begin JSON::JSON_LOADED rescue NameError require 'json' end require 'active_support/inflector' require 'certainty' require 'structure/collection' module Structure # A document is a typed, nestable key/value container. # # class Person < Document # key :name # key :age, Integer # one :location # many :friends, :class_name => 'Person' # end # class Document include Enumerable autoload :Static,'structure/document/static' # An attribute may be of the following data types. TYPES = [Array, Boolean, Collection, Document, Float, Hash, Integer, String] class << self # Returns the default values for the attributes. def defaults @defaults ||= {} end # Builds a Ruby object out of the JSON representation of a # structure. def json_create(object) object.delete 'json_class' new object end # Defines an attribute. # # Takes a name, an optional type, and an optional hash of options. # # If nothing is specified, type defaults to +String+. # # Available options are: # # * +:default+, which sets the default value for the attribute. If # no default value is specified, it defaults to +nil+. def key(name, *args) name = name.to_sym options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} type = args.shift || String default = options[:default] if method_defined? name raise NameError, "#{name} is already defined" end if (type.ancestors & TYPES).empty? raise TypeError, "#{type} isn't a valid type" end if default.nil? || default.is_a?(type) defaults[name] = default else raise TypeError, "#{default} isn't a #{type}" end module_eval do define_method(name) { @attributes[name] } define_method("#{name}=") do |value| @attributes[name] = if value.is_a?(type) || value.nil? value else Kernel.send(type.to_s, value) end end alias_method "#{name}?", name if type == Boolean end end # Defines an attribute that represents a collection. def many(name, options = {}) class_name = options.delete(:class_name) || name.to_s.classify klass = constantize class_name collection = key name, collection, options.merge(:default => end # Defines an attribute that represents another structure. Takes # a name and optional hash of options. def one(name, options = {}) class_name = options.delete(:class_name) || name.to_s.classify klass = constantize class_name unless klass < Document raise TypeError, "#{klass} isn't a Document" end define_method("create_#{name}") do |*args| self.send("#{name}=",*args)) end key name, klass, options end alias create new private def constantize(name) name.constantize rescue Object.class_eval <<-ruby class #{name} < Structure::Document; end ruby retry end def inherited(child) Kernel.send(:define_method, do |arg| case arg when child arg when Hash arg else raise TypeError, "can't convert #{arg.class} into #{child}" end end end end # Creates a new structure. # # A hash, if provided, will seed its attributes. def initialize(hash = {}) @attributes = self.class.defaults.inject({}) do |a, (k, v)| a[k] = v.is_a?(Array) || v.is_a?(Collection) ? v.dup : v a end hash.each { |k, v| self.send("#{k}=", v) } end # The attributes that make up the structure. attr :attributes # Returns a Rails-friendly JSON representation of the structure. def as_json(options = nil) subset = if options if attrs = options[:only] @attributes.slice(*Array.wrap(attrs)) elsif attrs = options[:except] @attributes.except(*Array.wrap(attrs)) else @attributes.dup end else @attributes.dup end klass = { JSON.create_id => klass }. merge(subset) end # Calls block once for each attribute in the structure, passing that # attribute as a parameter. def each(&block) @attributes.each { |v| } end # Returns a hash representation of the structure. def to_hash @attributes.inject({}) do |a, (k, v)| a[k] = if v.respond_to?(:to_hash) v.to_hash elsif v.is_a?(Array) || v.is_a?(Collection) { |e| e.respond_to?(:to_hash) ? e.to_hash : e } else v end a end end # Returns a JSON representation of the structure. def to_json(*args) klass = { JSON.create_id => klass }. merge(@attributes). to_json(*args) end # Compares this object with another object for equality. A Structure # is equal to the other object when latter is of the same class and # the two objects' attributes are the same. def ==(other) other.is_a?(self.class) && @attributes == other.attributes end end end