# SetBuilder [](https://travis-ci.org/boblail/set_builder) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/boblail/set_builder) SetBuilder is a library for: * Describing a set of constraints in a simple data structure that can easily be serialized * Presenting that data structure in natural language * Performing the set of constraints as a SQL query ### Example The following Set describes a group of people: [[:awesome], [:attended, "school"], [:died, :not], [:name, {:is => "Jerome"}]] SetBuilder can render this Set in plain English: [Everyone] who is awesome, who attended school, who has not died, and whose name is Jerome. It can also generate a NamedScope on an ActiveRecord model to fetch the people who fit in this set. ### Running the tests *Ruby* `bundle exec rake test` *Javascript* `jspec run --browsers ff` Copyright (c) 2010, 2015 Bob Lail, released under the MIT license