inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml Metrics/LineLength: Max: 120 AllCops: Exclude: - spec/**/*.rb - zip_tricks.gemspec - Gemfile - Rakefile - vendor/**/* - julik_scratchpad/**/* Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: Enabled: false # "begin; ... rescue; end " without saying that we only rescue StandardError and below. # Can be debated, but I think it is reasonable to expect any Rubyist to know what errors # the standard rescue clause covers. Lint/RescueWithoutErrorClass: Enabled: false Lint/AssignmentInCondition: Enabled: false # We use % all over and nothing ever came out of it Style/FormatString: Enabled: false # We have classes with methods having long bodies. We apply a lot of literal small # operations which have to be applied in one locality specifically. Additionally, # class length is a bit of a boilerplate metric Metrics/ClassLength: Enabled: false # Idem. We have quite some methods that do a lot of small writes/reads in rapid # succession - not because those methods have high cyclomatic complexity, but # because they perform a single operation consisting of many sequential small # ones. Metrics/MethodLength: Enabled: false Metrics/AbcSize: Exclude: - examples/rack_application.rb - lib/zip_tricks/file_reader.rb - lib/zip_tricks/remote_io.rb - lib/zip_tricks/streamer.rb - testing/support.rb Metrics/BlockLength: Exclude: - lib/zip_tricks/file_reader.rb Layout/MultilineOperationIndentation: Exclude: - lib/zip_tricks/file_reader.rb Metrics/ParameterLists: Exclude: - lib/zip_tricks/streamer.rb Style/GlobalVars: Exclude: - testing/generate_test_files.rb - testing/support.rb # The advice this cop gives varies depending on the Ruby version, # so no - I will not be following two conflicting recommendations. Style/MutableConstant: Enabled: false Layout/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces: EnforcedStyle: no_space Style/Alias: EnforcedStyle: prefer_alias_method Style/ZeroLengthPredicate: Enabled: false # Does not work for StringIOs