module CsvRowModel # Include this to with {Model} to have a RowModel for exporting to CSVs. module Export extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do attr_reader :source_model, :context self.column_names.each do |column_name| # Safe to override # # # @return [String] a string of public_send(column_name) of the CSV model define_method(column_name) do source_model.public_send(column_name) end end validates :source_model, presence: true end # @param [Model] source_model object to export to CSV # @param [Hash] context def initialize(source_model, context={}) @source_model = source_model @context = end def to_rows [to_row] end # @return [Array] an array of public_send(column_name) of the CSV model def to_row attributes.values end class_methods do def setup(csv, with_headers: true) csv << headers if with_headers end end end end