#!/usr/bin/ruby begin require 'origami' rescue LoadError $: << File.join(__dir__, "../../lib") require 'origami' end include Origami OUTPUT_FILE = "#{File.basename(__FILE__, '.rb')}.pdf" URL = "http://mydomain/calc.pdf" pdf = PDF.new contents = ContentStream.new contents.write OUTPUT_FILE, x: 210, y: 750, rendering: Text::Rendering::FILL, size: 30 contents.write "When opened, this PDF connects to \"home\"", x: 156, y: 690, rendering: Text::Rendering::FILL, size: 15 contents.write "Click \"Allow\" to connect to #{URL} through your current Reader.", x: 106, y: 670, size: 12 contents.write "Comments:", x: 75, y: 600, rendering: Text::Rendering::FILL_AND_STROKE, size: 12 comment = <<-EOS Adobe Reader will render the PDF file returned by the remote server. EOS contents.write comment, x: 75, y: 580, rendering: Text::Rendering::FILL, size: 12 pdf.append_page Page.new.setContents(contents) # Submit flags. flags = Action::SubmitForm::Flags::EXPORTFORMAT|Action::SubmitForm::Flags::GETMETHOD # Sends the form at the document opening. pdf.onDocumentOpen Action::SubmitForm[URL, [], flags] # Save the resulting file. pdf.save(OUTPUT_FILE) puts "PDF file saved as #{OUTPUT_FILE}."