# User ## Example User Object ``` { "id": 1, "username": "user", "admin_group_ids": [ 1 ], "allowed_ips": "", "attachments_permission": true, "api_keys_count": 1, "authenticate_until": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "authentication_method": "password", "avatar_url": "example", "billing_permission": true, "bypass_site_allowed_ips": true, "bypass_inactive_disable": true, "created_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "dav_permission": true, "disabled": true, "email": "example", "first_login_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "ftp_permission": true, "group_ids": "example", "header_text": "User-specific message.", "language": "en", "last_login_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "last_web_login_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "last_ftp_login_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "last_sftp_login_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "last_dav_login_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "last_desktop_login_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "last_restapi_login_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "last_api_use_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "last_active_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "last_protocol_cipher": "example", "lockout_expires": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "name": "John Doe", "company": "ACME Corp.", "notes": "Internal notes on this user.", "notification_daily_send_time": 18, "office_integration_enabled": true, "password_set_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "password_validity_days": 1, "public_keys_count": 1, "receive_admin_alerts": true, "require_2fa": "always_require", "active_2fa": true, "require_password_change": true, "password_expired": true, "restapi_permission": true, "self_managed": true, "sftp_permission": true, "site_admin": true, "skip_welcome_screen": true, "ssl_required": "always_require", "sso_strategy_id": 1, "subscribe_to_newsletter": true, "externally_managed": true, "time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)", "type_of_2fa": "yubi", "user_root": "example", "days_remaining_until_password_expire": 1, "password_expire_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z" } ``` * `id` (int64): User ID * `username` (string): User's username * `admin_group_ids` (array): List of group IDs of which this user is an administrator * `allowed_ips` (string): A list of allowed IPs if applicable. Newline delimited * `attachments_permission` (boolean): DEPRECATED: Can the user create Bundles (aka Share Links)? Use the bundle permission instead. * `api_keys_count` (int64): Number of api keys associated with this user * `authenticate_until` (date-time): Scheduled Date/Time at which user will be deactivated * `authentication_method` (string): How is this user authenticated? * `avatar_url` (string): URL holding the user's avatar * `billing_permission` (boolean): Allow this user to perform operations on the account, payments, and invoices? * `bypass_site_allowed_ips` (boolean): Allow this user to skip site-wide IP blacklists? * `bypass_inactive_disable` (boolean): Exempt this user from being disabled based on inactivity? * `created_at` (date-time): When this user was created * `dav_permission` (boolean): Can the user connect with WebDAV? * `disabled` (boolean): Is user disabled? Disabled users cannot log in, and do not count for billing purposes. Users can be automatically disabled after an inactivity period via a Site setting. * `email` (email): User email address * `first_login_at` (date-time): User's first login time * `ftp_permission` (boolean): Can the user access with FTP/FTPS? * `group_ids` (string): Comma-separated list of group IDs of which this user is a member * `header_text` (string): Text to display to the user in the header of the UI * `language` (string): Preferred language * `last_login_at` (date-time): User's most recent login time via any protocol * `last_web_login_at` (date-time): User's most recent login time via web * `last_ftp_login_at` (date-time): User's most recent login time via FTP * `last_sftp_login_at` (date-time): User's most recent login time via SFTP * `last_dav_login_at` (date-time): User's most recent login time via WebDAV * `last_desktop_login_at` (date-time): User's most recent login time via Desktop app * `last_restapi_login_at` (date-time): User's most recent login time via Rest API * `last_api_use_at` (date-time): User's most recent API use time * `last_active_at` (date-time): User's most recent activity time, which is the latest of most recent login, most recent API use, enablement, or creation * `last_protocol_cipher` (string): The most recent protocol and cipher used * `lockout_expires` (date-time): Time in the future that the user will no longer be locked out if applicable * `name` (string): User's full name * `company` (string): User's company * `notes` (string): Any internal notes on the user * `notification_daily_send_time` (int64): Hour of the day at which daily notifications should be sent. Can be in range 0 to 23 * `office_integration_enabled` (boolean): Enable integration with Office for the web? * `password_set_at` (date-time): Last time the user's password was set * `password_validity_days` (int64): Number of days to allow user to use the same password * `public_keys_count` (int64): Number of public keys associated with this user * `receive_admin_alerts` (boolean): Should the user receive admin alerts such a certificate expiration notifications and overages? * `require_2fa` (string): 2FA required setting * `active_2fa` (boolean): Is 2fa active for the user? * `require_password_change` (boolean): Is a password change required upon next user login? * `password_expired` (boolean): Is user's password expired? * `restapi_permission` (boolean): Can this user access the REST API? * `self_managed` (boolean): Does this user manage it's own credentials or is it a shared/bot user? * `sftp_permission` (boolean): Can the user access with SFTP? * `site_admin` (boolean): Is the user an administrator for this site? * `skip_welcome_screen` (boolean): Skip Welcome page in the UI? * `ssl_required` (string): SSL required setting * `sso_strategy_id` (int64): SSO (Single Sign On) strategy ID for the user, if applicable. * `subscribe_to_newsletter` (boolean): Is the user subscribed to the newsletter? * `externally_managed` (boolean): Is this user managed by a SsoStrategy? * `time_zone` (string): User time zone * `type_of_2fa` (string): Type(s) of 2FA methods in use. Will be either `sms`, `totp`, `u2f`, `yubi`, or multiple values sorted alphabetically and joined by an underscore. * `user_root` (string): Root folder for FTP (and optionally SFTP if the appropriate site-wide setting is set.) Note that this is not used for API, Desktop, or Web interface. * `days_remaining_until_password_expire` (int64): Number of days remaining until password expires * `password_expire_at` (date-time): Password expiration datetime * `avatar_file` (file): An image file for your user avatar. * `avatar_delete` (boolean): If true, the avatar will be deleted. * `change_password` (string): Used for changing a password on an existing user. * `change_password_confirmation` (string): Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `change_password`. * `grant_permission` (string): Permission to grant on the user root. Can be blank or `full`, `read`, `write`, `list`, `read+write`, or `list+write` * `group_id` (int64): Group ID to associate this user with. * `imported_password_hash` (string): Pre-calculated hash of the user's password. If supplied, this will be used to authenticate the user on first login. Supported hash menthods are MD5, SHA1, and SHA256. * `password` (string): User password. * `password_confirmation` (string): Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `password`. * `announcements_read` (boolean): Signifies that the user has read all the announcements in the UI. --- ## List Users ``` Files::User.list( per_page: 1 ) ``` ### Parameters * `cursor` (string): Used for pagination. When a list request has more records available, cursors are provided in the response headers `X-Files-Cursor-Next` and `X-Files-Cursor-Prev`. Send one of those cursor value here to resume an existing list from the next available record. Note: many of our SDKs have iterator methods that will automatically handle cursor-based pagination. * `per_page` (int64): Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended). * `sort_by` (object): If set, sort records by the specified field in either `asc` or `desc` direction (e.g. `sort_by[authenticate_until]=desc`). Valid fields are `authenticate_until`, `email`, `last_desktop_login_at`, `last_login_at`, `username`, `company`, `name`, `site_admin`, `receive_admin_alerts`, `password_validity_days`, `ssl_required` or `not_site_admin`. * `filter` (object): If set, return records where the specified field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are `username`, `email`, `company`, `site_admin`, `password_validity_days`, `ssl_required`, `last_login_at`, `authenticate_until` or `not_site_admin`. Valid field combinations are `[ not_site_admin, username ]`. * `filter_gt` (object): If set, return records where the specified field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are `password_validity_days`, `last_login_at` or `authenticate_until`. * `filter_gteq` (object): If set, return records where the specified field is greater than or equal the supplied value. Valid fields are `password_validity_days`, `last_login_at` or `authenticate_until`. * `filter_prefix` (object): If set, return records where the specified field is prefixed by the supplied value. Valid fields are `username`, `email` or `company`. * `filter_lt` (object): If set, return records where the specified field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are `password_validity_days`, `last_login_at` or `authenticate_until`. * `filter_lteq` (object): If set, return records where the specified field is less than or equal the supplied value. Valid fields are `password_validity_days`, `last_login_at` or `authenticate_until`. * `ids` (string): comma-separated list of User IDs * `q[username]` (string): List users matching username. * `q[email]` (string): List users matching email. * `q[notes]` (string): List users matching notes field. * `q[admin]` (string): If `true`, list only admin users. * `q[allowed_ips]` (string): If set, list only users with overridden allowed IP setting. * `q[password_validity_days]` (string): If set, list only users with overridden password validity days setting. * `q[ssl_required]` (string): If set, list only users with overridden SSL required setting. * `search` (string): Searches for partial matches of name, username, or email. --- ## Show User ``` Files::User.find(id) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - User ID. --- ## Create User ``` Files::User.create( avatar_delete: true, email: "example", group_id: 1, group_ids: "example", announcements_read: true, allowed_ips: "", attachments_permission: true, authenticate_until: "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", authentication_method: "password", billing_permission: true, bypass_inactive_disable: true, bypass_site_allowed_ips: true, dav_permission: true, disabled: true, ftp_permission: true, header_text: "User-specific message.", language: "en", notification_daily_send_time: 18, name: "John Doe", company: "ACME Corp.", notes: "Internal notes on this user.", office_integration_enabled: true, password_validity_days: 1, receive_admin_alerts: true, require_password_change: true, restapi_permission: true, self_managed: true, sftp_permission: true, site_admin: true, skip_welcome_screen: true, ssl_required: "always_require", sso_strategy_id: 1, subscribe_to_newsletter: true, require_2fa: "always_require", time_zone: "Pacific Time (US & Canada)", user_root: "example", username: "user" ) ``` ### Parameters * `avatar_file` (file): An image file for your user avatar. * `avatar_delete` (boolean): If true, the avatar will be deleted. * `change_password` (string): Used for changing a password on an existing user. * `change_password_confirmation` (string): Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `change_password`. * `email` (string): User's email. * `grant_permission` (string): Permission to grant on the user root. Can be blank or `full`, `read`, `write`, `list`, `read+write`, or `list+write` * `group_id` (int64): Group ID to associate this user with. * `group_ids` (string): A list of group ids to associate this user with. Comma delimited. * `imported_password_hash` (string): Pre-calculated hash of the user's password. If supplied, this will be used to authenticate the user on first login. Supported hash menthods are MD5, SHA1, and SHA256. * `password` (string): User password. * `password_confirmation` (string): Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `password`. * `announcements_read` (boolean): Signifies that the user has read all the announcements in the UI. * `allowed_ips` (string): A list of allowed IPs if applicable. Newline delimited * `attachments_permission` (boolean): DEPRECATED: Can the user create Bundles (aka Share Links)? Use the bundle permission instead. * `authenticate_until` (string): Scheduled Date/Time at which user will be deactivated * `authentication_method` (string): How is this user authenticated? * `billing_permission` (boolean): Allow this user to perform operations on the account, payments, and invoices? * `bypass_inactive_disable` (boolean): Exempt this user from being disabled based on inactivity? * `bypass_site_allowed_ips` (boolean): Allow this user to skip site-wide IP blacklists? * `dav_permission` (boolean): Can the user connect with WebDAV? * `disabled` (boolean): Is user disabled? Disabled users cannot log in, and do not count for billing purposes. Users can be automatically disabled after an inactivity period via a Site setting. * `ftp_permission` (boolean): Can the user access with FTP/FTPS? * `header_text` (string): Text to display to the user in the header of the UI * `language` (string): Preferred language * `notification_daily_send_time` (int64): Hour of the day at which daily notifications should be sent. Can be in range 0 to 23 * `name` (string): User's full name * `company` (string): User's company * `notes` (string): Any internal notes on the user * `office_integration_enabled` (boolean): Enable integration with Office for the web? * `password_validity_days` (int64): Number of days to allow user to use the same password * `receive_admin_alerts` (boolean): Should the user receive admin alerts such a certificate expiration notifications and overages? * `require_password_change` (boolean): Is a password change required upon next user login? * `restapi_permission` (boolean): Can this user access the REST API? * `self_managed` (boolean): Does this user manage it's own credentials or is it a shared/bot user? * `sftp_permission` (boolean): Can the user access with SFTP? * `site_admin` (boolean): Is the user an administrator for this site? * `skip_welcome_screen` (boolean): Skip Welcome page in the UI? * `ssl_required` (string): SSL required setting * `sso_strategy_id` (int64): SSO (Single Sign On) strategy ID for the user, if applicable. * `subscribe_to_newsletter` (boolean): Is the user subscribed to the newsletter? * `require_2fa` (string): 2FA required setting * `time_zone` (string): User time zone * `user_root` (string): Root folder for FTP (and optionally SFTP if the appropriate site-wide setting is set.) Note that this is not used for API, Desktop, or Web interface. * `username` (string): User's username --- ## Unlock user who has been locked out due to failed logins ``` Files::User.unlock(id) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - User ID. --- ## Resend user welcome email ``` Files::User.resend_welcome_email(id) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - User ID. --- ## Trigger 2FA Reset process for user who has lost access to their existing 2FA methods ``` Files::User.user_2fa_reset(id) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - User ID. --- ## Update User ``` Files::User.update(id, avatar_delete: true, email: "example", group_id: 1, group_ids: "example", announcements_read: true, allowed_ips: "", attachments_permission: true, authenticate_until: "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", authentication_method: "password", billing_permission: true, bypass_inactive_disable: true, bypass_site_allowed_ips: true, dav_permission: true, disabled: true, ftp_permission: true, header_text: "User-specific message.", language: "en", notification_daily_send_time: 18, name: "John Doe", company: "ACME Corp.", notes: "Internal notes on this user.", office_integration_enabled: true, password_validity_days: 1, receive_admin_alerts: true, require_password_change: true, restapi_permission: true, self_managed: true, sftp_permission: true, site_admin: true, skip_welcome_screen: true, ssl_required: "always_require", sso_strategy_id: 1, subscribe_to_newsletter: true, require_2fa: "always_require", time_zone: "Pacific Time (US & Canada)", user_root: "example", username: "user" ) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - User ID. * `avatar_file` (file): An image file for your user avatar. * `avatar_delete` (boolean): If true, the avatar will be deleted. * `change_password` (string): Used for changing a password on an existing user. * `change_password_confirmation` (string): Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `change_password`. * `email` (string): User's email. * `grant_permission` (string): Permission to grant on the user root. Can be blank or `full`, `read`, `write`, `list`, `read+write`, or `list+write` * `group_id` (int64): Group ID to associate this user with. * `group_ids` (string): A list of group ids to associate this user with. Comma delimited. * `imported_password_hash` (string): Pre-calculated hash of the user's password. If supplied, this will be used to authenticate the user on first login. Supported hash menthods are MD5, SHA1, and SHA256. * `password` (string): User password. * `password_confirmation` (string): Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `password`. * `announcements_read` (boolean): Signifies that the user has read all the announcements in the UI. * `allowed_ips` (string): A list of allowed IPs if applicable. Newline delimited * `attachments_permission` (boolean): DEPRECATED: Can the user create Bundles (aka Share Links)? Use the bundle permission instead. * `authenticate_until` (string): Scheduled Date/Time at which user will be deactivated * `authentication_method` (string): How is this user authenticated? * `billing_permission` (boolean): Allow this user to perform operations on the account, payments, and invoices? * `bypass_inactive_disable` (boolean): Exempt this user from being disabled based on inactivity? * `bypass_site_allowed_ips` (boolean): Allow this user to skip site-wide IP blacklists? * `dav_permission` (boolean): Can the user connect with WebDAV? * `disabled` (boolean): Is user disabled? Disabled users cannot log in, and do not count for billing purposes. Users can be automatically disabled after an inactivity period via a Site setting. * `ftp_permission` (boolean): Can the user access with FTP/FTPS? * `header_text` (string): Text to display to the user in the header of the UI * `language` (string): Preferred language * `notification_daily_send_time` (int64): Hour of the day at which daily notifications should be sent. Can be in range 0 to 23 * `name` (string): User's full name * `company` (string): User's company * `notes` (string): Any internal notes on the user * `office_integration_enabled` (boolean): Enable integration with Office for the web? * `password_validity_days` (int64): Number of days to allow user to use the same password * `receive_admin_alerts` (boolean): Should the user receive admin alerts such a certificate expiration notifications and overages? * `require_password_change` (boolean): Is a password change required upon next user login? * `restapi_permission` (boolean): Can this user access the REST API? * `self_managed` (boolean): Does this user manage it's own credentials or is it a shared/bot user? * `sftp_permission` (boolean): Can the user access with SFTP? * `site_admin` (boolean): Is the user an administrator for this site? * `skip_welcome_screen` (boolean): Skip Welcome page in the UI? * `ssl_required` (string): SSL required setting * `sso_strategy_id` (int64): SSO (Single Sign On) strategy ID for the user, if applicable. * `subscribe_to_newsletter` (boolean): Is the user subscribed to the newsletter? * `require_2fa` (string): 2FA required setting * `time_zone` (string): User time zone * `user_root` (string): Root folder for FTP (and optionally SFTP if the appropriate site-wide setting is set.) Note that this is not used for API, Desktop, or Web interface. * `username` (string): User's username --- ## Delete User ``` Files::User.delete(id) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - User ID. --- ## Unlock user who has been locked out due to failed logins ``` user = Files::User.list.first user.unlock ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - User ID. --- ## Resend user welcome email ``` user = Files::User.list.first user.resend_welcome_email ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - User ID. --- ## Trigger 2FA Reset process for user who has lost access to their existing 2FA methods ``` user = Files::User.list.first user.user_2fa_reset ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - User ID. --- ## Update User ``` user = Files::User.list.first user.update( avatar_delete: true, email: "example", group_id: 1, group_ids: "example", announcements_read: true, allowed_ips: "", attachments_permission: true, authenticate_until: "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", authentication_method: "password", billing_permission: true, bypass_inactive_disable: true, bypass_site_allowed_ips: true, dav_permission: true, disabled: true, ftp_permission: true, header_text: "User-specific message.", language: "en", notification_daily_send_time: 18, name: "John Doe", company: "ACME Corp.", notes: "Internal notes on this user.", office_integration_enabled: true, password_validity_days: 1, receive_admin_alerts: true, require_password_change: true, restapi_permission: true, self_managed: true, sftp_permission: true, site_admin: true, skip_welcome_screen: true, ssl_required: "always_require", sso_strategy_id: 1, subscribe_to_newsletter: true, require_2fa: "always_require", time_zone: "Pacific Time (US & Canada)", user_root: "example", username: "user" ) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - User ID. * `avatar_file` (file): An image file for your user avatar. * `avatar_delete` (boolean): If true, the avatar will be deleted. * `change_password` (string): Used for changing a password on an existing user. * `change_password_confirmation` (string): Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `change_password`. * `email` (string): User's email. * `grant_permission` (string): Permission to grant on the user root. Can be blank or `full`, `read`, `write`, `list`, `read+write`, or `list+write` * `group_id` (int64): Group ID to associate this user with. * `group_ids` (string): A list of group ids to associate this user with. Comma delimited. * `imported_password_hash` (string): Pre-calculated hash of the user's password. If supplied, this will be used to authenticate the user on first login. Supported hash menthods are MD5, SHA1, and SHA256. * `password` (string): User password. * `password_confirmation` (string): Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in `password`. * `announcements_read` (boolean): Signifies that the user has read all the announcements in the UI. * `allowed_ips` (string): A list of allowed IPs if applicable. Newline delimited * `attachments_permission` (boolean): DEPRECATED: Can the user create Bundles (aka Share Links)? Use the bundle permission instead. * `authenticate_until` (string): Scheduled Date/Time at which user will be deactivated * `authentication_method` (string): How is this user authenticated? * `billing_permission` (boolean): Allow this user to perform operations on the account, payments, and invoices? * `bypass_inactive_disable` (boolean): Exempt this user from being disabled based on inactivity? * `bypass_site_allowed_ips` (boolean): Allow this user to skip site-wide IP blacklists? * `dav_permission` (boolean): Can the user connect with WebDAV? * `disabled` (boolean): Is user disabled? Disabled users cannot log in, and do not count for billing purposes. Users can be automatically disabled after an inactivity period via a Site setting. * `ftp_permission` (boolean): Can the user access with FTP/FTPS? * `header_text` (string): Text to display to the user in the header of the UI * `language` (string): Preferred language * `notification_daily_send_time` (int64): Hour of the day at which daily notifications should be sent. Can be in range 0 to 23 * `name` (string): User's full name * `company` (string): User's company * `notes` (string): Any internal notes on the user * `office_integration_enabled` (boolean): Enable integration with Office for the web? * `password_validity_days` (int64): Number of days to allow user to use the same password * `receive_admin_alerts` (boolean): Should the user receive admin alerts such a certificate expiration notifications and overages? * `require_password_change` (boolean): Is a password change required upon next user login? * `restapi_permission` (boolean): Can this user access the REST API? * `self_managed` (boolean): Does this user manage it's own credentials or is it a shared/bot user? * `sftp_permission` (boolean): Can the user access with SFTP? * `site_admin` (boolean): Is the user an administrator for this site? * `skip_welcome_screen` (boolean): Skip Welcome page in the UI? * `ssl_required` (string): SSL required setting * `sso_strategy_id` (int64): SSO (Single Sign On) strategy ID for the user, if applicable. * `subscribe_to_newsletter` (boolean): Is the user subscribed to the newsletter? * `require_2fa` (string): 2FA required setting * `time_zone` (string): User time zone * `user_root` (string): Root folder for FTP (and optionally SFTP if the appropriate site-wide setting is set.) Note that this is not used for API, Desktop, or Web interface. * `username` (string): User's username --- ## Delete User ``` user = Files::User.list.first user.delete ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - User ID.