# PostgresExt Adds support for missing PostgreSQL data types to ActiveRecord. [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/dockyard/postgres_ext.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/dockyard/postgres_ext) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/badge.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/dockyard/postgres_ext) ## Roadmap * Arel support for INET, CIDR and Array related where clauses * Backport HStore code from Rails 4.0 ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'postgres_ext' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install postgres_ext ## Usage Just `require 'postgres_ext'` and use ActiveRecord as you normally would! postgres\_ext extends ActiveRecord's data type handling. * [Migration/Schema.rb support](#migrationschemarb-support) * [Type Casting support](#type-casting-support) * [Querying PostgreSQL datatypes](#querying-postgresql-datatypes) ### Usage Notes Take care when dealing with arrays and other types that allow you to update their value in place. In place changes are not currently tracked in Rails (see [this issue](https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/6954)). To track changes that happen via `#<<` or other instance methods, be sure to call `_will_change!` so that Active Record knows to persist the change. ## Migration/Schema.rb support ### INET ```ruby create_table :testing do |t| t.inet :inet_column # or t.inet :inet_column_1, :inet_column_2 # or t.column :inet_column, :inet end ``` ### CIDR ```ruby create_table :testing do |t| t.cidr :cidr_column # or t.cidr :cidr_column_1, :cidr_column_2 # or t.column :cidr_column, :cidr end ``` ### MACADDR ```ruby create_table :testing do |t| t.macaddr :macaddr_column # or t.macaddr :macaddr_column_1, :macaddr_column_2 # or t.column :macaddr_column, :macaddr end ``` ### UUID ```ruby create_table :testing do |t| t.uuid :uuid_column # or t.uuid :uuid_column_1, :uuid_column_2 # or t.column :uuid_column, :uuid end ``` ### Arrays Arrays are created from any ActiveRecord supported datatype (including ones added by postgre\_ext), and respect length constraints ```ruby create_table :testing do |t| t.integer :int_array, :array => true # integer[] t.integer :int_array, :array => true, :length => 2 # smallint[] t.string :macaddr_column_1, :array => true, :length => 30 # char varying(30)[] end ``` ## Type Casting support ### INET and CIDR INET and CIDR values are converted to [IPAddr](http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/ipaddr/rdoc/IPAddr.html) objects when retrieved from the database, or set as a string. ```ruby create_table :inet_examples do |t| t.inet :ip_address end class InetExample < ActiveRecord::Base end inetExample = InetExample.new inetExample.ip_address = '' inetExample.ip_address # => # inetExample.save inet_2 = InetExample.first inet_2.ip_address # => # ``` ### Arrays Array values can be set with Array objects. Any array stored in the database will be converted to a properly casted array of values on the way out. ```ruby create_table :people do |t| t.integer :favorite_numbers, :array => true end class Person < ActiveRecord::Base end person = Person.new person.favorite_numbers = [1,2,3] person.favorite_numbers # => [1,2,3] person.save person_2 = Person.first person_2.favorite_numbers # => [1,2,3] person_2.favorite_numbers.first.class # => Fixnum ``` ## Querying PostgreSQL datatypes * [Arrays](#arrays-2) * [INET/CIDR](#inetcidr) ### Arrays * [&& - Array Overlap operator](#---array-overlap-operator) * [ANY or ALL functions](#any-or-all-functions) #### && - Array Overlap operator PostgreSQL implements the `&&` operator, known as the overlap operator, for arrays. The overlap operator returns `t` (true) when two arrays have one or more elements in common. ```sql ARRAY[1,2,3] && ARRAY[4,5,6] -- f ARRAY[1,2,3] && ARRAY[3,5,6] -- t ``` Postgres\_ext defines `array_overlap`, an [Arel](https://github.com/rails/arel) predicate for the `&&` operator. ```ruby user_arel = User.arel_table User.where(user_arel[:tags].array_overlap(['one','two'])).to_sql # => SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"tags\" && '{one,two}' ``` #### ANY or ALL functions When querying array columns, you have the ability to see if a predicate apply's to either *any* element in the array, or *all* elements of the array. The syntax for these predicates are slightly different then the normal `where` syntax in PostgreSQL. To see if an array contains the string `'test'` in any location, you would write the following in SQL ```sql SELECT * FROM users WHERE 'test' = ANY(users.tags) ``` Notice that the column is on the right hand side of the predicate, instead of the left, because we have to call the `ANY` function on that column. We can generate the above query using [Arel](https://github.com/rails/arel) and generating the Node manually. We would use the following to accompish this: ```ruby user_arel = User.arel_table any_tags_function = Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new('ANY', [user_arel[:tags]]) predicate = Arel::Nodes::Equality('test', any_tags_function) User.where(predicate).to_sql #=> SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE 'test' = ANY(\"users\".\"tags\") ``` The ALL version of this same predicate can be generated by swap `'ANY'` for `'ALL'` in the named function. ### INET/CIDR #### `<<` -- Contained within operator PostgreSQL defines the `<<`, or contained within operator for INET and CIDR datatypes. The `<<` operator returns `t` (true) if a INET or CIDR address is contained within the given subnet. ```sql inet '' << inet '' -- f inet '' << inet '' -- t ``` Postgres\_ext defines `contained_within`, an [Arel](https://github.com/rails/arel) predicate for the `<<` operator. ```ruby user_arel = User.arel_table User.where(user_arel[:ip_address].contained_witin('')).to_sql # => SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"ip_address\" << '' ``` ## Authors Dan McClain [twitter](http://twitter.com/_danmcclain) [github](http://github.com/danmcclain)