require 'devise/orm/active_record' class User < ActiveRecord::Base devise *SocialStream.devise_modules # Setup accessible (or protected) attributes for your model attr_accessible :name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me validates_presence_of :email validates_format_of :email, :with => Devise.email_regexp, :allow_blank => true # TODO: uniqueness of email, which is in actor with_options :if => :password_required? do |v| v.validates_presence_of :password v.validates_confirmation_of :password v.validates_length_of :password, :within => Devise.password_length, :allow_blank => true end def recent_groups receiver_subjects(:group, :relations => 'follower') & Tie.recent end def friends receiver_subjects(:user, :relations => 'friend') end protected # From devise def password_required? !persisted? || !password.nil? || !password_confirmation.nil? end class << self %w( email permalink name ).each do |a| eval <<-EOS def find_by_#{ a }(#{ a }) # def find_by_email(email) find :first, # find(:first, :include => :actor, # :include => :actor, :conditions => # :conditions => { 'actors.#{ a }' => #{ a } } # { '' => email } end # end EOS end # Overwrite devise default find method to support login with email, # presence ID and login def find_for_authentication(conditions) if ( login = conditions[:email] ).present? if login =~ /@/ find_by_email(login) else find_by_permalink(login) end else super end end def find_or_initialize_with_error_by(attribute, value, error=:invalid) if attribute == :email find_or_initialize_with_error_by_email(value, error) else super end end # Overwrite devise default method to support finding with def find_or_initialize_with_error_by_email(value, error) if value.present? record = find_by_email(value) end unless record record = new if value.present? = value else error = :blank end record.errors.add(:email, error) end record end end end