "label-outline" if runs <= 0 return "label-info" if runs == 1 return "label-warning" if runs == 2 return "label-danger" if runs > 2 end # Dates and times: date with time generator def self.datetime_full datetime return "-" if datetime.nil? datetime.to_datetime.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") end def self.datetime_short datetime # return param.class return "-" if datetime.nil? return "?" unless datetime.respond_to? :to_date return datetime.to_datetime.strftime("%H:%M:%S") if datetime.to_date == datetime.to_datetime.strftime("%d/%m %H:%M:%S") end def self.hide_credentials_from_url path return unless path.is_a? String path.sub(/([a-z]+:\/\/[^\/]+):[^\/]+\@/, '\1@') end def self.formatted_duration duration out = [] hours = duration / (60 * 60) minutes = (duration / 60) % 60 seconds = duration % 60 out << "#{hours}h" if hours > 0 out << "#{minutes}mn" if (minutes > 0) || (hours > 0) out << "#{seconds}s" out.join(" ") end def self.dashboard_job_url job "#{MOUNT_JOBS}/#{}" if job.respond_to? :id end def self.dashboard_filter_url filter = '' "#{MOUNT_BOARD}/#{filter}" end end end