require 'active_support/concern' require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/keys' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/slice' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' require 'active_support/rescuable' require 'forwardable' require 'logger' require 'authority/security_violation' module Authority # NOTE: once this method is called, the library has started meta programming # and abilities should no longer be modified # @return [Hash] list of abilities, mapping verbs and adjectives, like :create => 'creatable' def self.abilities configuration.abilities.freeze end # @return [Array] keys from adjectives method def self.verbs abilities.keys end # @return [Array] values from adjectives method def self.adjectives abilities.values end # @param [Symbol] action # @param [Model] resource instance # @param [User] user instance # @param [Hash] options, arbitrary options hash to delegate to the authorizer # @raise [SecurityViolation] if user is not allowed to perform action on resource # @return [Model] resource instance def self.enforce(action, resource, user, options = {}) unless action_authorized?(action, resource, user, options) raise, action, resource) end end def self.action_authorized?(action, resource, user, options = {}) raise MissingUser if user.nil? resource_and_maybe_options = [resource, options].tap {|args| args.pop if args.last == {}} user.send("can_#{action}?", *resource_and_maybe_options) end class << self attr_accessor :configuration end def self.configure self.configuration ||= yield(configuration) if block_given? require_authority_internals! configuration end def self.logger @logger ||= configuration.logger end private def self.require_authority_internals! require 'authority/abilities' require 'authority/authorizer' require 'authority/user_abilities' end class MissingUser < StandardError def message "You tried to check authorization on `nil`. Authority doesn't know what `nil` is allowed to do. There are two ways you can fix this. 1. Authenticate before authorizing. If the user isn't signed in, force them to sign in before they can attempt any action that requires authorization. 2. When the user is not signed in, return a Null Object instead of `nil`. (You could create an AnonymousUser class, for example.) It should respond to the normal methods Authority will call (like `can_delete?`), possibly by including `Authority::UserAbilities` and teaching your authorizers what an anonymous user can do. The downside of solution #2 is that a user who forgot to sign in will be told they are not authorized for an action they could normally do. This might be confusing. However, you might use both strategies in different parts of your application. " end end end require 'authority/configuration' require 'authority/controller' require 'authority/railtie' if defined?(Rails) require 'authority/version'