include All::Permissions::Follow def option_cards end def options_rule_card name: "follow_options_card", type_code: :pointer, content: { |oc| "[[#{}]]" }.join("\n") ) end format :html do def default_follow_item_args args args[:condition] ||= Env.params[:condition] || "*always" end view :follow_item, tags: :unknown_ok, cache: :never do |args| condition = args[:condition] wrap do card_form action: :update, success: { view: :follow_item } do [ follow_item_hidden_tags(condition), follow_item_button(condition), follow_item_link(condition) ] end end end def add_follow_item? condition card.new_card? || !card.include_item?(condition) end def follow_item_hidden_tags condition condkey = add_follow_item?(condition) ? :add_item : :drop_item hidden_tags condition: condition, condkey => condition end def follow_item_button condition action = add_follow_item?(condition) ? :add : :delete _render "#{action}_follow_rule_button" end def follow_item_link condition link_to_card follow_item_link_target, follow_item_link_text(condition) end def follow_item_link_target set = card.rule_set setname = set.tag.codename == :self ? setname.left : setname.field("by name") end def follow_item_link_text condition if (option_card = Card.fetch condition) option_card.description card.rule_set else card.rule_set.follow_label end end def default_follow_status_args args args[:card_key] ||= card.set_prototype.key end view :follow_status do |args| ["

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", render!(:follow_status_delete_options), follow_status_link(, args[:card_key])].join "\n\n" end def follow_status_link name, key # simplified this to straight link for now. # consider restoring to slotter action link_to_card name, "more options", path: { view: :edit_single_rule }, class: "btn update-follow-link", "data-card_key" => key end view :follow_status_delete_options, cache: :never do wrap_with(:ul, class: "delete-list list-group") do do |option| wrap_with :li, class: "list-group-item" do condition = option == "*never" ? "*always" : option subformat(card).render_follow_item condition: condition end end.join "\n" end end view :delete_follow_rule_button do button_tag(type: :submit, class: "btn-xs btn-item-delete btn-primary", "aria-label" => "Left Align") do tag :span, class: "glyphicon glyphicon-ok", "aria-hidden" => "true" end end view :add_follow_rule_button do button_tag(type: :submit, class: "btn-xs btn-item-add", "aria-label" => "Left Align") do tag :span, class: "glyphicon glyphicon-plus", "aria-hidden" => "true" end end end