--- en: decidim: action_delegator: admin: consultations: results: title: Results by answer, membership type and weight delegations: create: error: There was a problem creating the delegation error_granter_unique: already delegated their vote error_max_grants: You reached the limit of allowed delegations for this grantee success: Delegation created successfully destroy: error: There was a problem destroying this delegation success: Delegation successfully destroyed index: actions: new_delegation: New participant consultation: Consultation created_at: Created at delete: Delete grantee: Grantee granter: Granter title: Participants new: form: title: General information grantee: Grantee granter: Granter save: Create select_member: Select member title: New delegation menu: consultations_submenu: by_answer: By answer by_type_and_weight: By type and weight sum_of_weights: By sum of weights delegations: User delegations participants: Participants results: sum_of_weights: index: title: Results by answer summing membership weights settings: create: error: There was a problem creating the settings success: Settings saved successfully destroy: error: There was a problem destroying this setting success: Setting successfully destroyed index: actions: new_setting: New delegation consultation: Consultation created_at: Created at delegations: Total delegations max_grants: Max delegations/user title: Delegations new: form: title: General information max_grants: Maximum delegations per user save: Save title: Delegation settings authorizations: new: missing_phone_error: Missing membership phone phone_warning: This phone number has been imported by the admin. Please, reach out if it's not correct. delegations: link: You have delegations granted delegations_modal: callout: Remember, you are voting on behalf of contextual_help: 'You have been granted the vote from:' title: 'Consultation: granted delegations' name: Decidim ActionDelegator cooperatives module sms_message: Your verification code is %{code} user_delegations: index: vote_delegated: You can vote on behalf of %{name} in this consultation verification: admin: members: index: title: Members management admin: consultations: results: default_metadata: "(membership data not available)" export: Export export_filename: consultation_results membership_type: Membership type membership_weight: Weight total_delegates: "%{count} delegated votes" authorization_handlers: admin: delegations_verifier: help: - A verification method for delegate voting delegations_verifier: explanation: Verified users with this method can delegate votes to other users name: Delegations Verifier layouts: decidim: admin: question: attachments: Attachments categories: Categories user_profile: vote_delegations: Vote delegations