# Fog::Ovirt fog-ovirt is an ovirt provider for [fog](https://github.com/fog/fog). ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'fog-ovirt' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install fog-ovirt ## Usage Require the gem: ```ruby require 'fog/ovirt' ``` Connect to ovirt instance: ```ruby compute = Fog::Compute.new( :provider => "ovirt", :ovirt_username => user, :ovirt_password => password, :ovirt_url => url, :ovirt_datacenter => uuid, :ovirt_ca_cert_store => ca_cert_store ) ``` ## API Support This gem fully supports API v3 of oVirt. Version 1.0.2 adds support API V4 as well. The first version does not give full support. The supported requests for API V4 are: :vm_action, :destroy_vm, :create_vm, :update_vm (without os changes) :datacenters :storage_domains :list_virtual_machines, :get_virtual_machine :list_templates, :get_template :list_instance_types, :get_instance_type :list_clusters, :get_cluster :add_interface, :destroy_interface, :update_interface, :list_vm_interfaces, :list_template_interfaces :list_networks :vm_ticket :list_vm_volumes, :list_template_volumes, :list_volumes, :add_volume, :destroy_volume, :update_volume :get_api_version :list_quotas, :get_quota :list_operating_systems ### Choosing api version This example shows the usage as a fog provider: client = Fog::Compute.new( :provider => "ovirt", :ovirt_username => user, :ovirt_password => password, :ovirt_url => url, :ovirt_datacenter => datacenter, :public_key => public_key, :api_version => 'v4' ) The :api_version can be sent 'v3' or 'v4' to determine which API version to use. Feedback is welcome. Please feel free to open issues for the V4 support and contribute. ## Contributing Please refer to [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## License Please refer to [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md).