require 'hpricot'

module Webby
module Filters

# The Outline filter is used to insert outline numbering into HTML heading
# tags (h1, h2, h3, etc.) and to generate a table of contents based on the
# heading tags. The table of contents is inserted into the page at the
# location of the <toc /> tag. If there is no <toc /> tag, then a table of
# contents will not be created but outline numbering will still take place.
# If a table of contents is desired without outline number being inserted
# into the heading tags, this can be specified in the attibutes of the
# <toc /> tag itself.
#    <toc numbering="off" />
# This will generate a table of contents, but not insert outline numbering
# into the heading tags.
# The Outline filter will only work on valid HTML or XHTML pages. Therefore
# it should be used after any markup langauge filters (textile, markdown,
# etc.).
# The following attributes can be specified in the <toc /> tag itself to
# control how outline numbering is performed by the filter. The attributes
# can be used in combination with one another.
# === numbering
# If set to "off", this will prevent numbers from being inserted into the
# page. The default is "on".
#    <toc numbering="off" />
# === numbering_start
# This is the number to start with when inserting outline numbers into a
# page. The default is 1.
#    <toc numbering_start="3" />
# === toc_style
# The style of the Table of Contents list to generated. This will be
# either "ol" for an ordered list or "ul" for an unordered list. The
# default is an ordered list.
#    <toc toc_style="ul" />
# === toc_range
# This limits the numbering to only a subset of the HTML heading tags. The
# defaul is to number all the heading tags.
#    <toc toc_range="h1-h3" />
# In this example, only the heading tags h1, h2, and h3 will be numbered
# and included in the table of contents listing.
# ==== Example
# Generate a table of contents using an unordered list, starting with the
# number 2, and only numbering heading levels 2, 3, and 4.
#    <toc numbering_start="2" toc_style="ul" toc_range="h2-h4" />
class Outline
  include ERB::Util

  # call-seq:
  # html )
  # Creates a new outline filter that will operate on the given
  # _html_ string.
  def initialize( str )
    @str = str

    @cur_level, @base_level, @cur_depth = nil
    @level = [0] * 6
    @h_rgxp = %r/^h(\d)$/o

    @numbering = true
    @numbering_start = 1

    @toc = []
    @toc_style = 'ol'
    @toc_range = 'h1-h6'
    @list_opening = nil

  # call-seq:
  #    filter    => html
  # Process the original html document passed to the filter when it was
  # created. The document will be scanned for heading tags (h1, h2, etc.)
  # and outline numbering and id attributes will be inserted. A table of
  # contents will also be created and inserted into the page if a <toc />
  # tag is found.
  # For example, if there is a heading tag
  #    <h3>Get Fuzzy</h3>
  # somewhere in a page about comic strips, the tag might be altered as such
  #    <h3 id="h2_2_1"><span class="heading-num">2.2.1</span>Get Fuzzy</h3>
  # The id attribute is used to generate a linke from the table of contents
  # to this particular heading tag. The original text of the tag is used in
  # the table of contents -- "Get Fuzzy" in this example.
  def filter
    doc = Hpricot.XML(@str)

    # extract directives from the "toc" tag
    toc_elem ='toc').first

    unless toc_elem.nil?
      @numbering = toc_elem['numbering'] !~ %r/off/i
      @numbering_start = Integer(toc_elem['numbering_start']) if toc_elem.has_attribute? 'numbering_start'
      @toc_style = toc_elem['toc_style'] if toc_elem.has_attribute? 'toc_style'
      @toc_range = toc_elem['toc_range'] if toc_elem.has_attribute? 'toc_range'

    unless %w[ul ol].include? @toc_style
      raise ArgumentError, "unknown ToC list type '#{@toc_style}'"

    m = %r/h(\d)\s*-\s*h(\d)/i.match @toc_range
    @toc_range = Integer(m[1])..Integer(m[2])
    @list_opening = build_list_opening(toc_elem)

    headers = {|x| "h#{x}"}
    doc.traverse_element(*headers) do |elem|
      text, id = heading_info(elem)
      add_to_toc(text, id) if @toc_range.include? current_level

    toc_elem.swap(toc) unless toc_elem.nil?


  def build_list_opening( elem )
    lo = "<#{@toc_style}"
    unless elem.nil?
      %w[class style id].each do |atr|
        next unless elem.has_attribute? atr
        lo << " %s=\"%s\"" % [atr, elem[atr]]
    if @toc_style == 'ol' and @numbering_start != 1
      lo << " start=\"#{@numbering_start}\""
    lo << ">"

  # Returns information for the given heading element. The information is
  # returned as a two element array: [text, id].
  # This method will also insert outline numbering and an id attribute. The
  # outline numbering can be disabled, but the id attribute must be present
  # for TOC generation.
  def heading_info( elem )
    m = @h_rgxp.match(
    level = Integer(m[1])

    self.current_level = level
    text = elem.inner_text

    lbl = label
    if numbering?
      elem.children.first.before %Q{<span class="heading-num">#{lbl}</span>}
    elem['id'] = "h#{'.','_')}" if elem['id'].nil?

    return [text, elem['id']]

  # Set the current heading level. This will set the label and depth as
  # well. An error will be raised if the _level_ is less than the base
  # heading level.
  # The base heading level will be set to the _level_ if it has not already
  # been set. Therefore, the first heading tag encountered defines the base
  # heading level.
  def current_level=( level )
    if @base_level.nil?
      @base_level = @cur_level = level
      @level[@base_level-1] = @numbering_start-1

    if level < @base_level
      raise ::Webby::Error, "heading tags are not in order, cannot outline"

    if level == @cur_level
      @level[level-1] += 1
    elsif level > @cur_level
      @cur_level.upto(level-1) {|ii| @level[ii] += 1}
      @cur_level.downto(level+1) {|ii| @level[ii-1] = 0}
      @level[level-1] += 1

    @cur_level = level

  # Returns the current heading level number.
  def current_level

  # Return the label string for the current heading level.
  def label
    rv = @level.dup

  # Return the nesting depth of the current heading level with respect to the
  # base heading level. This is a one-based number.
  def depth
    @cur_level - @base_level + 1

  # Add the given text and id reference to the table of contents.
  def add_to_toc( text, id )
    a = "<a href=\"##{id}\">#{h(text)}</a>"
    @toc << [depth, a]

  # Returns the table of contents as a collection of nested ordered lists.
  # This is fully formatted HTML.
  def toc
    ary = []

    lopen = "<#@toc_style>"
    lclose = "</#@toc_style>"
    prev_depth = open = 0

    @toc.each do |a|
      cur = a.first

      # close out the previous list item if we're at the same level
      if cur == prev_depth
        ary << "</li>"

      # if we are increasing the level, then start a new list
      elsif cur > prev_depth
        ary << if ary.empty? then @list_opening else lopen end
        open += 1

      # we are decreasing the level; close out tags but ensure we don't
      # close out all the tags (leave one open)
        (prev_depth - cur).times {
          ary << "</li>" << lclose
          open -= 1
          break if open <= 0
        if open > 0
          ary << "</li>"
          ary << lopen
          open += 1

      # add the current element
      ary << "<li>" << a.last
      prev_depth = cur

    # close out the remaingling tags
    ary << "</li>" << lclose

  # Returns +true+ if outline numbering should be inserted into the heading
  # tags. Returns +false+ otherwise.
  def numbering?
end  # class Outline

# Generate a outline numbering and/or a table of contents in the input HTML
# text.
register :outline do |input|

end  # module Filters
end  # module Webby