What is Autoproj ---------------- Autoproj allows to easily install and maintain software that is under source code form (usually from a version control system). It has been designed to support a package-oriented development process, where each package can have its own version control repository (think "distributed version control"). It also provides an easy integration of the local operating system (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, maybe MacOSX at some point). This tool has been developped in the frame of the RubyInMotion project (http://sites.google.com/site/rubyinmotion), to install robotics-related software -- that is often bleeding edge. Unlike [the ROS build system](http://ros.org), it is not bound to one build system, one VCS and one integration framework. The philosophy behind autoproj is: * supports both CMake and autotools, and can be adapted to other tools * supports different VCS: cvs, svn, git, plain tarballs. * software packages are plain packages, meaning that they can be built and installed /outside/ an autoproj tree, and are not tied *at all* to the autoproj build system. * leverage the actual OS package management system. Right now, only Debian-like systems (like Ubuntu) are supported, simply because it is the only one I have access to. * handle code generation properly It tries as much as possible to follow the lead of Willow Garage on the package specification. More specifically, the package manifest files are common between ROS package management and autoproj (more details in the following of this document). Components of an Autoproj installation ------------------------------------- A autoproj installation is seeded by _package sets_. A package set is a local or remote directory in which there is: * autobuild scripts that describe what can be built and how it should be built. These scripts an also list a set of configuration options that allow to parametrize the build. In general, there should be only a limited number of such options. * a source.yml file which describes the package set itself, and where the software packages are located (what version control system and what URL). * optionally, a file that describe prepackaged dependencies that can be installed by using the operating system package management system. Bootstrapping ------------- "Bootstrapping" means getting autoproj itself before it can work its magic ... The canonical way is the following: * install Ruby by yourself. On Debian or Ubuntu, this is done with done with sudo apt-get install wget ruby {.cmdline} * then, [download this script](autoproj_bootstrap) *in the directory where you want to create an autoproj installation*, and run it. This can be done with wget http://doudou.github.com/autoproj/autoproj\_bootstrap
ruby autoproj\_bootstrap {.cmdline} * follow the instructions printed by the script above :) Software packages in Autoproj ----------------------------- In the realm of autoproj, a software package should be a self-contained build system, that could be built outside of an autoproj tree. In practice, it means that the package writer should leverage its build system (for instance, cmake) to discover if the package dependencies are installed, and what are the appropriate build options that should be given (for instance, include directories or library names). As a guideline, we recommend that inter-package dependencies are managed by using pkg-config. To describe the package, and more importantly to setup cross-package dependencies, an optional manifest file can be added. This manifest file is named manifest.xml. Its format is described later in this user's guide.