/* Isolation forests and variations thereof, with adjustments for incorporation * of categorical variables and missing values. * Writen for C++11 standard and aimed at being used in R and Python. * * This library is based on the following works: * [1] Liu, Fei Tony, Kai Ming Ting, and Zhi-Hua Zhou. * "Isolation forest." * 2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. IEEE, 2008. * [2] Liu, Fei Tony, Kai Ming Ting, and Zhi-Hua Zhou. * "Isolation-based anomaly detection." * ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 6.1 (2012): 3. * [3] Hariri, Sahand, Matias Carrasco Kind, and Robert J. Brunner. * "Extended Isolation Forest." * arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.02141 (2018). * [4] Liu, Fei Tony, Kai Ming Ting, and Zhi-Hua Zhou. * "On detecting clustered anomalies using SCiForest." * Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010. * [5] https://sourceforge.net/projects/iforest/ * [6] https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/3388518/expected-number-of-paths-required-to-separate-elements-in-a-binary-tree * [7] Quinlan, J. Ross. C4. 5: programs for machine learning. Elsevier, 2014. * [8] Cortes, David. "Distance approximation using Isolation Forests." arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.12362 (2019). * [9] Cortes, David. "Imputing missing values with unsupervised random trees." arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.06646 (2019). * * BSD 2-Clause License * Copyright (c) 2020, David Cortes * All rights reserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "isotree.hpp" /* Translate isolation forest model into a single SQL select statement * * Parameters * ========== * - model_outputs * Pointer to fitted single-variable model object from function 'fit_iforest'. Pass NULL * if the predictions are to be made from an extended model. Can only pass one of * 'model_outputs' and 'model_outputs_ext'. * - model_outputs_ext * Pointer to fitted extended model object from function 'fit_iforest'. Pass NULL * if the predictions are to be made from a single-variable model. Can only pass one of * 'model_outputs' and 'model_outputs_ext'. * - table_from * Table name from where the columns used in the model will be selected. * - select_as * Alias to give to the outlier score in the select statement. * - numeric_colnames * Names to use for the numerical columns. * - categ_colnames * Names to use for the categorical columns. * - categ_levels * Names to use for the levels/categories of each categorical column. These will be enclosed * in single quotes. * - index1 * Whether to make the node numbers start their numeration at 1 instead of 0 in the * resulting statement. If passing 'output_tree_num=false', this will only affect the * commented lines which act as delimiters. If passing 'output_tree_num=true', will also * affect the results (which will also start at 1). * - nthreads * Number of parallel threads to use. Note that, the more threads, the more memory will be * allocated, even if the thread does not end up being used. Ignored when not building with * OpenMP support. * * Returns * ======= * A string with the corresponding SQL statement that will calculate the outlier score * from the model. */ std::string generate_sql_with_select_from(IsoForest *model_outputs, ExtIsoForest *model_outputs_ext, std::string &table_from, std::string &select_as, std::vector &numeric_colnames, std::vector &categ_colnames, std::vector> &categ_levels, bool index1, int nthreads) { std::vector tree_conds = generate_sql(model_outputs, model_outputs_ext, numeric_colnames, categ_colnames, categ_levels, false, index1, false, 0, nthreads); std::string out = std::accumulate(tree_conds.begin(), tree_conds.end(), std::string("SELECT\nPOWER(2.0, -(0.0"), [&tree_conds, &index1](std::string &a, std::string &b) {return a + std::string(" + \n---BEGIN TREE ") + std::to_string((size_t)std::distance(tree_conds.data(), &b) + (size_t)index1) + std::string("---\n") + b + std::string("\n---END OF TREE ") + std::to_string((size_t)std::distance(tree_conds.data(), &b) + (size_t)index1) + std::string("---\n");}); size_t ntrees = (model_outputs != NULL)? (model_outputs->trees.size()) : (model_outputs_ext->hplanes.size()); return out + std::string(") / ") + std::to_string((long double)ntrees * ((model_outputs != NULL)? (model_outputs->exp_avg_depth) : (model_outputs_ext->exp_avg_depth))) + std::string(") AS ") + select_as + std::string("\nFROM ") + table_from; } /* Translate model trees into SQL select statements * * Parameters * ========== * - model_outputs * Pointer to fitted single-variable model object from function 'fit_iforest'. Pass NULL * if the predictions are to be made from an extended model. Can only pass one of * 'model_outputs' and 'model_outputs_ext'. * - model_outputs_ext * Pointer to fitted extended model object from function 'fit_iforest'. Pass NULL * if the predictions are to be made from a single-variable model. Can only pass one of * 'model_outputs' and 'model_outputs_ext'. * - numeric_colnames * Names to use for the numerical columns. * - categ_colnames * Names to use for the categorical columns. * - categ_levels * Names to use for the levels/categories of each categorical column. These will be enclosed * in single quotes. * - output_tree_num * Whether to output the terminal node number instead of the separation depth at each node. * - index1 * Whether to make the node numbers start their numeration at 1 instead of 0 in the * resulting statement. If passing 'output_tree_num=false', this will only affect the * commented lines which act as delimiters. If passing 'output_tree_num=true', will also * affect the results (which will also start at 1). * - single_tree * Whether to generate the select statement for a single tree of the model instead of for * all. The tree number to generate is to be passed under 'tree_num'. * - tree_num * Tree number for which to generate an SQL select statement, if passing 'single_tree=true'. * - nthreads * Number of parallel threads to use. Note that, the more threads, the more memory will be * allocated, even if the thread does not end up being used. Ignored when not building with * OpenMP support. * * Returns * ======= * A vector containing at each element the SQL statement for the corresponding tree in the model. * If passing 'single_tree=true', will contain only one element, corresponding to the tree given * in 'tree_num'. The statements will be node-by-node, with commented-out separators using '---' * as delimiters and including the node number as part of the comment. */ std::vector generate_sql(IsoForest *model_outputs, ExtIsoForest *model_outputs_ext, std::vector &numeric_colnames, std::vector &categ_colnames, std::vector> &categ_levels, bool output_tree_num, bool index1, bool single_tree, size_t tree_num, int nthreads) { bool output_score = !output_tree_num; size_t ntrees_use = single_tree? 1 : ((model_outputs != NULL)? model_outputs->trees.size() : model_outputs_ext->hplanes.size()); std::string initial_str = std::string("\tWHEN\n"); size_t_for loop_st = 0; size_t_for loop_end = ntrees_use; if (single_tree) { loop_st = tree_num; loop_end = loop_st + 1; } /* determine maximum number of nodes in a tree */ size_t max_nodes = 0; for (size_t tree = loop_st; tree < loop_end; tree++) max_nodes = std::max(max_nodes, (model_outputs != NULL)? (model_outputs->trees[tree].size()) : (model_outputs_ext->hplanes[tree].size())); std::vector conditions_left(max_nodes); std::vector conditions_right(max_nodes); std::vector> all_node_rules(ntrees_use); std::vector out(ntrees_use); size_t tree_use; #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) num_threads(nthreads) \ shared(model_outputs, model_outputs_ext, numeric_colnames, categ_colnames, categ_levels, \ loop_st, loop_end, index1, single_tree, all_node_rules, out) \ firstprivate(conditions_left, conditions_right) private(tree_use) for (size_t_for tree = loop_st; tree < loop_end; tree++) { if (model_outputs != NULL) { for (size_t node = 0; node < model_outputs->trees[tree].size(); node++) extract_cond_isotree(*model_outputs, model_outputs->trees[tree][node], conditions_left[node], conditions_right[node], numeric_colnames, categ_colnames, categ_levels); } else { for (size_t node = 0; node < model_outputs_ext->hplanes[tree].size(); node++) extract_cond_ext_isotree(*model_outputs_ext, model_outputs_ext->hplanes[tree][node], conditions_left[node], conditions_right[node], numeric_colnames, categ_colnames, categ_levels); } generate_tree_rules( (model_outputs == NULL)? (NULL) : &(model_outputs->trees[tree]), (model_outputs_ext == NULL)? (NULL) : &(model_outputs_ext->hplanes[tree]), output_score, 0, index1, initial_str, all_node_rules[single_tree? 0 : tree], conditions_left, conditions_right ); /* Code below doesn't compile with MSVC (stuck with an OMP standard that's >20 years old) */ // if (single_tree) // tree = 0; tree_use = single_tree? (size_t)0 : tree; if (all_node_rules[tree_use].size() <= 1) { for (std::string &rule : all_node_rules[tree_use]) rule = std::string("WHEN TRUE THEN ") + std::to_string((model_outputs != NULL)? (model_outputs->exp_avg_depth) : (model_outputs_ext->exp_avg_depth)) + std::string(" "); } out[tree_use] = std::accumulate(all_node_rules[tree_use].begin(), all_node_rules[tree_use].end(), std::string("CASE\n"), [&all_node_rules, &tree_use, &index1](std::string &a, std::string &b) {return a + std::string("---begin terminal node ") + std::to_string((size_t)std::distance(&(all_node_rules[tree_use][0]), &b) + (size_t)index1) + std::string("---\n") + b;}) + std::string("END\n"); all_node_rules[tree_use].clear(); } return out; } void generate_tree_rules(std::vector *trees, std::vector *hplanes, bool output_score, size_t curr_ix, bool index1, std::string &prev_cond, std::vector &node_rules, std::vector &conditions_left, std::vector &conditions_right) { if ((trees != NULL && (*trees)[curr_ix].score >= 0) || (hplanes != NULL && (*hplanes)[curr_ix].score >= 0)) { node_rules.push_back(prev_cond + std::string("\tTHEN ") + (output_score? (std::to_string((trees != NULL)? ((*trees)[curr_ix].score) : ((*hplanes)[curr_ix].score))) : (std::to_string(node_rules.size() + (size_t)index1))) + std::string("\n---end of terminal node ") + std::to_string(node_rules.size() + (size_t)index1) + std::string("---\n")); return; } std::string cond_left = prev_cond + ((curr_ix > 0)? std::string("\t\tAND (") : std::string("\t\t (")) + conditions_left[curr_ix] + std::string(")\n"); generate_tree_rules(trees, hplanes, output_score, (trees != NULL)? ((*trees)[curr_ix].tree_left) : ((*hplanes)[curr_ix].hplane_left), index1, cond_left, node_rules, conditions_left, conditions_right); cond_left.clear(); std::string cond_right = prev_cond + ((curr_ix > 0)? std::string("\t\tAND (") : std::string("\t\t (")) + conditions_right[curr_ix] + std::string(")\n"); generate_tree_rules(trees, hplanes, output_score, (trees != NULL)? ((*trees)[curr_ix].tree_right) : ((*hplanes)[curr_ix].hplane_right), index1, cond_right, node_rules, conditions_left, conditions_right); } void extract_cond_isotree(IsoForest &model, IsoTree &tree, std::string &cond_left, std::string &cond_right, std::vector &numeric_colnames, std::vector &categ_colnames, std::vector> &categ_levels) { cond_left = std::string(""); cond_right = std::string(""); if (tree.score >= 0.) return; switch(tree.col_type) { case Numeric: { cond_left = ((model.missing_action != Impute)? (std::string("")) : ((tree.pct_tree_left >= .5)? (numeric_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" IS NULL OR ")) : (numeric_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" IS NOT NULL AND ")))) + numeric_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" <= ") + std::to_string(tree.num_split); cond_right = ((model.missing_action != Impute)? (std::string("")) : ((tree.pct_tree_left >= .5)? (numeric_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" IS NOT NULL AND ")) : (numeric_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" IS NULL OR ")))) + numeric_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" > ") + std::to_string(tree.num_split); break; } case Categorical: { switch(model.cat_split_type) { case SingleCateg: { cond_left = ((model.missing_action != Impute)? (std::string("")) : ((model.missing_action == Impute && tree.pct_tree_left >= .5)? (categ_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" IS NULL OR ")) : (categ_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" IS NOT NULL AND ")))) + categ_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" = '") + categ_levels[tree.col_num][tree.chosen_cat] + std::string("'"); cond_right = ((model.missing_action != Impute)? (std::string("")) : ((model.missing_action == Impute && tree.pct_tree_left >= .5)? (categ_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" IS NOT NULL AND ")) : (categ_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" IS NULL OR ")))) + categ_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" != '") + categ_levels[tree.col_num][tree.chosen_cat] + std::string("'"); break; } case SubSet: { cond_left = categ_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" IN ("); cond_right = cond_left; if (model.missing_action == Impute) { if (tree.pct_tree_left >= .5) { cond_left = categ_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" IS NULL OR ") + cond_left; cond_right = categ_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" IS NOT NULL AND ") + cond_right; } else { cond_left = categ_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" IS NOT NULL AND ") + cond_left; cond_right = categ_colnames[tree.col_num] + std::string(" IS NULL OR ") + cond_right; } } bool added_left = false; bool added_right = false; for (size_t categ = 0; categ < tree.cat_split.size(); categ++) { switch(tree.cat_split[categ]) { case 1: { cond_left += ((added_left)? (std::string(", ")) : (std::string(""))) + std::string("'") + categ_levels[tree.col_num][categ] + std::string("'"); added_left = true; break; } case 0: { cond_right += ((added_right)? (std::string(", ")) : (std::string(""))) + std::string("'") + categ_levels[tree.col_num][categ] + std::string("'"); added_right = true; break; } case -1: { if (model.new_cat_action == Smallest || model.missing_action == Impute) { if ((model.new_cat_action == Smallest && tree.pct_tree_left < .5) || (model.missing_action == Impute && tree.pct_tree_left >= .5)) { cond_left += ((added_left)? (std::string(", ")) : (std::string(""))) + std::string("'") + categ_levels[tree.col_num][categ] + std::string("'"); added_left = true; } else { cond_right += ((added_right)? (std::string(", ")) : (std::string(""))) + std::string("'") + categ_levels[tree.col_num][categ] + std::string("'"); added_right = true; } } break; } } } if (added_left) cond_left += std::string(")"); else cond_left = std::string(""); if (added_right) cond_right += std::string(")"); else cond_right = std::string(""); break; } } break; } } } void extract_cond_ext_isotree(ExtIsoForest &model, IsoHPlane &hplane, std::string &cond_left, std::string &cond_right, std::vector &numeric_colnames, std::vector &categ_colnames, std::vector> &categ_levels) { cond_left = std::string(""); cond_right = std::string(""); if (hplane.score >= 0.) return; std::string hplane_conds = std::string(""); size_t n_visited_numeric = 0; size_t n_visited_categ = 0; for (size_t ix = 0; ix < hplane.col_num.size(); ix++) { hplane_conds += ((hplane_conds.length())? (std::string(" + ")) : (std::string(""))) + ((model.missing_action == Impute)? (std::string("COALESCE(")) : (std::string(""))); switch(hplane.col_type[ix]) { case Numeric: { hplane_conds += std::to_string(hplane.coef[n_visited_numeric]) + std::string(" * (") + numeric_colnames[hplane.col_num[ix]] + ((hplane.mean[n_visited_numeric] >= 0.)? (std::string(" - ")) : (std::string(" - ("))) + std::to_string(hplane.mean[n_visited_numeric]) + ((hplane.mean[n_visited_numeric] >= 0.)? (std::string(")")) : (std::string("))"))); n_visited_numeric++; break; } case Categorical: { switch(model.cat_split_type) { case SingleCateg: { hplane_conds += std::string("CASE WHEN ") + categ_colnames[hplane.col_num[ix]] + std::string(" = '") + categ_levels[hplane.col_num[ix]][hplane.chosen_cat[n_visited_categ]] + std::string("' THEN ") + std::to_string(hplane.fill_new[n_visited_categ]) + std::string(" ELSE 0.0 END"); break; } case SubSet: { hplane_conds += std::string("CASE ") + categ_colnames[hplane.col_num[ix]]; for (size_t categ = 0; categ < hplane.cat_coef[hplane.col_num[ix]].size(); categ++) { hplane_conds += std::string(" WHEN '") + categ_levels[hplane.col_num[ix]][categ] + std::string("' THEN ") + std::to_string( hplane.cat_coef[hplane.col_num[ix]][categ]); } if (model.new_cat_action == Smallest) hplane_conds += std::string(" ELSE ") + std::to_string(hplane.fill_new[n_visited_categ]); hplane_conds += std::string(" END"); break; } } n_visited_categ++; break; } } hplane_conds += ((model.missing_action == Impute)? (std::string(", ") + std::to_string(hplane.fill_val[ix]) + std::string(")")) : (std::string(""))); } cond_left = hplane_conds + std::string(" <= ") + std::to_string(hplane.split_point); cond_right = hplane_conds + std::string(" > ") + std::to_string(hplane.split_point); }