var I18n = require("../../app/assets/javascripts/i18n") , Translations = require("./translations") ; describe("Translate", function(){ var actual, expected; beforeEach(function(){ I18n.reset(); I18n.translations = Translations(); }); it("sets bound alias", function() { expect(I18n.t).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)); expect(I18n.t).not.toBe(I18n.translate); }); it("returns translation for single scope", function(){ expect(I18n.translate("hello")).toEqual("Hello World!"); }); it("returns translation with 't' shortcut", function(){ var t = I18n.t; expect(t("hello")).toEqual("Hello World!"); }); it("returns translation as object", function(){ expect(I18n.translate("greetings")).toEqual(I18n.translations.en.greetings); }); it("returns missing message translation for valid scope with null", function(){ actual = I18n.translate("null_key"); expected = '[missing "en.null_key" translation]'; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); it("returns missing message translation for invalid scope", function(){ actual = I18n.translate("invalid.scope"); expected = '[missing "en.invalid.scope" translation]'; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); it("returns missing message translation with provided locale for invalid scope", function(){ actual = I18n.translate("invalid.scope", { locale: "ja" }); expected = '[missing "ja.invalid.scope" translation]'; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); it("returns guessed translation if missingBehaviour is set to guess", function(){ I18n.missingBehaviour = 'guess' var actual_1 = I18n.translate("invalid.thisIsAutomaticallyGeneratedTranslation"); var expected_1 = 'this is automatically generated translation'; expect(actual_1).toEqual(expected_1); var actual_2 = I18n.translate("invalid.this_is_automatically_generated_translation"); var expected_2 = 'this is automatically generated translation'; expect(actual_2).toEqual(expected_2); }); it("returns guessed translation with prefix if missingBehaviour is set to guess and prefix is also provided", function(){ I18n.missingBehaviour = 'guess' I18n.missingTranslationPrefix = 'EE: ' actual = I18n.translate("invalid.thisIsAutomaticallyGeneratedTranslation"); expected = 'EE: this is automatically generated translation'; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); it("returns missing message translation for valid scope with scope", function(){ actual = I18n.translate("monster", {scope: "greetings"}); expected = '[missing "" translation]'; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); it("returns translation for single scope on a custom locale", function(){ I18n.locale = "pt-BR"; expect(I18n.translate("hello")).toEqual("Olá Mundo!"); }); it("returns translation for multiple scopes", function(){ expect(I18n.translate("greetings.stranger")).toEqual("Hello stranger!"); }); it("returns translation with default locale option", function(){ expect(I18n.translate("hello", {locale: "en"})).toEqual("Hello World!"); expect(I18n.translate("hello", {locale: "pt-BR"})).toEqual("Olá Mundo!"); }); it("fallbacks to the default locale when I18n.fallbacks is enabled", function(){ I18n.locale = "pt-BR"; I18n.fallbacks = true; expect(I18n.translate("greetings.stranger")).toEqual("Hello stranger!"); }); it("fallbacks to default locale when providing an unknown locale", function(){ I18n.locale = "fr"; I18n.fallbacks = true; expect(I18n.translate("greetings.stranger")).toEqual("Hello stranger!"); }); it("fallbacks to less specific locale", function(){ I18n.locale = "de-DE"; I18n.fallbacks = true; expect(I18n.translate("hello")).toEqual("Hallo Welt!"); }); describe("when a 3-part locale is used", function(){ beforeEach(function(){ I18n.locale = "zh-Hant-TW"; I18n.fallbacks = true; }); it("fallbacks to 2-part locale when absent", function(){ expect(I18n.translate("cat")).toEqual("貓"); }); it("fallbacks to 1-part locale when 2-part missing requested translation", function(){ expect(I18n.translate("dog")).toEqual("狗"); }); it("fallbacks to 2-part for the first time", function(){ expect(I18n.translate("dragon")).toEqual("龍"); }); }); it("fallbacks using custom rules (function)", function(){ I18n.locale = "no"; I18n.fallbacks = true; I18n.locales["no"] = function() { return ["nb"]; }; expect(I18n.translate("hello")).toEqual("Hei Verden!"); }); it("fallbacks using custom rules (array)", function() { I18n.locale = "no"; I18n.fallbacks = true; I18n.locales["no"] = ["no", "nb"]; expect(I18n.translate("hello")).toEqual("Hei Verden!"); }); it("fallbacks using custom rules (string)", function() { I18n.locale = "no"; I18n.fallbacks = true; I18n.locales["no"] = "nb"; expect(I18n.translate("hello")).toEqual("Hei Verden!"); }); describe("when provided default values", function() { it("uses scope provided in defaults if scope doesn't exist", function() { actual = I18n.translate("Hello!", {defaults: [{scope: "greetings.stranger"}]}); expect(actual).toEqual("Hello stranger!"); }); it("continues to fallback until a scope is found", function() { var defaults = [{scope: "foo"}, {scope: "hello"}]; actual = I18n.translate("foo", {defaults: defaults}); expect(actual).toEqual("Hello World!"); }); it("uses message if specified as a default", function() { var defaults = [{message: "Hello all!"}]; actual = I18n.translate("foo", {defaults: defaults}); expect(actual).toEqual("Hello all!"); }); it("uses the first message if no scopes are found", function() { var defaults = [ {scope: "bar"} , {message: "Hello all!"} , {scope: "hello"}]; actual = I18n.translate("foo", {defaults: defaults}); expect(actual).toEqual("Hello all!"); }); it("uses default value if no scope is found", function() { var options = { defaults: [{scope: "bar"}] , defaultValue: "Hello all!" }; actual = I18n.translate("foo", options); expect(actual).toEqual("Hello all!"); }); it("uses default scope over default value if default scope is found", function() { var options = { defaults: [{scope: "hello"}] , defaultValue: "Hello all!" }; actual = I18n.translate("foo", options); expect(actual).toEqual("Hello World!"); }) it("uses default value with lazy evaluation", function () { var options = { defaults: [{scope: "bar"}] , defaultValue: function(scope) { return scope.toUpperCase(); } }; actual = I18n.translate("foo", options); expect(actual).toEqual("FOO"); }) it("pluralizes using the correct scope if translation is found within default scope", function() { expect(I18n.translations["en"]["mailbox"]).toEqual(undefined); actual = I18n.translate("mailbox.inbox", {count: 1, defaults: [{scope: "inbox"}]}); expected = I18n.translate("inbox", {count: 1}) expect(actual).toEqual(expected) }) }); it("uses default value for simple translation", function(){ actual = I18n.translate("warning", {defaultValue: "Warning!"}); expect(actual).toEqual("Warning!"); }); it("uses default value for plural translation", function(){ actual = I18n.translate("message", {defaultValue: { one: '%{count} message', other: '%{count} messages'}, count: 1}); expect(actual).toEqual("1 message"); }); it("uses default value for unknown locale", function(){ I18n.locale = "fr"; actual = I18n.translate("warning", {defaultValue: "Warning!"}); expect(actual).toEqual("Warning!"); }); it("uses default value with interpolation", function(){ actual = I18n.translate( "alert", {defaultValue: "Attention! {{message}}", message: "You're out of quota!"} ); expect(actual).toEqual("Attention! You're out of quota!"); }); it("ignores default value when scope exists", function(){ actual = I18n.translate("hello", {defaultValue: "What's up?"}); expect(actual).toEqual("Hello World!"); }); it("returns translation for custom scope separator", function(){ I18n.defaultSeparator = "•"; actual = I18n.translate("greetings•stranger"); expect(actual).toEqual("Hello stranger!"); }); it("returns boolean values", function() { expect(I18n.translate("booleans.yes")).toEqual(true); expect(I18n.translate("")).toEqual(false); }); it("escapes $ when doing substitution (IE)", function(){ I18n.locale = "en"; expect(I18n.translate("paid", {price: "$0"})).toEqual("You were paid $0"); expect(I18n.translate("paid", {price: "$0.12"})).toEqual("You were paid $0.12"); expect(I18n.translate("paid", {price: "$1.35"})).toEqual("You were paid $1.35"); }); it("replaces all occurrences of escaped $", function(){ I18n.locale = "en"; expect(I18n.translate("paid_with_vat", { price: "$0.12", vat: "$0.02"} )).toEqual("You were paid $0.12 (incl. VAT $0.02)"); }); it("sets default scope", function(){ var options = {scope: "greetings"}; expect(I18n.translate("stranger", options)).toEqual("Hello stranger!"); }); it("accepts the scope as an array", function(){ expect(I18n.translate(["greetings", "stranger"])).toEqual("Hello stranger!"); }); it("accepts the scope as an array using a base scope", function(){ expect(I18n.translate(["stranger"], {scope: "greetings"})).toEqual("Hello stranger!"); }); it("returns an array with values interpolated", function(){ var options = {value: 314}; expect(I18n.translate("arrayWithParams", options)).toEqual([ null, "An item with a param of " + options.value, "Another item with a param of " + options.value, "A last item with a param of " + options.value, ["An", "array", "of", "strings"], {foo: "bar"} ]); }); it("returns value with key containing dot but different separator specified", function() { expect(I18n.t(["A implies B means something."], {scope: "sentences_with_dots", separator: "|"})).toEqual("A implies B means that when A is true, B must be true."); }); });