Problem ======= - OpenID is complex, limited and hard to use for users - Facebook / Twitter / Myspace / Google / MS-LiveId / AOL connections require different libraries and knowledge - Multiple heterogenouse providers are hard to map to a single user Solution ======== - Use [RPX]( for universal and usable user login - Use view/controller helpers for easy integration   Usage ===== - Get an API key @ [RPX]( - run [MIGRATION]( - Build login view - Communicate with RPX API in controller to create or login User - for more advanced features have a look at the [RPX API Docs]( Install ======= - As Rails plugin: `script/plugin install git:// ` - As gem: `sudo gem install rpx_now` Examples ======== View ---- #'mywebsite' is your subdomain/realm on RPX <%=RPXNow.embed_code('mywebsite', url_for(:controller=>:session, :action=>:rpx_token))%> OR <%=RPXNow.popup_code('Login here...', 'mywebsite', url_for(:controller=>:session, :action=>:rpx_token), options)%> ###Options `:language=>'en'` rpx tries to detect the users language, but you may overwrite it [possible languages]( `:default_provider=>'google'` [possible default providers]( `:flags=>'show_provider_list'` [possible flags]( ###Unobtrusive / JS-last `popup_code` can also be called with `:unobtrusive=>true` ( --> just link without javascript include). To still get the normal popup add `RPXNow.popup_source('mywebsite', url_for(:controller=>:session, :action=>:rpx_token), [options])`. Options like :language / :flags should be given for both. environment.rb -------------- do |config| config.gem "rpx_now" ... config.after_initialize do # so rake gems:install works RPXNow.api_key = "YOU RPX API KEY" end end Controller ---------- skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token, :only => [:rpx_token] # RPX does not pass Rails form tokens... # user_data # found: {:name=>'John Doe', :username => 'john', :email=>'', :identifier=>''} # not found: nil (can happen with e.g. invalid tokens) def rpx_token raise "hackers?" unless data = RPXNow.user_data(params[:token]) self.current_user = User.find_by_identifier(data[:identifier]) || User.create!(data) redirect_to '/' end # getting additional fields (these fields are rarely filled) # all possibilities: data = RPXNow.user_data(params[:token], :additional => [:gender, :birthday, :photo, :providerName, ...]) # raw request processing RPXNow.user_data(params[:token]){|raw| {:email=>raw['profile']['verifiedEmail']} } # raw request with extended parameters (most users and APIs do not supply them) RPXNow.user_data(params[:token], :extended=>'true'){|raw| ...have a look at the RPX API DOCS...} Advanced -------- ###Versions RPXNow.api_version = 2 ###Mappings You can map your primary keys (e.g. to identifiers, so that users can login to the same account with multiple identifiers., primary_key) #add a mapping RPXNow.unmap(identifier, primary_key) #remove a mapping RPXNow.mappings(primary_key) # [identifier1,identifier2,...] RPXNow.all_mappings # [["1",['','']], ["2",[...]], ... ] After a primary key is mapped to an identifier, when a user logs in with this identifier, `RPXNow.user_data` will contain his `primaryKey` as `:id`. A identifyer can only belong to one user (in doubt the last one it was mapped to) ###User integration (e.g. ActiveRecord) class User < ActiveRecord::Base include RPXNow::UserIntegration end user.rpx.identifiers == RPXNow.mappings( ==, user.rpx.unmap(identifier) == RPXNow.unmap(identifier, ###Contacts (PRX Pro) Retrieve all contacts for a given user: RPXNow.contacts(identifier).each {|c| puts "#{c['displayName']}: #{c['emails']}} ###Status updates (PRX Pro) Send a status update to provider (a tweet/facebook-status/...) : RPXNow.set_status(identifier, "I just registered at ...") TODO ==== - add provider / credentials helpers ? Author ====== __[rpx_now_gem mailing list]( ###Contributors - [Amunds]( - [DBA]( - [dbalatero]( - [jackdempsey]( - [Patrick Reagan (reagent)]( - [Joris Trooster (trooster)]( - [Mick Staugaard (staugaard)]( [Michael Grosser]( Hereby placed under public domain, do what you want, just do not hold me accountable...