(ql:quickload "lisp-unit") #-xlisp-test (load "word-count") (defpackage #:word-count-test (:use #:common-lisp #:lisp-unit)) (in-package #:word-count-test) (defun assert-assoc-equal (expected actual) "The association lists must have the same length and the keys and values of the items must match. But the order is not important. Equality is tested with equal" (assert-equal (sort (copy-seq expected) #'string< :key #'car) (sort (copy-seq actual) #'string< :key #'car))) (define-test count-one-word (assert-assoc-equal '(("word" . 1)) (phrase:word-count "word"))) (define-test count-one-of-each (assert-assoc-equal '(("one" . 1) ("of" . 1) ("each" . 1)) (phrase:word-count "one of each"))) (define-test count-multiple-occurrences (assert-assoc-equal '(("one" . 1) ("fish" . 4) ("two". 1) ("red" . 1) ("blue" . 1)) (phrase:word-count "one fish two fish red fish blue fish"))) (define-test ignore-punctuation (assert-assoc-equal '(("car" . 1) ("carpet" . 1) ("as" . 1) ("java" . 1) ("javascript" . 1)) (phrase:word-count "car : carpet as java : javascript!!&@$%^&"))) (define-test include-numbers (assert-assoc-equal '(("testing" . 2) ("1" . 1) ("2" . 1)) (phrase:word-count "testing, 1, 2 testing"))) (define-test normalize-case (assert-assoc-equal '(("go" . 3) ("on" . 3)) (phrase:word-count "go ON Go On GO on"))) #-xlisp-test (let ((*print-errors* t) (*print-failures* t)) (run-tests :all :word-count-test))