{%- comment -%} This file can be used to fix the HTML produced by Jekyll for highlighted code with line numbers. It works with `{% highlight some_language linenos %}...{% endhighlight %}` and with the Kramdown option to add line numbers to fenced code. The implementation was derived from the workaround provided by Dmitry Hrabrov (DeXP) at https://github.com/penibelst/jekyll-compress-html/issues/71#issuecomment-188144901 EXPLANATION The HTML produced by Rouge highlighting with lie numbers is of the form `code table`. Jekyll (<= 4.1.1) always wraps the highlighted HTML with `pre`. This wrapping is not only unnecessary, but also transforms the conforming HTML produced by Rouge to non-conforming HTML, which results in HTML validation error reports. The fix removes the outer `pre` tags whenever they contain the pattern `