var PageContentController = function(page_id) { this.init(page_id); }; PageContentController.prototype = { page_id: false, new_block_type_id: false, init: function(page_id) { this.page_id = page_id; var that = this; //this.render_blocks(function() { // that.sortable_blocks(); // that.draggable_blocks(); //}); }, sortable_blocks: function() { var that = this; $('#blocks').sortable({ //hoverClass: "ui-state-active", placeholder: 'sortable-placeholder', forcePlaceholderSize: true, handle: '.sort_handle', receive: function(e, ui) { that.new_block_type_id = ui.item.attr('id').replace('new_block_', ''); }, update: function(e, ui) { if (that.new_block_type_id) { $.ajax({ url: '/admin/pages/' + that.page_id + '/blocks', type: 'post', data: { block_type_id: that.new_block_type_id, index: ui.item.index() }, success: function(resp) { that.render_blocks(function() { that.edit_block(; }); } }); that.new_block_type_id = false; } else { $.ajax({ url: '/admin/pages/' + that.page_id + '/block-order', type: 'put', data: $('#blocks').sortable('serialize', { key: "block_ids[]" }), success: function(resp) {} }); } } }); }, draggable_blocks: function() { $('#new_blocks li').draggable({ dropOnEmpty: true, connectToSortable: "#blocks", helper: "clone", revert: "invalid" }); }, edit_block: function(block_id) { caboose_modal_url('/admin/pages/' + this.page_id + '/blocks/' + block_id + '/edit'); }, delete_block: function(block_id, confirm) { var that = this; if (!confirm) { var p = $('

') .addClass('note warning') .append("Are you sure you want to delete the block? ") .append($('').attr('type', 'button').val('Yes').click(function() { that.delete_block(block_id, true); })).append(" ") .append($('').attr('type', 'button').val('No').click(function() { that.render_block(block_id); })); $('#block_container_' + block_id).attr('onclick','').unbind('click'); $('#block_container_' + block_id).empty().append(p); return; } $.ajax({ url: '/admin/pages/' + this.page_id + '/blocks/' + block_id, type: 'delete', success: function(resp) { that.render_blocks(); } }); }, /***************************************************************************** Block Rendering *****************************************************************************/ render_blocks: function(after) { $('#blocks').empty(); var that = this; $.ajax({ url: '/admin/pages/' + this.page_id + '/blocks/render?empty_text=[Empty, click to edit]', success: function(blocks) { if (blocks.length == 0) { $('#blocks').parent().append("

This page is empty. Please add a new block.

"); } $(blocks).each(function(i,b) { $('#blocks') .append($('
  • ') .attr('id', 'block_container_' + //.append($('').attr('id', 'block_' + + '_sort_handle' ).addClass('sort_handle' ).append($('').addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-arrow-2-n-s'))) //.append($('').attr('id', 'block_' + + '_delete_handle').addClass('delete_handle').append($('').addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-close')).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); that.delete_block(; })) //.append($('
    ').attr('id', 'block_' +'block')) ); }); $(blocks).each(function(i,b) { that.render_block_html(, b.html); }); that.set_clickable(); if (after) after(); } }); }, render_block_html: function(block_id, html) { var that = this; $('#block_container_' + block_id).empty().html(html); }, set_clickable: function() { var that = this; $.ajax({ url: '/admin/pages/' + this.page_id + '/blocks/tree', success: function(blocks) { $(blocks).each(function(i,b) { that.set_clickable_helper(b); }); } }); }, set_clickable_helper: function(b) { var that = this; if (!b.children || b.children.length == 0) { $('#block_' +'onclick','').unbind('click'); $('#block_' + { that.edit_block(; }); } else { $.each(b.children, function(i, b2) { that.set_clickable_helper(b2); }); } } }; function toggle_blocks() { $('#new_blocks_container2').slideToggle(); }