class IniReader def initialize( string = '') @section_hash = {} parse( end def self.parse(filename) reader = reader.send(:parse,, "r")) return reader end #returns the hash for a section of the inifile def []( section_name ) return @section_hash[section_name] end private def parse(io) current_section = nil io.each do |line| line = line.strip if line[0] == ';' next elsif ( matchdata = line.match(/^\[(.+)\]$/) ) != nil current_section = @section_hash[matchdata[1].to_sym] || {} @section_hash[matchdata[1].to_sym] = current_section elsif ( matchdata = line.match(/^([^=]*)=(.*)$/) ) current_section[matchdata[1].to_sym] = matchdata[2].to_s elsif line.strip == "" next else raise Exception("Could not parse line: #{line}") end end end end