require File.expand_path("../spec_helper", __FILE__) describe "OrientDB" do describe "DocumentDatabase" do before :all do create_classes end it "should create a valid simple table" do exp_class = "#" exp_props = ["#"] @person_class.to_s.should == exp_class { |x| x.to_s }.should == exp_props end it "should create a valid simple descendant table" do exp_class = "#" exp_props = [ "#", "#" ] @customer_class.to_s.should == exp_class { |x| x.to_s }.should == exp_props end it "should create a complex table" do exp_class = "#" exp_props = [ "#", "#", "#", "#", "#" ] @invoice_class.to_s.should == exp_class { |x| x.to_s }.should == exp_props end describe "Query" do before :all do create_classes @oclass = @e1 = OrientDB::Document.create DB, @oclass, :name => "Mark", :age => 36, :groups => %w{admin sales} @e2 = OrientDB::Document.create DB, @oclass, :name => "John", :age => 37, :groups => %w{admin tech} @e3 = OrientDB::Document.create DB, @oclass, :name => "Luke", :age => 38, :groups => %w{tech support} @e4 = OrientDB::Document.create DB, @oclass, :name => "Matt", :age => 39, :groups => %w{admin office} @e5 = OrientDB::Document.create DB, @oclass, :name => "Pete", :age => 40, :groups => %w{vp office} @employees = [@e1, @e2, @e3, @e4, @e5] end it "should prepare valid queries" do exp = "SELECT * FROM #{@oclass}" qry1 = DB.prepare_sql_query exp qry1.should be_a_kind_of OrientDB::SQLSynchQuery qry1.text.should == exp qry2 = DB.prepare_sql_query => "John") qry2.should be_a_kind_of OrientDB::SQLSynchQuery qry2.text.should == "SELECT FROM #{@oclass} WHERE name = 'John'" qry3 = DB.prepare_sql_query qry2.text qry3.should be_a_kind_of OrientDB::SQLSynchQuery qry3.text.should == qry2.text qry4 = DB.prepare_sql_query qry3 qry4.should be_a_kind_of OrientDB::SQLSynchQuery qry4.text.should == qry2.text end it "should get all rows for a class" do DB.all('SELECT FROM employee').map { |x| }.sort.should == { |x| }.sort end it "should create a valid query and return the right results" do qry ="'admin' IN groups", 'age > 37') DB.first(qry).should == @e4 end it "should find rows by simple field values" do DB.first('SELECT * FROM employee WHERE age = 37').should == @e2 end it "should find rows by simple field values" do DB.find_by_rid(@e3.rid).rid.should == @e3.rid end it "should find rows by values in arrays" do qry = DB.prepare_sql_query "SELECT * FROM #{@oclass} WHERE 'admin' IN groups" DB.all(qry).map { |x| }.sort.should == [@e1, @e2, @e4].map { |x| }.sort end end end end