<% content_for :meta_title, 'Editing My Profile' %> <% content_for :meta_description, "This is where the site's user can edit his or her profile information" %> <%= render 'tab_menu' %> <%= simple_form_for @profile, url: profile_path do |f| %> <%= f.error_notification %>

Private Information

Email: <%= @profile.email %>. Unfortunately, you cannot yet change your email address. This feature is coming soon.

<%= f.input :allow_newsletter, label: "Allow rare newsletter?  ".html_safe, hint: 'never more than once a month' %> <%= f.input :allow_daily_digests, label: "Allow daily activity digests?  ".html_safe, hint: "replies to your comments, etc." %>

Public Information

<%= f.input :first_name, label: t('activerecord.attributes.users.first_name') %> <%= f.input :last_name, label: t('activerecord.attributes.users.last_name') %> <%= f.input :other_name, label: render( 'shared/other_name_label') %> <%= f.input :portrait %> <%= f.input :website_url %> <%= f.input :facebook_url %> <%= f.input :twitter_handle %> <%= f.input :google_plus_url, label: "Google+ url" %> <%= f.button :submit, :class => 'btn btn-primary' %> <% end %> <%= render'admin_context_menu' %>