module Puppet::Pops module Types # @api private class RubyGenerator < TypeFormatter RUBY_RESERVED_WORDS = { 'alias' => '_alias', 'begin' => '_begin', 'break' => '_break', 'def' => '_def', 'do' => '_do', 'end' => '_end', 'ensure' => '_ensure', 'for' => '_for', 'module' => '_module', 'next' => '_next', 'nil' => '_nil', 'not' => '_not', 'redo' => '_redo', 'rescue' => '_rescue', 'retry' => '_retry', 'return' => '_return', 'self' => '_self', 'super' => '_super', 'then' => '_then', 'until' => '_until', 'when' => '_when', 'while' => '_while', 'yield' => '_yield', } RUBY_RESERVED_WORDS_REVERSED = Hash[ { |k, v| [v, k] }] def self.protect_reserved_name(name) RUBY_RESERVED_WORDS[name] || name end def self.unprotect_reserved_name(name) RUBY_RESERVED_WORDS_REVERSED[name] || name end def remove_common_namespace(namespace_segments, name) segments = name.split(TypeFormatter::NAME_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR) namespace_segments.size.times do |idx| break if segments.empty? || namespace_segments[idx] != segments[0] segments.shift end segments end def namespace_relative(namespace_segments, name) remove_common_namespace(namespace_segments, name).join(TypeFormatter::NAME_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR) end def create_class(obj) @dynamic_classes ||= do |hash, key| cls = key.implementation_class(false) if cls.nil? rp = key.resolved_parent parent_class = rp.is_a?(PObjectType) ? rp.implementation_class : Object class_def = '' class_body(key, EMPTY_ARRAY, class_def) cls = cls.class_eval(class_def) cls.define_singleton_method(:_pcore_type) { return key } key.implementation_class = cls end hash[key] = cls end raise ArgumentError, "Expected a Puppet Type, got '#{}'" unless obj.is_a?(PAnyType) @dynamic_classes[obj] end def module_definition_from_typeset(typeset, *impl_subst) module_definition( typeset.types.values, "# Generated by #{} from TypeSet #{} on #{}\n", *impl_subst) end def module_definition(types, comment, *impl_subst) object_types, aliased_types = types.partition { |type| type.is_a?(PObjectType) } if impl_subst.empty? impl_names = implementation_names(object_types) else impl_names = { |type|*impl_subst) } end # extract common implementation module prefix names_by_prefix = { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } index = 0 min_prefix_length = impl_names.reduce(Float::INFINITY) do |len, impl_name| segments = impl_name.split(TypeFormatter::NAME_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR) leaf_name = segments.pop names_by_prefix[segments.freeze] << [index, leaf_name, impl_name] index += 1 len > segments.size ? segments.size : len end min_prefix_length = 0 if min_prefix_length == Float::INFINITY common_prefix = [] segments_array = names_by_prefix.keys min_prefix_length.times do |idx| segment = segments_array[0][idx] break unless segments_array.all? { |sn| sn[idx] == segment } common_prefix << segment end # Create class definition of all contained types bld = '' start_module(common_prefix, comment, bld) class_names = [] names_by_prefix.each_pair do |seg_array, index_and_name_array| added_to_common_prefix = seg_array[common_prefix.length..-1] added_to_common_prefix.each { |name| bld << 'module ' << name << "\n" } index_and_name_array.each do |idx, name, full_name| scoped_class_definition(object_types[idx], name, bld, full_name, *impl_subst) class_names << (added_to_common_prefix + [name]).join(TypeFormatter::NAME_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR) bld << "\n" end added_to_common_prefix.size.times { bld << "end\n" } end aliases = Hash[ { |type| [, type.resolved_type] }] end_module(common_prefix, aliases, class_names, bld) bld end def start_module(common_prefix, comment, bld) bld << '# ' << comment << "\n" common_prefix.each { |cp| bld << 'module ' << cp << "\n" } end def end_module(common_prefix, aliases, class_names, bld) # Emit registration of contained type aliases unless aliases.empty? bld << "Puppet::Pops::Pcore.register_aliases({\n" aliases.each { |name, type| bld << " '" << name << "' => " << TypeFormatter.string(type.to_s) << "\n" } bld.chomp!(",\n") bld << "})\n\n" end # Emit registration of contained types unless class_names.empty? bld << "Puppet::Pops::Pcore.register_implementations([\n" class_names.each { |class_name| bld << ' ' << class_name << ",\n" } bld.chomp!(",\n") bld << "])\n\n" end bld.chomp!("\n") common_prefix.size.times { bld << "end\n" } end def implementation_names(object_types) do |type| ir = Loaders.implementation_registry impl_name = ir.module_name_for_type(type) raise Puppet::Error, "Unable to create an instance of #{}. No mapping exists to runtime object" if impl_name.nil? impl_name[0] end end def class_definition(obj, namespace_segments, bld, class_name, *impl_subst) module_segments = remove_common_namespace(namespace_segments, class_name) leaf_name = module_segments.pop module_segments.each { |segment| bld << 'module ' << segment << "\n" } scoped_class_definition(obj,leaf_name, bld, class_name, *impl_subst) module_segments.size.times { bld << "end\n" } module_segments << leaf_name module_segments.join(TypeFormatter::NAME_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR) end def scoped_class_definition(obj, leaf_name, bld, class_name, *impl_subst) bld << 'class ' << leaf_name segments = class_name.split(TypeFormatter::NAME_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR) unless obj.parent.nil? if impl_subst.empty? ir = Loaders.implementation_registry parent_impl = ir.module_name_for_type(obj.parent) raise Puppet::Error, "Unable to create an instance of #{}. No mapping exists to runtime object" if parent_impl.nil? parent_name = parent_impl[0] else parent_name =*impl_subst) end bld << ' < ' << namespace_relative(segments, parent_name) end bld << "\n" bld << " def self._pcore_type\n" bld << ' @_pcore_type ||= ' << namespace_relative(segments, << ".new('" << << "', " bld << TypeFormatter.singleton.ruby('ref').indented(2).string(obj._pcore_init_hash(false)) << ")\n" bld << " end\n" class_body(obj, segments, bld) bld << "end\n" end def class_body(obj, segments, bld) unless obj.parent.is_a?(PObjectType) bld << "\n include " << namespace_relative(segments, << "\n\n" # marker interface bld << " def self.ref(type_string)\n" bld << ' ' << namespace_relative(segments, << ".new(type_string)\n" bld << " end\n" end # Output constants constants, others = obj.attributes(true).values.partition { |a| a.kind == PObjectType::ATTRIBUTE_KIND_CONSTANT } constants = { |ca| ca.container.equal?(obj) } unless constants.empty? constants.each { |ca| bld << "\n def self." << rname( << "\n _pcore_type['" << << "'].value\n end\n" } constants.each { |ca| bld << "\n def " << rname( << "\n self.class." << << "\n end\n" } end init_params = others.reject { |a| a.kind == PObjectType::ATTRIBUTE_KIND_DERIVED } opt, non_opt = init_params.partition { |ip| ip.value? } derived_attrs, obj_attrs = { |a| a.container.equal?(obj) }.partition { |ip| ip.kind == PObjectType::ATTRIBUTE_KIND_DERIVED } include_type = obj.equality_include_type? && !(obj.parent.is_a?(PObjectType) && obj.parent.equality_include_type?) if obj.equality.nil? eq_names = obj_attrs.reject { |a| a.kind == PObjectType::ATTRIBUTE_KIND_CONSTANT }.map(&:name) else eq_names = obj.equality end # Output type safe hash constructor bld << "\n def self.from_hash(init_hash)\n" bld << ' from_asserted_hash(' << namespace_relative(segments, << '.assert_instance_of(' bld << "'" << obj.label << " initializer', _pcore_type.init_hash_type, init_hash))\n end\n\n def self.from_asserted_hash(init_hash)\n new" unless non_opt.empty? && opt.empty? bld << "(\n" non_opt.each { |ip| bld << " init_hash['" << << "'],\n" } opt.each do |ip| if ip.value.nil? bld << " init_hash['" << << "'],\n" else bld << " init_hash.fetch('" << << "') { " default_string(bld, ip) bld << " },\n" end end bld.chomp!(",\n") bld << ')' end bld << "\n end\n" # Output type safe constructor bld << "\n def self.create" if init_params.empty? bld << "\n new" else bld << '(' non_opt.each { |ip| bld << rname( << ', ' } opt.each do |ip| bld << rname( << ' = ' default_string(bld, ip) bld << ', ' end bld.chomp!(', ') bld << ")\n" bld << ' ta = ' << namespace_relative(segments, << "\n" bld << " attrs = _pcore_type.attributes(true)\n" init_params.each do |a| bld << " ta.assert_instance_of('" << << '[' << << ']' bld << "', attrs['" << << "'].type, " << rname( << ")\n" end bld << ' new(' non_opt.each { |a| bld << rname( << ', ' } opt.each { |a| bld << rname( << ', ' } bld.chomp!(', ') bld << ')' end bld << "\n end\n" unless obj.parent.is_a?(PObjectType) && obj_attrs.empty? # Output attr_readers unless obj_attrs.empty? bld << "\n" obj_attrs.each { |a| bld << ' attr_reader :' << rname( << "\n" } end bld << " attr_reader :hash\n" if obj.parent.nil? derived_attrs.each do |a| bld << "\n def " << rname( << "\n" code_annotation = RubyMethod.annotate(a) ruby_body = code_annotation.nil? ? nil: code_annotation.body if ruby_body.nil? bld << " raise Puppet::Error, \"no method is implemented for derived #{a.label}\"\n" else bld << ' ' << ruby_body << "\n" end bld << " end\n" end if init_params.empty? bld << "\n def initialize\n @hash = " << obj.hash.to_s << "\n end" if obj.parent.nil? else # Output initializer bld << "\n def initialize" bld << '(' non_opt.each { |ip| bld << rname( << ', ' } opt.each do |ip| bld << rname( << ' = ' default_string(bld, ip) bld << ', ' end bld.chomp!(', ') bld << ')' hash_participants = { |ip| eq_names.include?( } if obj.parent.nil? bld << "\n @hash = " bld << obj.hash.to_s << "\n" if hash_participants.empty? else bld << "\n super(" super_args = (non_opt + opt).select { |ip| !ip.container.equal?(obj) } unless super_args.empty? super_args.each { |ip| bld << rname( << ', ' } bld.chomp!(', ') end bld << ")\n" bld << ' @hash = @hash ^ ' unless hash_participants.empty? end unless hash_participants.empty? hash_participants.each { |a| bld << rname( << '.hash ^ ' if a.container.equal?(obj) } bld.chomp!(' ^ ') bld << "\n" end init_params.each { |a| bld << ' @' << rname( << ' = ' << rname( << "\n" if a.container.equal?(obj) } bld << " end\n" end end unless obj_attrs.empty? && obj.parent.nil? bld << "\n def _pcore_init_hash\n" bld << ' result = ' bld << (obj.parent.nil? ? '{}' : 'super') bld << "\n" obj_attrs.each do |a| bld << " result['" << << "'] = @" << rname( if a.value? bld << ' unless ' equals_default_string(bld, a) end bld << "\n" end bld << " result\n end\n" end content_participants = { |a| content_participant?(a) } if content_participants.empty? unless obj.parent.is_a?(PObjectType) bld << "\n def _pcore_contents\n end\n" bld << "\n def _pcore_all_contents(path)\n end\n" end else bld << "\n def _pcore_contents\n" content_participants.each do |cp| if array_type?(cp.type) bld << ' @' << rname( << ".each { |value| yield(value) }\n" else bld << ' yield(@' << rname( << ') unless @' << rname( << ".nil?\n" end end bld << " end\n\n def _pcore_all_contents(path, &block)\n path << self\n" content_participants.each do |cp| if array_type?(cp.type) bld << ' @' << rname( << ".each do |value|\n" bld << ", path)\n" bld << " value._pcore_all_contents(path, &block)\n" else bld << ' unless @' << rname( << ".nil?\n" bld << '' << rname( << ", path)\n" bld << ' @' << rname( << "._pcore_all_contents(path, &block)\n" end bld << " end\n" end bld << " path.pop\n end\n" end # Output function placeholders obj.functions(false).each_value do |func| code_annotation = RubyMethod.annotate(func) if code_annotation body = code_annotation.body params = code_annotation.parameters bld << "\n def " << rname( unless params.nil? || params.empty? bld << '(' << params << ')' end bld << "\n " << body << "\n" else bld << "\n def " << rname( << "(*args)\n" bld << " # Placeholder for #{func.type}\n" bld << " raise Puppet::Error, \"no method is implemented for #{func.label}\"\n" end bld << " end\n" end unless eq_names.empty? && !include_type bld << "\n def eql?(o)\n" bld << " super &&\n" unless obj.parent.nil? bld << " o.instance_of?(self.class) &&\n" if include_type eq_names.each { |eqn| bld << ' @' << rname(eqn) << '.eql?(o.' << rname(eqn) << ") &&\n" } bld.chomp!(" &&\n") bld << "\n end\n alias == eql?\n" end end def content_participant?(a) a.kind != PObjectType::ATTRIBUTE_KIND_REFERENCE && obj_type?(a.type) end def obj_type?(t) case t when PObjectType true when POptionalType obj_type?(t.optional_type) when PNotUndefType obj_type?(t.type) when PArrayType obj_type?(t.element_type) when PVariantType t.types.all? { |v| obj_type?(v) } else false end end def array_type?(t) case t when PArrayType true when POptionalType array_type?(t.optional_type) when PNotUndefType array_type?(t.type) when PVariantType t.types.all? { |v| array_type?(v) } else false end end def default_string(bld, a) case a.value when nil, true, false, Numeric, String bld << a.value.inspect else bld << "_pcore_type['" << << "'].value" end end def equals_default_string(bld, a) case a.value when nil, true, false, Numeric, String bld << '@' << << ' == ' << a.value.inspect else bld << "_pcore_type['" << << "'].default_value?(@" << << ')' end end def rname(name) RUBY_RESERVED_WORDS[name] || name end end end end