<%= link_to 'Return to overview', :controller => 'exceptions', :action => 'index' %> <%= will_paginate @exceptions, :page_links => false, :class => 'tartarus_pagination' %>

<%= @exception.exception_class %> in "<%= "#{@exception.controller_path}##{@exception.action_name}" %>"

Viewing Exception <%= params[:page] || 1 %> of <%= @exceptions.total_pages %>

<%= @exception.created_at.strftime("%B %e %Y at %I:%M:%S%p") %>

<%= @exception.message %>
<%= link_to 'Remove all', :action => 'remove_group', :id => @exception.group_id %> · <%= link_to 'Remove', :action => 'remove_individual', :id => @exception.id %>


    <% @exception.request[:http_details].each_pair do |key, value| %> <% unless value.blank? %>
  • <%= key %> : <% if value.is_a?(Hash) %>
      <% value.each_pair do |key, value| %> <% unless value.blank? %>
    • <%= key %> : <%= value %>
    • <% end %> <% end%>
    <% else %> <%= value %> <% end %>
  • <% end %> <% end %>


<%= h(@exception.backtrace) %>

Session & Cookies

    <% @exception.request[:session].each_pair do |key, value| %> <% unless value.blank? %>
  • <%= key %> : <% if value.is_a?(Hash) %>
      <% value.each_pair do |key, value| %> <% unless value.blank? %>
    • <%= key %> : <%= value %>
    • <% end %> <% end %>
    <% else %> <%= value %> <% end %>
  • <% end %> <% end %>


    <% @exception.request[:enviroment].each_pair do |key, value| %> <% unless value.blank? %>
  • <%= key%> : <%= value %>
  • <% end %> <% end %>