module Entrance module Model def self.included(base) # if the target model class does not have a Model.where() method, # then login_by_session wont work, nor the ClassMethods below. # won't work so we cannot continue. unless base.respond_to?(:where) raise "#{} does not have a .where() finder class method. Cannot continue." end base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def validate_entrance! fields = if self.respond_to?(:columns) # ActiveRecord::Base columns.collect(&:name) elsif self.respond_to?(:keys) # MongoMapper::Document keys.keys else # just get setters in the class instance_methods(false).select { |m| m[/\=$/] }.map { |s| s.to_s.sub('=', '') } { |el| el.to_sym } %w(username_attr password_attr).each do |key| field = Entrance.config.send(key) unless fields.include?(field.to_sym) raise "Couldn't find '#{field}' in #{} model." end end %w(remember reset).each do |what| if field = Entrance.config.send("#{what}_token_attr") until_field = Entrance.config.send("#{what}_until_attr") unless fields.include?(field.to_sym) raise "No #{Entrance.config.send("#{what}_token_attr")} field found. \ Set the config.#{what}_token_attr option to nil to disable the #{what} option." end if until_field unless fields.include?(until_field.to_sym) raise "Couldn't find a #{Entrance.config.send("#{what}_until_attr")} field. Cannot continue." end else puts "Disabling expiration timestamp for the #{what} option. This is a VERY bad idea." end Entrance.config.can?(what, true) self.send(:include, what.to_sym == :remember ? RememberMethods : ResetMethods) end end if self.respond_to?(:validates) validates :password, :presence => true, :length => 6..32, :if => :password_required? validates :password, :confirmation => true, :if => :password_required? validates :password_confirmation, :presence => true, :if => :password_required? end end def authenticate(username, password) return if username.blank? or password.blank? query = {} query[Entrance.config.username_attr] = username.to_s.downcase.strip if u = where(query).first return u.authenticated?(password) ? u : nil end end def with_password_reset_token(token) Entrance.config.permit!(:reset) return if token.blank? query = {} query[Entrance.config.reset_token_attr] = token.to_s.strip if u = where(query).first \ and (!Doorman.config.reset_until_attr || u.send(Doorman.config.reset_until_attr) > return u end end end module ResetMethods def request_password_reset! send(Entrance.config.reset_token_attr + '=', Entrance.generate_token) if Doorman.config.reset_until_attr timestamp = + Entrance.config.reset_password_window update_attribute(Entrance.config.reset_until_attr, timestamp) end if save(:validate => false) method = Entrance.config.reset_password_method Entrance.config.reset_password_mailer.constantize.send(method, self).deliver end end end module RememberMethods def remember_me!(until_date = nil) update_attribute(Entrance.config.remember_token_attr, Entrance.generate_token) update_remember_token_expiration!(until_date) if Entrance.config.remember_until_attr end def update_remember_token_expiration!(until_date = nil) timestamp = + (until_date || Entrance.config.remember_for).to_i update_attribute(Entrance.config.remember_until_attr, timestamp) end def forget_me! update_attribute(Entrance.config.remember_token_attr, nil) update_attribute(Entrance.config.remember_until_attr, nil) if Entrance.config.remember_until_attr end end def authenticated?(string) Entrance.config.cipher.match?(read_password, string, get_salt) end def password @password || read_password end def password=(new_password) return if new_password.blank? @password = new_password # for validation @password_changed = true # if we're using salt and it is empty, generate one if Entrance.config.salt_attr \ and send(Entrance.config.salt_attr).blank? self.send(Entrance.config.salt_attr + '=', Entrance.generate_token) end self.send(Entrance.config.password_attr + '=', encrypt_password(new_password)) end private def read_password send(Entrance.config.password_attr) end def encrypt_password(string) Entrance.config.cipher.encrypt(string, get_salt) end def get_salt Entrance.config.salt_attr && send(Entrance.config.salt_attr) end def password_required? password.blank? || @password_changed end end end