<% @title = "Pimki Setup"; @content_width = 500 %><%= sub_template "top" %>

Congratulations on succesfully installing and starting Pimki. Since this is the first time Pimki has been run on this port, you'll need to do a brief one-time setup.

  1. Name and address for your first web

    The name of the web is included in the title on all pages. The address is the base path that all pages within the web live beneath. Ex: the address "rails" gives URLs like /rails/show/HomePage. The address can only consist of letters & digits.
    Name:    Address:
  2. Password for creating and changing webs

    Administrative access allows you to make new webs and change existing ones.
    Everyone with this password will be able to do this, so pick it carefully.
    Password:    Verify:

<%= sub_template "bottom" %>