require_relative '../../lib/dibber' models = %w{borough admin_user fee disclaimer category} models.each {|model| require_relative "models/#{model}"} Seeder = Dibber::Seeder # Set up the path to seed YAML files Seeder.seeds_path = File.expand_path('seeds', File.dirname(__FILE__)) # Example 1. Seeder is used to monitor the process # and grab the attributes from the YAML file Seeder.monitor Borough Seeder.objects_from("boroughs.yml").each do |holder, borough| Borough.find_or_initialize_by(name: borough).save end # Example 2. Seeder is only used to monitor the process Seeder.monitor AdminUser admin_email = '' password = 'change_me' AdminUser.create!( email: admin_email, password: password, password_confirmation: password ) unless AdminUser.exists?(email: admin_email) # Example 3. Seeder grabs the attributes from the YAML and builds a # set of Fee objects with those attributes (or updates them if # they already exist). # Note that the build process defaults to using a 'name' field to store # the root key., 'fees.yml').build # Example 4. Seeder using an alternative name field, 'fees.yml', :name_method => :title).build # Example 5. If the seed file's name is the lower case plural of the class name # you can use the seed method: Seeder.seed :fee # Alternatively pass in the class: Seeder.seed Fee # Example 6. Seeder working with a name-spaced object, 'disclaimer/documents.yml').build # Example 7. You can also use the seed method with name-spaced objects. # In this case the seed files need to be in a name-spaced path (see previous # example) Seeder.seed 'disclaimer/document' # or if you prefer to pass in the class: Seeder.seed Disclaimer::Document # Example 8. Seeder using values in the yaml file to set a single field Seeder.seed(:category, 'description') # Example 9. Seeder using alternative name and attributes fields Seeder.seed( :category, name_method: :title, attributes_method: :description ) # Example 10. You can also access Seeders attached process log, and set up a # custom log Seeder.process_log.start('Time to end of report', '') # Output a report showing how the numbers of each type of object # have changed through the process. Also has a log of start and end time. puts