@file_assets Feature: Upload file into a document In order to add files to a document As an editor I want to upload files in the edit form @nojs Scenario: Upload files on dataset edit page Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" When I am on the edit files page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_dataset1 And I select "1" from "number_of_files" And I press "Continue" When I attach the file "test_support/fixtures/image.jp2" to "Filedata[]" And I press "Upload File" Then I should see "The file image.jp2 has been saved" # we shouldn't have to have the step below once we're displaying the contents of the previous steps. When I follow "Switch to browse view" Then I should see a link to "image.jp2" in the file assets list Scenario: Upload files on article edit page Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" When I am on the edit files page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 Then I select "1" from "number_of_files" And I press "Continue" When I attach the file "test_support/fixtures/image.jp2" to "Filedata[]" And I press "Upload File" Then I should see "The file image.jp2 has been saved" # we shouldn't have to have the step below once we're displaying the contents of the previous steps. When I follow "Switch to browse view" Then I should see a link to "image.jp2" in the file assets list Scenario: Not uploading files Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" When I am on the edit files page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 Then I select "0" from "number_of_files" And I press "Continue" Then I should see "Group Permissions" Scenario: html5 valid uploading files on edit page Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" When I am on the edit files page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 Then the page should be HTML5 valid And I select "1" from "number_of_files" Then I press "Continue" Then the page should be HTML5 valid And I attach the file "test_support/fixtures/image.jp2" to "Filedata[]" When I press "Upload File" Then the page should be HTML5 valid # Not sure if the file asset list is valid. Will the user ever actually be here? # @nojs # Scenario: Upload files on file assets list page # Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" # And I am on the file asset list page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_dataset1 # And I attach the file "spec/fixtures/image.jp2" to "Filedata[]" # When I press "Upload File" # Then I should see "The file image.jp2 has been saved" # And I should see a link to "image.jp2" in the file assets list # # Scenario: Upload files on file asset creation page # Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" # And I am on the file asset creation page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_dataset1 # And I attach the file "spec/fixtures/image.jp2" to "Filedata[]" # When I press "Upload File" # Then I should see "The file image.jp2 has been saved" # And I should see a link to "image.jp2" in the file assets list # # Scenario: html5 valid uploading files on file assets list page # Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" # And I am on the file asset creation page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 # And I attach the file "spec/fixtures/image.jp2" to "Filedata[]" # When I press "Upload File" # Then the page should be HTML5 valid