.header.container .row .col-lg-12 .page-header %h1 Translations %p.lead.text-muted Static translation data over all your app. You can safely edit translation values. Also you can export excel document, translate in all locales you need and import it back. %p.lead.text-muted = "You can switch between showing keys and translations:" %br/ - if params[:show_translation_keys] == 'true' = link_to 'Show translations', weeler_translations_path(show_translation_keys: false) - else = link_to 'Show translation keys', weeler_translations_path(show_translation_keys: true) %h1 Stats %p.lead.text-muted - if Settings.log_key_usage == 'true' = 'Translation usage stat gathering is ON' - else = 'Translation usage stat gathering is OFF' %p.lead.text-muted = link_to 'Go to Stats', {action: :usage_stats} .row %nav.navbar.navbar-default{role: "navigation"} / Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling .collapse.navbar-collapse.navbar-ex1-collapse / Groups dropdown %ul.nav.navbar-nav.navbar-left %li.dropdown %a.dropdown-toggle{"data-toggle" => "dropdown", href: "#"} = (params[:group].capitalize if params[:group]) || "All groups" %b.caret %ul.dropdown-menu %li %a{href: weeler_translations_path(filtered_locale: params[:filtered_locale])} All - @groups.each do |group| - if group.present? %li %a{href: weeler_translations_path(filtered_locale: params[:filtered_locale], group: group)}= group.capitalize / Locales dropdown %ul.nav.navbar-nav %li.dropdown %a.dropdown-toggle{"data-toggle" => "dropdown", href: "#"} = (params[:filtered_locale].capitalize if params[:filtered_locale]) || "All locales" %b.caret %ul.dropdown-menu %li %a{href: weeler_translations_path(group: params[:group])} All - I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| - if locale.present? %li %a{href: weeler_translations_path(group: params[:group], filtered_locale: locale)}= locale.capitalize / Import and export data = form_tag import_weeler_translations_path, {:multipart => true, class: "navbar-form navbar-left"} do .form-group %input.weeler-file-inputs{name: "file", type: "file"}/ .btn-group %button.btn.btn-default{type: "submit"} Import %a.btn.btn-default{href: export_weeler_translations_path(filtered_locale: params[:filtered_locale], group: params[:group], query: params[:query], format: :xlsx)} Export / Search = form_tag weeler_translations_path, method: 'get', class: "navbar-form navbar-right", role: "search" do = hidden_field_tag :filtered_locale, params[:filtered_locale] if params[:filtered_locale].present? = hidden_field_tag :group, params[:group] if params[:group].present? .form-group = text_field_tag :query, params[:query], class: "form-control", placeholder: "Search" %button.btn.btn-default{type: "submit"} Submit / /.navbar-collapse .container .row .col-lg-12 %table.table.table-hover %thead %tr %th Locale %th Key %th.text-center Value %th.text-center Interpolations %th.text-center Created %th %tbody#translations - @translations.each do |translation| = render :partial => "weeler/translations/translation", locals: {translation: translation} .container .row = paginate @translations, params: {controller: "weeler/translations", action: "index", filtered_locale: params[:filtered_locale], group: params[:group], query: params[:query] }, previous_label: "<<", next_label: ">>", theme: "weeler"