module Sufia module HttpHeaderAuth extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do ## Force the session to be restarted on every request. The ensures that when the REMOTE_USER header is not set, the user will be logged out. prepend_before_filter :clear_session_user before_filter :filter_notify end def self.get_vhost_by_host(config) hosts_vhosts_map = config.hosts_vhosts_map hostname = Socket.gethostname vhost = hosts_vhosts_map[hostname] || "https://#{hostname}/" service = URI.parse(vhost).host port = URI.parse(vhost).port service << "-#{port}" unless port == 443 return [service, vhost] end def clear_session_user if request.nil? logger.warn "Request is Nil, how weird!!!" return end # only logout if the REMOTE_USER is not set in the HTTP headers and a user is set within warden # logout clears the entire session including flash messages request.env['warden'].logout unless user_logged_in? end # Override devise method def user_signed_in? env['warden'] and env['warden'].user and remote_user_set? end def remote_user_set? # Unicorn seems to translate REMOTE_USER into HTTP_REMOTE_USER if Rails.env.development? request.env['HTTP_REMOTE_USER'].present? else request.env['REMOTE_USER'].present? end end def filter_notify # remove error inserted since we are not showing a page before going to web access, this error message always shows up a page too late. # for the moment just remove it always. If we show a transition page in the future we may want to display it then. if flash[:alert].present? flash[:alert] = [flash[:alert]].flatten.reject do |item| # first remove the bogus message item == 'You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.' # Also, remove extraneous paperclip errors for weird file types item =~ /is not recognized by the 'identify' command/ end # then make the flash nil if that was the only message in the flash flash[:alert] = nil if flash[:alert].blank? end end end end