# @private Inner workings of Ticket module TicketService # @private Inner workings of Ticket module Common def initialize # storage for tickets to be expired by expiry time # as the key and an array of ids in array as the value @expires = {} @expire_files = {} @expire_blobobj = {} # storage for disposable images @imgs = { # id is used as the uri :by_id => {}, # list of image ids by session id :ses_ids => {} } # storage for other disposable data @files = { # id is used as the uri :by_id => {}, # list of image ids by session id :ses_ids => {} } # an randgen instance used for generating ids (84B long) @randgen = RandGen.new( 84 ) # supported image content types @content_types = { 'GIF' => 'image/gif', 'PNG' => 'image/png', 'JPG' => 'image/jpeg' } # static data, initially for invalid/not found error-gif # also all serve_rsrc items @raw_uris = { 'invalid.gif' => ['image/gif','53',['749464839316700090000800000000004e7ebe129f400000000000c200000000700090000020c0c8f70a9c810e0229ea2da1a000b3'].pack('h*')], 'favicon.ico' => ['image/gif','371',['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'].pack('h*')] } @upload_slots = { # upload slots :by_id => { # random key mime max_size session_id # 'test123' => [ '*/*', 15000, 12 ] }, # processed uploads :uploaded => { # same key as :by_id rsence_uploads:id # 'test123' => [37483,37546,38759] }, # upload ids by session id :ses_ids => { # 12 => ['test123'] } } @blob_objs = { :by_id => {}, :ses_ids => {} } @db = false end def set_db_state( state ) @db = state end attr_accessor :raw_uris # :nodoc: attr_accessor :imgs # :nodoc: attr_accessor :content_types # :nodoc: # Helper method to return the time formatted according to the HTTP RFC def httime(time) return time.gmtime.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z') end # Cleans up structures (not used at the moment) def shutdown # :nodoc: end # Serves files and images by returning an URI. Content is given as second # parameter. Optional third defaults to 'PNG' and defines the format. # Optional fourth parameter is where there are two possibilities :img # and :file, defaults to :img. URI works as an ID for data. def serve( msg, content, format='PNG', type=:img ) # gets a new, unique identifier ticket_id = @randgen.gen # serve image if type == :img # makes sure the format is in uppper case format.upcase! # checks, that the format is a supported image type unless @content_types.keys.include?( format ) puts "ImgServe.serve: invalid format (#{format.inspect})" if RSence.args[:verbose] return File.join(::RSence.config[:broker_urls][:i],'invalid.gif') end # stores the image data and meta-data ready to be served storage_hash = @imgs storage_arr = [format,0,content,msg.ses_id] # return an uri that will respond to the data uri = File.join(::RSence.config[:broker_urls][:i],"#{ticket_id}.#{format.downcase}") # serve file elsif type == :file # re-map content_type and filename meta-data from format (content_type, filename) = format # content size for the header content_size = content.bytesize.to_s storage_hash = @files storage_arr = [content_type,content_size,content,msg.ses_id,filename] uri = File.join(::RSence.config[:broker_urls][:f],ticket_id) end # makes sure, that the storage array has a sub-array for sessions (to aid session-based cleanup) storage_hash[:ses_ids][msg.ses_id] = [] unless @imgs[:ses_ids].has_key?(msg.ses_id) # adds the id to the session-specific storage storage_hash[:ses_ids][msg.ses_id].push( ticket_id ) storage_hash[:by_id][ticket_id] = storage_arr return uri end # Alias for +Ticketserve#serve+. alias serve_img serve # Flushes disposable storage when the session expires. Session id is given # as a parameter. def expire_ses( ses_id ) # :nodoc: # flush images by session id if @imgs[:ses_ids].has_key?(ses_id) # goes through the array, until it's empty until @imgs[:ses_ids][ses_id].empty? img_id = @imgs[:ses_ids][ses_id].shift del_img( img_id, ses_id ) end # finally, removes the session id @imgs[:ses_ids].delete( ses_id ) end # flush other data by session id if @files[:ses_ids].has_key?(ses_id) # goes through the array, until it's empty until @files[:ses_ids][ses_id].empty? file_id = @files[:ses_ids][ses_id].shift del_file( file_id, ses_id ) end # finally, removes the session id @files[:ses_ids].delete( ses_id ) end if @upload_slots[:ses_ids].has_key?(ses_id) # goes through the array, until it's empty until @upload_slots[:ses_ids][ses_id].empty? ticket_id = @upload_slots[:ses_ids][ses_id].shift del_uploads( ticket_id, ses_id ) end # finally, removes the session id @upload_slots[:ses_ids].delete( ses_id ) end if @blob_objs[:ses_ids].has_key?(ses_id) # goes through the array, until it's empty until @blob_objs[:ses_ids][ses_id].empty? ticket_id = @blob_objs[:ses_ids][ses_id].shift del_blobobj( ticket_id, ses_id ) end # finally, removes the session id @blob_objs[:ses_ids].delete( ses_id ) end end # Serves data based on get request. Is used automatically by +Broker+. def get_ticket( req, res, type=:img ) # :nodoc: is_invalid = true if type == :img img_id = req.unparsed_uri.match(/^#{::RSence.config[:broker_urls][:i]}(.*)$/)[1] if img_id == nil puts "ImgServe.fetch_img: invalid uri#1 (#{req.unparsed_uri.inspect})" if RSence.args[:verbose] img_id = 'invalid.gif' end img_id = img_id.split('.')[0] if img_id == nil puts "ImgServe.fetch_img: invalid uri#2 (#{req.unparsed_uri.inspect})" if RSence.args[:verbose] img_id = 'invalid.gif' elsif img_id.size != 84 puts "ImgServe.fetch_img: invalid img_id (#{img_id.inspect})" if RSence.args[:verbose] img_id = 'invalid.gif' end if @raw_uris.include?(img_id) (content_type,content_size,content) = @raw_uris[img_id] elsif @imgs[:by_id].include?(img_id) (format,content_size_zero,img_data,ses_id) = @imgs[:by_id][img_id] # renders the Magick::Image object content = img_data.to_blob { self.format = format } # content size for the header content_size = content.bytesize.to_s # content type for the header content_type = @content_types[format] if req.header.has_key?('keep-alive') and req.header['keep-alive'].size > 0 keep_alive = req.header['keep-alive'][0].to_i keep_alive = 10 if keep_alive < 10 keep_alive = 600 if keep_alive > 600 push_keepalive( img_id, keep_alive ) expire_keepalives else del_img( img_id, ses_id ) end else (content_type,content_size,content) = @raw_uris['invalid.gif'] end elsif type == :file file_id = req.unparsed_uri.match(/^#{::RSence.config[:broker_urls][:f]}(.*)$/)[1] if file_id == nil puts "fileServe.fetch_file: invalid uri#1 (#{req.unparsed_uri.inspect})" if RSence.args[:verbose] file_id = 'invalid.gif' end file_id = file_id.split('.')[0] if file_id == nil puts "fileServe.fetch_file: invalid uri#2 (#{req.unparsed_uri.inspect})" if RSence.args[:verbose] file_id = 'invalid.gif' elsif file_id.size != 84 puts "fileServe.fetch_file: invalid file_id (#{file_id.inspect})" if RSence.args[:verbose] file_id = 'invalid.gif' end if @raw_uris.include?(file_id) (content_type,content_size,content) = @raw_uris[file_id] elsif @files[:by_id].include?(file_id) (content_type,content_size,content,ses_id,filename) = @files[:by_id][file_id] if filename != nil and filename != '' res['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=#{filename}" end if req.header.has_key?('Keep-Alive') and req.header['Keep-Alive'].size > 0 keep_alive = req.header['Keep-Alive'][0].to_i keep_alive = 10 if keep_alive < 10 keep_alive = 600 if keep_alive > 600 push_keepalive_file( file_id, keep_alive ) expire_keepalive_files else del_file( file_id, ses_id ) end else (content_type,content_size,content) = @raw_uris['invalid.gif'] end elsif type == :blobobj blobobj_id = req.unparsed_uri.match(/^#{::RSence.config[:broker_urls][:b]}(.*)$/)[1] if blobobj_id == nil puts "fileServe.fetch_blobobj: invalid uri#1 (#{req.unparsed_uri.inspect})" if RSence.args[:verbose] blobobj_id = 'invalid.gif' end if blobobj_id == nil puts "fileServe.fetch_blobobj: invalid uri#2 (#{req.unparsed_uri.inspect})" if RSence.args[:verbose] blobobj_id = 'invalid.gif' elsif blobobj_id.size != 84 puts "fileServe.fetch_blobobj: invalid blobobj_id (#{blobobj_id.inspect})" if RSence.args[:verbose] blobobj_id = 'invalid.gif' end if @raw_uris.include?(blobobj_id) content_type = @raw_uris[blobobj_id].mime content_size = @raw_uris[blobobj_id].bytesize content = @raw_uris[blobobj_id].data elsif @blob_objs[:by_id].include?(blobobj_id) (ses_id, blobobj) = @blob_objs[:by_id][blobobj_id] content_type = blobobj.mime content_size = blobobj.bytesize content = blobobj.data if req.header.has_key?('keep-alive') and req.header['keep-alive'].size > 0 keep_alive = req.header['keep-alive'][0].to_i keep_alive = 10 if keep_alive < 10 keep_alive = 600 if keep_alive > 600 push_keepalive_blobobj( blobobj_id, keep_alive ) expire_keepalive_blobobjs else del_blobobj( blobobj_id, ses_id ) end else (content_type,content_size,content) = @raw_uris['invalid.gif'] end elsif type == :rsrc rsrc_id = req.unparsed_uri.match(/^#{::RSence.config[:broker_urls][:d]}(.*)$/)[1] if rsrc_id == nil puts "rsrcServe.fetch_rsrc: invalid uri#1 (#{req.unparsed_uri.inspect})" if RSence.args[:verbose] rsrc_id = 'invalid.gif' end rsrc_id = rsrc_id.split('.')[0] if rsrc_id == nil puts "rsrcServe.fetch_rsrc: invalid uri#2 (#{req.unparsed_uri.inspect})" if RSence.args[:verbose] rsrc_id = 'invalid.gif' elsif rsrc_id.size != 84 puts "rsrcServe.fetch_rsrc: invalid rsrc_id (#{rsrc_id.inspect})" if RSence.args[:verbose] rsrc_id = 'invalid.gif' end if @raw_uris.include?(rsrc_id) (content_type,content_size,content) = @raw_uris[rsrc_id] else (content_type,content_size,content) = @raw_uris['invalid.gif'] end end res.status = 200 res['Content-Type'] = content_type res['Content-Length'] = content_size res['Date'] = httime( Time.now ) res['Expires'] = httime(Time.now+::RSence.config[:cache_expire]) res.body = content end end end