require 'spec_helper' require 'guard/rack' describe Guard::Rack do let(:guard) { } let(:options) { {} } describe '#initialize' do it 'should initialize with options' do guard expect(guard.runner.options[:port]).to eq(9292) end end describe '#start' do let(:ui_expectation) { Guard::UI.expects(:info).with(regexp_matches(/#{Guard::Rack::DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:port]}/)) } context 'start on start' do it 'should show the right message and run startup' do guard.expects(:reload).once ui_expectation guard.start end end context 'no start on start' do let(:options) { { start_on_start: false } } it 'should show the right message and not run startup' do guard.expects(:reload).never ui_expectation guard.start end end end describe '#reload' do let(:pid) { '12345' } before do Guard::UI.expects(:info).with('Restarting Rack...') Guard::Notifier.expects(:notify).with(regexp_matches(/Rack restarting/), has_entry(image: :pending)) Guard::RackRunner.any_instance.stubs(:pid).returns(pid) end let(:runner_stub) { Guard::RackRunner.any_instance.stubs(:restart) } context 'with pid file' do before do runner_stub.returns(true) end it 'should restart and show the pid file' do Guard::UI.expects(:info).with(regexp_matches(/#{pid}/)) Guard::Notifier.expects(:notify).with(regexp_matches(/Rack restarted/), has_entry(image: :success)) guard.reload end end context 'no pid file' do before do runner_stub.returns(false) end it 'should restart and show the pid file' do Guard::UI.expects(:info).with(regexp_matches(/#{pid}/)).never Guard::UI.expects(:info).with(regexp_matches(/Rack NOT restarted/)) Guard::Notifier.expects(:notify).with(regexp_matches(/Rack NOT restarted/), has_entry(image: :failed)) guard.reload end end end describe '#stop' do it 'should stop correctly' do Guard::Notifier.expects(:notify).with('Until next time...', anything) guard.stop end end describe '#run_on_changes' do it 'should reload on change' do guard.expects(:reload).once guard.run_on_changes([]) end end end