require_relative 'association' require_relative 'conditional_attribute' require_relative 'constants' require_relative 'typed_attribute' require_relative 'nested_attribute' require_relative 'deprecation' require_relative 'layout' module Alba # This module represents what should be serialized module Resource # @!parse include InstanceMethods # @!parse extend ClassMethods DSLS = {_attributes: {}, _key: nil, _key_for_collection: nil, _meta: nil, _transform_type: :none, _transforming_root_key: false, _key_transformation_cascade: true, _on_error: nil, _on_nil: nil, _layout: nil, _collection_key: nil}.freeze # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength private_constant :DSLS WITHIN_DEFAULT = private_constant :WITHIN_DEFAULT # @private def self.included(base) super base.class_eval do # Initialize DSLS.each do |name, initial| instance_variable_set("@#{name}", initial.dup) unless instance_variable_defined?("@#{name}") end end base.include InstanceMethods base.extend ClassMethods end # Instance methods module InstanceMethods attr_reader :object, :params # @param object [Object] the object to be serialized # @param params [Hash] user-given Hash for arbitrary data # @param within [Object, nil, false, true] determines what associations to be serialized. If not set, it serializes all associations. def initialize(object, params: {}, within: WITHIN_DEFAULT) @object = object @params = params @within = within DSLS.each_key { |name| instance_variable_set("@#{name}", self.class.__send__(name)) } end # Serialize object into JSON string # # @param root_key [Symbol, nil, true] # @param meta [Hash] metadata for this seialization # @return [String] serialized JSON string def serialize(root_key: nil, meta: {}) serialize_with(as_json(root_key: root_key, meta: meta)) end if <'3.0') # For Rails compatibility # The first options is a dummy parameter but required # You can pass empty Hash if you don't want to pass any arguments # # @see #serialize # @see def to_json(options, root_key: nil, meta: {}) _to_json(root_key, meta, options) end else # For Rails compatibility # The first options is a dummy parameter # # @see #serialize # @see def to_json(options = {}, root_key: nil, meta: {}) _to_json(root_key, meta, options) end end # Returns a Hash correspondng {Resource#serialize} # # @param root_key [Symbol, nil, true] # @param meta [Hash] metadata for this seialization # @return [Hash] def as_json(root_key: nil, meta: {}) key = root_key.nil? ? fetch_key : root_key.to_s if key && !key.empty? h = {key => serializable_hash} hash_with_metadata(h, meta) else serializable_hash end end # A Hash for serialization # # @return [Hash] def serializable_hash collection? ? serializable_hash_for_collection : end alias to_h serializable_hash private def encode(hash) end def _to_json(root_key, meta, options) options.reject! { |k, _| %i[layout prefixes template status].include?(k) } # Rails specific guard # TODO: use `filter_map` after dropping support of Ruby 2.6 names = { |k, v| k unless v.nil? } names.compact! unless names.empty? names.sort!! { |s| "\"#{s}\"" } message = "You passed #{names.join(', ')} options but ignored. Please refer to the document:" Kernel.warn(message) end serialize(root_key: root_key, meta: meta) end def serialize_with(hash) serialized_json = encode(hash) return serialized_json unless @_layout @_layout.serialize(resource: self, serialized_json: serialized_json, binding: binding) end def hash_with_metadata(hash, meta) return hash if meta.empty? && @_meta.nil? metadata = @_meta ? instance_eval(&@_meta).merge(meta) : meta hash[:meta] = metadata hash end def serializable_hash_for_collection if @_collection_key @object.to_h { |item| [item.public_send(@_collection_key).to_s,] } else @object.each_with_object([], &collection_converter) end end # @return [String] def fetch_key k = collection? ? _key_for_collection : _key transforming_root_key? ? transform_key(k) : k end def _key_for_collection if Alba.inflector @_key_for_collection == true ? resource_name(pluralized: true) : @_key_for_collection.to_s else @_key_for_collection == true ? raise_root_key_inference_error : @_key_for_collection.to_s end end # @return [String] def _key if Alba.inflector @_key == true ? resource_name(pluralized: false) : @_key.to_s else @_key == true ? raise_root_key_inference_error : @_key.to_s end end def resource_name(pluralized: false) class_name = inflector = Alba.inflector name = inflector.demodulize(class_name).delete_suffix('Resource') underscore_name = inflector.underscore(name) pluralized ? inflector.pluralize(underscore_name) : underscore_name end def raise_root_key_inference_error raise Alba::Error, 'You must set inflector when setting root key as true.' end def transforming_root_key? @_transforming_root_key end def converter lambda do |obj| attributes_to_hash(obj, {}) end end def collection_converter lambda do |obj, a| a << {} h = a.last attributes_to_hash(obj, h) a end end def attributes_to_hash(obj, hash) attributes.each do |key, attribute| set_key_and_attribute_body_from(obj, key, attribute, hash) rescue ::Alba::Error, FrozenError, TypeError raise rescue StandardError => e handle_error(e, obj, key, attribute, hash) end hash end # This is default behavior for getting attributes for serialization # Override this method to filter certain attributes def attributes @_attributes end # Default implementation for selecting attributes # Override this method to filter attributes based on key and value def select(_key, _value) true end def set_key_and_attribute_body_from(obj, key, attribute, hash) key = transform_key(key) value = fetch_attribute(obj, key, attribute) return unless select(key, value) hash[key] = value unless value == Alba::REMOVE_KEY end def handle_error(error, obj, key, attribute, hash) on_error = @_on_error || :raise case on_error # rubocop:disable Style/MissingElse when :raise, nil then raise(error) when :nullify then hash[key] = nil when :ignore then nil when Proc key, value =, obj, key, attribute, self.class) hash[key] = value end end # @return [Symbol] def transform_key(key) # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity key = key.to_s return key if @_transform_type == :none || key.empty? # We can skip transformation inflector = Alba.inflector raise Alba::Error, 'Inflector is nil. You must set inflector before transforming keys.' unless inflector case @_transform_type # rubocop:disable Style/MissingElse when :camel then inflector.camelize(key) when :lower_camel then inflector.camelize_lower(key) when :dash then inflector.dasherize(key) when :snake then inflector.underscore(key) end end def fetch_attribute(obj, key, attribute) # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity value = case attribute when Symbol then fetch_attribute_from_object_and_resource(obj, attribute) when Proc then instance_exec(obj, &attribute) when Alba::Association then yield_if_within( { |within| attribute.to_h(obj, params: params, within: within) } when TypedAttribute, NestedAttribute then attribute.value(obj) when ConditionalAttribute then attribute.with_passing_condition(resource: self, object: obj) { |attr| fetch_attribute(obj, key, attr) } else raise ::Alba::Error, "Unsupported type of attribute: #{attribute.class}" end value.nil? && nil_handler ? instance_exec(obj, key, attribute, &nil_handler) : value end def fetch_attribute_from_object_and_resource(obj, attribute) obj.__send__(attribute) rescue NoMethodError __send__(attribute, obj) end def nil_handler @_on_nil end def yield_if_within(association_name) within = check_within(association_name) within ? yield(within) : Alba::REMOVE_KEY end def check_within(association_name) case @within when WITHIN_DEFAULT then WITHIN_DEFAULT # Default value, doesn't check within tree when Hash then @within.fetch(association_name, nil) # Traverse within tree when Array then @within.find { |item| item.to_sym == association_name } when Symbol then @within == association_name when nil, true, false then false # Stop here else raise Alba::Error, "Unknown type for within option: #{@within.class}" end end # Detect if object is a collection or not. # When object is a Struct, it's Enumerable but not a collection def collection? @object.is_a?(Enumerable) && !@object.is_a?(Struct) end end # Class methods module ClassMethods attr_reader(*DSLS.keys) # @private def inherited(subclass) super DSLS.each_key { |name| subclass.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", instance_variable_get("@#{name}").clone) } end # Defining methods for DSLs and disable parameter number check since for users' benefits increasing params is fine # Set multiple attributes at once # # @param attrs [Array] # @param if [Proc] condition to decide if it should serialize these attributes # @param attrs_with_types [Hash<[Symbol, String], [Array, Symbol]>] # attributes with name in its key and type and optional type converter in its value # @return [void] def attributes(*attrs, if: nil, **attrs_with_types) if_value = binding.local_variable_get(:if) assign_attributes(attrs, if_value) assign_attributes_with_types(attrs_with_types, if_value) end def assign_attributes(attrs, if_value) attrs.each do |attr_name| attr = if_value ? attr_name.to_sym, condition: if_value) : attr_name.to_sym @_attributes[attr_name.to_sym] = attr end end private :assign_attributes def assign_attributes_with_types(attrs_with_types, if_value) attrs_with_types.each do |attr_name, type_and_converter| attr_name = attr_name.to_sym type, type_converter = type_and_converter typed_attr = attr_name, type: type, converter: type_converter) attr = if_value ? typed_attr, condition: if_value) : typed_attr @_attributes[attr_name] = attr end end private :assign_attributes_with_types # Set an attribute with the given block # # @param name [String, Symbol] key name # @param options [Hash] # @option options [Proc] if a condition to decide if this attribute should be serialized # @param block [Block] the block called during serialization # @raise [ArgumentError] if block is absent # @return [void] def attribute(name, **options, &block) raise ArgumentError, 'No block given in attribute method' unless block @_attributes[name.to_sym] = options[:if] ? block, condition: options[:if]) : block end # Set association # # @param name [String, Symbol] name of the association, used as key when `key` param doesn't exist # @param condition [Proc, nil] a Proc to modify the association # @param resource [Class, String, Proc, nil] representing resource for this association # @param key [String, Symbol, nil] used as key when given # @param params [Hash] params override for the association # @param options [Hash] # @option options [Proc] if a condition to decide if this association should be serialized # @param block [Block] # @return [void] # @see Alba::Association#initialize def association(name, condition = nil, resource: nil, key: nil, params: {}, **options, &block) key_transformation = @_key_transformation_cascade ? @_transform_type : :none assoc = name: name, condition: condition, resource: resource, params: params, nesting: nesting, key_transformation: key_transformation, &block ) @_attributes[key&.to_sym || name.to_sym] = options[:if] ? assoc, condition: options[:if]) : assoc end alias one association alias many association alias has_one association alias has_many association def nesting if name.nil? nil else name.rpartition('::').first.tap { |n| n.empty? ? nil : n } end end private :nesting # Set a nested attribute with the given block # # @param name [String, Symbol] key name # @param options [Hash] # @option options [Proc] if a condition to decide if this attribute should be serialized # @param block [Block] the block called during serialization # @raise [ArgumentError] if block is absent # @return [void] def nested_attribute(name, **options, &block) raise ArgumentError, 'No block given in attribute method' unless block key_transformation = @_key_transformation_cascade ? @_transform_type : :none attribute = key_transformation, &block) @_attributes[name.to_sym] = options[:if] ? attribute, condition: options[:if]) : attribute end alias nested nested_attribute # Set root key # # @param key [String, Symbol] # @param key_for_collection [String, Symbol] # @raise [NoMethodError] when key doesn't respond to `to_sym` method def root_key(key, key_for_collection = nil) @_key = key.to_sym @_key_for_collection = key_for_collection&.to_sym end # Set root key for collection # # @param key [String, Symbol] # @raise [NoMethodError] when key doesn't respond to `to_sym` method def root_key_for_collection(key) @_key = true @_key_for_collection = key.to_sym end # Set root key to true def root_key! @_key = true @_key_for_collection = true end # Set metadata def meta(&block) @_meta = block end # Set layout # # @param file [String] name of the layout file # @param inline [Proc] a proc returning JSON string or a Hash representing JSON def layout(file: nil, inline: nil) @_layout = file, inline: inline) end # Transform keys as specified type # # @param type [String, Symbol] one of `snake`, `:camel`, `:lower_camel`, `:dash` and `none` # @param root [Boolean] decides if root key also should be transformed # @param cascade [Boolean] decides if key transformation cascades into inline association # Default is true but can be set false for old (v1) behavior # @raise [Alba::Error] when type is not supported def transform_keys(type, root: true, cascade: true) type = type.to_sym unless %i[none snake camel lower_camel dash].include?(type) # This should be `ArgumentError` but for backward compatibility it raises `Alba::Error` raise ::Alba::Error, "Unknown transform type: #{type}. Supported type are :camel, :lower_camel and :dash." end @_transform_type = type @_transforming_root_key = root @_key_transformation_cascade = cascade end # Sets key for collection serialization # # @param key [String, Symbol] def collection_key(key) @_collection_key = key.to_sym end # Set error handler # If this is set it's used as a error handler overriding global one # # @param handler [Symbol] `:raise`, `:ignore` or `:nullify` # @param block [Block] def on_error(handler = nil, &block) raise ArgumentError, 'You cannot specify error handler with both Symbol and block' if handler && block raise ArgumentError, 'You must specify error handler with either Symbol or block' unless handler || block @_on_error = block || validated_error_handler(handler) end def validated_error_handler(handler) unless %i[raise ignore nullify].include?(handler) # For backward compatibility # TODO: Change this to ArgumentError raise Alba::Error, "Unknown error handler: #{handler}. It must be one of `:raise`, `:ignore` or `:nullify`." end handler end private :validated_error_handler # Set nil handler # # @param block [Block] def on_nil(&block) @_on_nil = block end end end end