== 0.3.6 (22nd September 2013) * Corrects Gemfile.lock to work properly with bundler == 0.3.5 (22nd September 2013) * Corrects Gemfile.lock to work properly with bundler == 0.3.4 (22nd September 2013) * Ensure works on Ruby v1.9.3 and v2.0 * Display exception error message from parse_source() == 0.3.3 (31st July 2011) * Removed validation from +new+ for +Item+ and +Document+ * Created vocabularies/ to put the vocabularies in * Added +URL+ and +Enumeration+ DataTypes * Converted DataTypess to classes derived from +Generic+ * Now supports circular dependencies in vocabularies * Added all the Schema.org vocabularies == 0.3.2 (9th July 2011) * Ensure bin/mida only searches if type regexp passed * Allow vocabularies to be included into other vocabularies == 0.3.1 (5th July 2011) * Add bin/mida exectuable * Changed Item#to_h to only return keys with values * Add validate option to +Document+ and +Item+ to turn on/off validation == 0.3.0 (29th June 2011) * Merge +VocabularyDesc+ into +Vocabulary+ * Vocabularies are now auto registered using +inherited+ hook * Removed vocabulary from Item#to_h * Deprecate +types+ to describe a Vocabulary property if favour of +extract+ * Add +DataType+ so can use DataType::Text instead of +String+ for a type * Add various DataTypes: +Boolean+, +Float+, +Integer+, +Number+, +ISO8601Date+, +Text+ * Add Bundler support * Properties marked as has_one now output a single value instead of an +Array+ * Document#search now only uses a +Regexp+ to search with * +Document+ now includes +Enumerable+ Mixin == 0.2.0 (3rd May 2011) * Add ability to describe and conform to vocabularies * Rename Mida::Property to Mida::Itemprop to better reflect use * Make some of the Mida::Itemprop class methods private == 0.1.3 (18th April 2011) * Ensure itemprops are parsed properly if containing non-microdata elements * Support itemprops nested within other itemprops == 0.1.2 (14th April 2011) * Add version for rspec dependency == 0.1.1 (12th April 2011) * Improve gemspec description == 0.1.0 (12th April 2011) * Initial Release