PagesController = ($scope, $state, $cookieStore, Restangular, $stateParams, Alertify, ErrorsService, TransliterationService, hotkeys) -> $scope.editorOptions = filebrowserUploadUrl: '/kms/assets/ckeditor' entities: false $scope.codeMirrorOptions = lineNumbers: true mode:'htmlmixed' autoCloseTags: true matchBrackets: true autoCloseBrackets: true styleActiveLine: true matchTags: bothTags: true extraKeys: "F11": (cm)-> cm.setOption("fullScreen", !cm.getOption("fullScreen")) "Esc": (cm)-> if cm.getOption("fullScreen") then cm.setOption("fullScreen", false) $scope.$watch 'page.title', (newValue, oldValue) -> if newValue? and $ != 'index' and !$ $ = _.kebabCase TransliterationService.translit(newValue, 5).replace(/`/g, '') Restangular.all('resources').getList().then (templatable_types)-> $scope.templatable_types = templatable_types Restangular.all('templates').getList().then (templates)-> $scope.templates = templates $ = Restangular.all('pages') Restangular.all('users').customGET('kms_user').then (current_user) -> $scope.currentUser = current_user $scope.currentUser.admin = $scope.currentUser.role == 'admin' $scope.exceptCurrentPage = (pages) -> new_pages = [] for p in pages new_pages.push(p) if != parseInt($ new_pages if $ $$ (page)-> $ = page unless $ index_page =$scope.pages, (p) -> p.slug == 'index')[0] $ = (if index_page then else null) else $ = {} build_parent_pages = (pages, depth) -> str = "" i=0 while i < depth str = str+ '-' i++ options = [] angular.forEach(pages, (value, key) -> options.push({id:, title: str+value.title}) if value.children.length > 0 options = options.concat(build_parent_pages(value.children, depth+1))) return options $ (pages)-> $scope.pages = pages $scope.parentPages = build_parent_pages(pages, 0) if $ $scope.pages = $scope.exceptCurrentPage($scope.pages) $scope.parentPages = $scope.exceptCurrentPage($scope.parentPages) $ = "index" if $scope.pages.length == 0 if $scope.parentPages.length > 0 and $ and !$ and !$ $ = $scope.parentPages[0].id hotkeys.add combo: 'ctrl+s' description: 'Saving a page' allowIn: ['INPUT', 'SELECT', 'TEXTAREA'] callback: (event) -> event.preventDefault() if $ then $scope.update(event) else $scope.create() $scope.create = -> $$ -> $state.go('pages') Alertify.success('<%= I18n.t(:page_successfully_created) %>') ,(response)-> Alertify.error(ErrorsService.prepareErrorsString( $scope.update = ($event)-> $ -> if $['data-redirect'] $state.go('pages') Alertify.success('<%= I18n.t(:page_successfully_updated) %>') ,(response)-> Alertify.error(ErrorsService.prepareErrorsString( $scope.destroy = (page)-> if(confirm('<%= I18n.t(:are_you_sure) %>')) Restangular.restangularizeElement(null, page, 'pages').remove().then -> $ (pages)-> $scope.pages = pages $scope.toggle = (scope) -> scope.toggle() $scope.treeOptions = { dropped: (event) -> Restangular.all('pages').customPOST(angular.toJson($scope.pages),'sorting').then (pages) -> $scope.pages = pages } angular.module('KMS') .controller('PagesController', ['$scope', '$state', '$cookieStore', 'Restangular', '$stateParams', 'Alertify', 'ErrorsService', 'TransliterationService', 'hotkeys', PagesController])