Error: Impossible URL in RELAX NG extRef include
Unable to open referenced included file:
Unable to locate id attribute:
Unable to open referenced included file:
Unable to locate id attribute:
Error: Impossible URL in Schematron include
Unable to open referenced included file:
Unable to locate id attribute:
Schema error: Use include to include fragments, not a whole schema
Unable to open referenced included file:
Unable to locate id attribute:
Schema error: Use include to include fragments, not a whole schema
Error: Impossible URL in Schematron include
Unable to open referenced included file:
Unable to locate id attribute:
Unable to open referenced included file:
Unable to locate id attribute:
Error: Impossible URL in Schematron include
Unable to open referenced included file:
Schema error: Use include to include fragments, not a whole schema
Unable to locate id attribute:
Unable to open referenced included file:
Schema error: Use include to include fragments, not a whole schema
Unable to locate id attribute:
Error: Impossible URL in DTLL include
Unable to open referenced included file:
Unable to locate id attribute:
Unable to open referenced included file:
Unable to locate id attribute:
Error: Impossible URL in CRDL include
Unable to open referenced included file:
Unable to locate id attribute:
Unable to open referenced included file:
Unable to locate id attribute:
Fatal error: Xinclude href contains
fragment identifier #
Fatal error: Sorry, this software
only supports simple ids in XInclude xpointers
Fatal Error: Impossible URL in XInclude include
Unable to open referenced included file and fallback
Unable to open referenced included file:
Unable to open referenced included file:
Error: Impossible URL in XLink embedding link
Unable to open referenced included file:
Unable to locate id attribute:
Unable to open referenced included file:
Unable to locate id attribute: