module Refine::Conditions module UsesAttributes def with_attribute(value) @attribute = value self end def apply_relationship_attribute(input:, query:) # Split on first . decompose_attribute = @attribute.split(".", 2) # Attribute now is the back half of the initial attribute @attribute = decompose_attribute[1] if !@attribute.include?(".") # No more .s, deepest level @on_deepest_relationship = true end # Relation to be handled relation = decompose_attribute[0] # Get the Reflection object which defines the relationship between query and relation # First iteration pull relationship using base query which responds to model. instance = if query.respond_to? :model query.model.reflect_on_association(relation.to_sym) else # When query is sent in as subquery (recursive) the query object is the model class pulled from the # previous instance value query.reflect_on_association(relation.to_sym) end unless instance raise "Relationship does not exist for #{relation}." end filter.set_pending_relationship(relation, instance) # If the current condition is a refinement (filter refinement) set collapsible to true if is_refinement filter.allow_pending_relationship_to_collapse end if can_use_where_in_relationship_subquery?(instance) create_pending_wherein_subquery(input: input, relation: relation, instance: instance, query: query) else create_pending_has_many_through_subquery(input: input, relation: relation, instance: instance, query: query) end filter.release_pending_relationship # We want the method to return nil for relationship attributes # The purpose of this method is to populate pending relationship subqueries nil end def key_1(instance) # Foreign key on belongs to, primary key on HasMany if instance.is_a? ActiveRecord::Reflection::BelongsToReflection instance.foreign_key.to_sym else instance.active_record_primary_key.to_sym end end def key_2(instance) if instance.is_a? ActiveRecord::Reflection::BelongsToReflection instance.active_record_primary_key.to_sym else instance.foreign_key.to_sym end end def create_pending_wherein_subquery(input:, relation:, instance:, query:) # This method builds out the linking keys between the provided query model and the relation # and saves it to pending relationship subqueries # Class of the relation as held in the AR::Relation object relation_class = instance.klass # Pull what's already in the tracker at this depth if already traversed subquery = filter.get_pending_relationship_subquery ||[key_2(instance)]).arel # Primary/secondary keys keep track of how to link tables # If depth has been added (i.e. filter.pending_relationship_subquery_depth = [:btt_user, :btt_notes]) # This will add the [:children] key to the pending_relationship_subqueries tracker under the parent key [:btt_user] filter.add_pending_relationship_subquery(subquery: subquery, primary_key: key_1(instance), secondary_key: key_2(instance)) # Apply the condition. If a nested relationship, this apply is adding the children key (with values) to the pending_relationship_subqueries tracker # due to the recursive nature of the apply method. This is critical because it get is then "rolled up" in release_pending_relationship node = apply(input, relation_class.arel_table, relation_class, false) # If node is an AREL::SELECT manager we are allowing the apply condition to return a fully formed subquery - we replace # the linking keys in the tracker with the fully formed select query # Has not been tested more than one level deep if node.is_a? Arel::SelectManager filter.add_pending_relationship_subquery(subquery: node, primary_key: key_1(instance), secondary_key: key_2(instance)) elsif node # This modifies subquery *in* the pending_relationship_subqueries tracker. subquery.where(node) end end def group(nodes) end # Determine if the clause should be flipped. For example, "not_eq" => "eq". Must also change "in" to "not in" upstream # @param [Object] instance # @param [String] clause The join clause (example: `eq` or `not_eq`) # @return [Boolean] def should_inverse_clause?(instance, clause) is_through_reflection = instance.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Reflection::ThroughReflection) is_inverse_clause_flippable = Clauses::FLIPPABLE.include?(clause) is_through_reflection && is_inverse_clause_flippable end def create_pending_has_many_through_subquery(input:, relation:, instance:, query:) # In a has_many relationship the negative has to be flipped to positive. inverse_clause = should_inverse_clause?(instance, input[:clause]) # Ex: A country has many posts through hmtt_users. # Use AR to properly join the relation to the base query provided # Convert to AREL to use with nodes subquery_path = relation_table_being_queried = instance.klass.arel_table relation_class = instance.klass if self.through_id_relationship if instance.is_a? ActiveRecord::Reflection::ThroughReflection through_reflection = instance.through_reflection parent_foreign_key = through_reflection.foreign_key child_foreign_key = instance.source_reflection.foreign_key relation_table_being_queried = through_reflection.klass.arel_table relation_class = through_reflection.klass subquery_path = node_to_apply = apply(input, relation_table_being_queried, relation_class, inverse_clause, child_foreign_key) else raise "with_through_id must be used with a has_many :through relationship" end else node_to_apply = apply(input, relation_table_being_queried, relation_class, inverse_clause) end if self.forced_index mysql_from_segment = "`#{through_reflection.table_name}` FORCE INDEX(`#{self.forced_index}`)" # Ensuring input is sanitized subquery_path = subquery_path.from(Arel.sql(mysql_from_segment)) end complete_subquery = subquery_path.where(node_to_apply) subquery = filter.get_pending_relationship_subquery || complete_subquery filter.add_pending_relationship_subquery(subquery: subquery, primary_key: key_1(instance), secondary_key: nil, inverse_clause: inverse_clause) end def can_use_where_in_relationship_subquery?(instance) # Where in only works for belongs to, has one, or has many (instance.is_a? ActiveRecord::Reflection::BelongsToReflection) || (instance.is_a? ActiveRecord::Reflection::HasManyReflection) || (instance.is_a? ActiveRecord::Reflection::HasOneReflection) end def is_relationship_attribute? # TODO: Allow user to decide attribute is not a relationship # If we are on the deepest relationship, it's no longer a relationship attribute return false if @on_deepest_relationship # If the attribute includes a ., it's a relationship attribute @attribute.include?(".") end def raw_attribute(attribute) @attribute = Arel.sql(attribute) self end # TODO Examine the existing relationships and suggest model names if not instance is found # def get_relationships(query) # if query.respond_to? :model # associations = query.model.reflect_on_all_associations # else # associations = query.reflect_on_all_associations # end #{|entry| puts entry.class, entry.foreign_key, entry.klass } # differences=[] # associations.each do association # differences << String::Similarity.levenshtein_distance(relation, association ) # end # differences # end end end