require 'test_helper' class WebratTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest #Firefox raises a security concern under Selenium unless ENV['WEBRAT_INTEGRATION_MODE'] == 'selenium' test "should visit fully qualified urls" do visit root_url(:host => "") assert_equal "chunkybacon", request.subdomains.first end end test "should visit pages" do visit root_path assert_contain("Webrat Form") assert URI.parse(current_url).path, root_path end test "should submit forms" do visit root_path fill_in "Text field", :with => "Hello" check "TOS" select "January" click_button "Test" end test "should check the value of a field" do webrat.simulate do visit "/" assert field_labeled("Prefilled").value, "text" end end test "should not carry params through redirects" do visit before_redirect_form_path fill_in "Text field", :with => "value" click_button automate do selenium.wait_for_page_to_load end assert response.body !~ /value/ assert response.body =~ /custom_param/ end test "should follow internal redirects" do visit internal_redirect_path webrat.simulate do assert !response.redirect? end assert response.body.include?("OK") end test "should not follow external redirects" do webrat.simulate do visit external_redirect_path assert response.redirect? end end test "should recognize the host header to follow redirects properly" do webrat.simulate do header "Host", "" visit host_redirect_path assert !response.redirect? assert response.body.include?("OK") end end test "should click link by text" do visit internal_redirect_path click_link "Test Link Text" assert_contain("Webrat Form") end test "should click link by id" do visit internal_redirect_path click_link "link_id" assert_contain("Webrat Form") end test "should be able to assert xpath" do visit root_path assert_have_xpath "//h1" end test "should be able to assert selector" do visit root_path assert_have_selector "h1" end test "should accept an Object argument to #within and translate using dom_id" do webrat.simulate do visit within_path object = def nil end within(object) do click_link "Edit Object" end assert_contain "Webrat Form" end end # Firefox detects and prevents infinite redirects under Selenium unless ENV['WEBRAT_INTEGRATION_MODE'] == 'selenium' test "should detect infinite redirects" do assert_raises Webrat::InfiniteRedirectError do visit infinite_redirect_path end end end # test "should be able to assert have tag" do # visit root_path # assert_have_tag "h1" # end end