# Changelog ## 0.11.3 2013/01/16 * ensure that libv8 is required from rubygems where possible. ## 0.11.2 2013/01/11 * move dependency on libv8 pass corrupted versions (Workaround) ## 0.11.1 2013/01/04 * reintroduce the dependency on libv8 * libv8 can be disabled by installing it with the --with-system-v8 flag ## 0.11.0 2012/12/04 * upgrade V8 version to 3.11.8 * remove dependency on libv8. enable compilation against system v8 * complete re-write of low-level C layer for dramatically increased stability and performance * more faithful and complete coverage of the low-level C API * ease the building of binary gems * official support for Rubinius * ability to query V8 for memory usage and set resource constraints * extensible conversion framework for thunking Ruby values to V8 and vice-versa * extensible invocation framework for calling Ruby code (Proc, Method, etc...) from JavaScript * extensible access framework for interacting with Ruby properties from JavaScript * provide explicit context teardown for distributed cycles of garbage. ## 0.10.1 2012/04/05 * [bugfix] V8::Object#respond_to? did not call super ## 0.10.0 2012/03/28 * [incompatible] embedded lambdas now take JS `this` object as first object * add sponsorship image to the README * enable Travis CI ## 0.9.9 2011/11/08 * remove GCC specific C++ extension to fix llvm build. ## 0.9.8 2011/11/07 * let Rake version float again. ## 0.9.7 2011/10/06 * build fixes * fix rake dependency at 0.8.7 while the Rake team sorts some shit out. ## 0.9.6 2011/10/06 * make build compatible with Gentoo ## 0.9.5 - 2011/10/05 * remove GCC specific code to enable build on BSD * let Rake dependency float ## 0.9.4 - 2011/08/22 * Fix an issue with the compilation include paths which allowed compilation against conflicting libv8's ## 0.9.3 - 2011/08/11 * Better documentation for the C extension memory management * Always lock V8 operations, always. * GH-86 Context#[], Context#[]= always looks up values from the JavaScript scope, even when it's a Ruby object ## 0.9.2 - 2011/06/23 * fix issue with 1.8.7 where object allocation inside of GC was segfaulting ## 0.9.1 - 2011/06/17 * never perform V8 operations inside Ruby GC * refactor locking interface * add documentation for v8_handle ## 0.9.0 - 2011/06/10 * extract libv8 into installable binary for most platforms * fix numerous memory leaks * expose the V8 debugger via V8::C::Debug::EnableAgent() * force UTf-8 encoding on strings returned from javascript in ruby 1.9 * remove deprecated evaluate() methods * make the currently executing JavaScript stack available via Context#stack ## 0.8.1 - 2011/03/07 * upgrade to v8 3.1.8 * remove bin/v8 which conflicted with v8 executeable * decruft all the crap that had accumulated in the gem * Javascript Objects are now always mapped to the same V8::Object when read from the context ## 0.8.0 - 2010/12/02 * every V8 Context gets its own unique access strategy * ruby methods and procs embedded in javascript always return the same function per context. * ruby classes and subclasses are now all connected via the javascript prototype chain * better error reporting on syntax errors * upgrade to rspec 2 * several bug fixes and stability fixes ## 0.7.5 - 2010/08/03 * upgrade to V8 2.3.3 * property interceptors from ruby via [] and []= * indexed property access via [] and []= * property * several bugfixes * stability: eliminate many segfaults * don't enumerate property setters such as foo= from javascript ## 0.7.4 - 2010/06/15 * bug fix for rvm ruby installs incorrectly detected as 32bit ## 0.7.3 - 2010/06/15 * don't catch SystemExit and NoMemoryError * fix bug bundling gem ## 0.7.2 - 2010/06/14 * embed ruby classes as constructors * support for rubinius * uniform backtrace() function on JSError mixes the ruby * String::NewSymbol() is now scriptable * InstanceTemplate(), PrototypeTemplate(), Inherit() methods on v8::FunctionTemplate now scriptable. * reuse the standard ruby object access template * fix a bunch of compile warnings * Store any ruby object in V8 with V8::C::External ## 0.7.1 - 2010/06/03 * Function#call() now uses the global scope for 'this' by default * Function#methodcall() added to allow passing in 'this' object * Function#new() method to invoke javascript constructor from ruby * access javascript properties and call javascript methods from ruby * bundled Jasmine DOM-Less browser testing framework. * added Object::GetHiddenValue() to v8 metal * added Handle::IsEmpty() to v8 metal * fixed bug where iterating over arrays sometimes failed * numerous bug /segfault fixes. ## 0.7.0 - 2010/05/31 * upgraded to V8 2.1.10 * added low level scripting interface for V8 objects * ruby object property/method access is now implemented in ruby * auto-convert javascript arrays to rb arrays and vice-versa * auto-convert ruby hashes into javascript objects * auto-convert javascript Date into ruby Time object and vice versa. * better exception handling when passing through multiple language boundaries * objects maintain referential integrity when passing objects from ruby to javascript and vice-versa * added debug compile option for getting C/C++ backtraces whenever segfaults occur. * official support for REE 1.8.7 * fixed numerous segfaults * implemented V8::Value#to_s * the global scope is available to every V8::Context as the 'scope' attribute * properly convert ruby boolean values into V8 booleans. ## 0.6.3 - 2010/05/07 * FIX: linkage error on OSX /usr/bin/ruby ## 0.6.2 - 2010/05/06 * FIX: linkage error on OSX 10.5 ## 0.6.1 - 2010/05/03 * call JavaScript functions from Ruby ## 0.6.0 - 2010/03/31 * ruby 1.9 compatible * full featured command line bin/v8 and bin/therubyracer * self validating install (v8 --selftest) * Only dependency to build gem from source is rubygems. ## 0.5.5 - 2010/03/15 * fix string encoding issue that was breaking RHEL 5.x * fix pthread linking issue on RHEL 5.2 ## 0.5.4 - 2010/03/09 * add ext directory to gem require paths which was causing problems for non-binary gems ## 0.5.3 - 2010/03/01 * added full back trace to javascript code ## 0.5.2 - 2010/02/26 * added javascript shell (bin/therubyracer) * added to_s method for embedded ruby objects * added line number and file name to error message. ## 0.5.1 - 2010/02/17 * fix bug in 1.8.6 by creating Object#tap if it does not exist ## 0.5.0 - 2010/02/17 * support for Linux 64 bit ## 0.4.9 - 2010/02/16 * support for Linux 32 bit ## 0.4.8 - 2010/02/08 * expose line number and source name on JavascriptErrors. ## 0.4.5 - 2010/01/18 * case munging so that ruby methods(perl_case) are accessed through javascript in camelCase. * access 0-arity ruby methods as javascript properties * invoke ruby setters from javascript as properties * contexts detect whether they are open or not and open when needed ## 0.4.4 - 2010/01/14 * Ruby objects embedded into javascript are passed back to ruby as themselves and not a wrapped V8 object wrapping a ruby object. * Use any ruby object as the scope of eval(). * quick and dirty V8.eval() method added * native objects have a reference to the context that created them. * context now has equality check. * expose InContext() and GetCurrent() methods. * fix a couple of segmentation faults ## 0.4.3 - 2010/10/11 * access properties on Ruby objects with their camel case equivalents * reflect JavaScript objects into Ruby and access their properties * load JavaScript source from an IO object or by filename ## 0.4.2 - 2010/10/10 * embed Ruby Objects into Javascript and call their methods ## 0.4.1 - 2010/01/09 * embed bare Proc and Method objects into JavaScript and call them * catch JavaScript exceptions from Ruby ## 0.4.0 - 2009/12/21 * evaluate JavaScript code from inside Ruby.