locales['foreman_rh_cloud'] = locales['foreman_rh_cloud'] || {}; locales['foreman_rh_cloud']['zh_CN'] = { "domain": "foreman_rh_cloud", "locale_data": { "foreman_rh_cloud": { "": { "Project-Id-Version": "foreman_rh_cloud 1.0.0", "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": "", "PO-Revision-Date": "2023-01-20 13:26+0000", "Last-Translator": "Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden , 2023", "Language-Team": "Chinese (China) (https://app.transifex.com/foreman/teams/114/zh_CN/)", "MIME-Version": "1.0", "Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", "Content-Transfer-Encoding": "8bit", "Language": "zh_CN", "Plural-Forms": "nplurals=1; plural=0;", "lang": "zh_CN", "domain": "foreman_rh_cloud", "plural_forms": "nplurals=1; plural=0;" }, "Download latest report": [ "下载最新報告" ], "Set the current organization context for the request": [ "设置请求的当前机构上下文" ], "Start report generation": [ "开始报告生成" ], "Generate the report, but do not upload": [ "" ], "Grab hosts that are missing in RH Cloud": [ "" ], "Scoped search string for host removal": [ "" ], "Start inventory synchronization": [ "启动清单同步" ], "Enable cloud connector": [ "启用云连接器" ], "The report file %{filename} doesn't exist": [ "报告文件 %{filename} 不存在" ], "Nothing to sync, there are no hosts with subscription for this organization.": [ "没有同步,此机构没有带有订阅的主机。" ], "No task was found": [ "没有找到任务" ], "Recommendations": [ "建议" ], "Host Insights recommendations": [ "主机 Insights 建议" ], "Insights": [ "Insights" ], "Reporting": [ "报告" ], "Not reporting": [ "未报告" ], "Inventory": [ "清单" ], "Host was not uploaded to your RH cloud inventory": [ "主机没有上传到您的 RH 云清单" ], "Successfully uploaded to your RH cloud inventory": [ "成功上传到您的 RH 云清单" ], "Red Hat Insights": [ "Red Hat Insights" ], "Satellite server has %{hits_count} recommendations by Red Hat": [ "Satellite 服务器有 %{hits_count} 个红帽提供的建议" ], "Wait and %s": [ "等待和 %s" ], "Value %{value} is not a valid UUID": [ "值 %{value} 不是一个有效的 UUID" ], "Enable inventory upload": [ "启用清单上传" ], "RH Cloud": [ "RH Cloud" ], "Inventory Upload": [ "清单上传" ], "Apply Insights recommendations": [ "应用 Insights 建议" ], "Run remediation playbook generated by Insights": [ "运行 Insights 生成的补救 playbook" ], "Run RH Cloud playbook": [ "运行 RH Cloud playbook" ], "Run playbook genrated by Red Hat remediations app": [ "运行由红帽补救应用生成的 playbook" ], "Configure Cloud Connector on given hosts": [ "在给定主机上配置 Cloud Connector" ], "RHCloud": [ "RHCloud" ], "Enable automatic upload of your host inventory to the Red Hat cloud": [ "启用自动将主机清单上传到红帽云" ], "Automatic inventory upload": [ "自动清单上传" ], "Enable automatic synchronization of Insights recommendations from the Red Hat cloud": [ "启用来自红帽云的 Insights 建议自动同步" ], "Synchronize recommendations Automatically": [ "自动同步建议" ], "Enable automatic deletion of mismatched host records from the Red Hat cloud": [ "" ], "Automatic mismatch deletion": [ "" ], "Obfuscate host names sent to the Red Hat cloud": [ "发送到红帽云的模糊主机名" ], "Obfuscate host names": [ "模糊主机名" ], "Obfuscate ipv4 addresses sent to the Red Hat cloud": [ "发送到红帽云的模糊 ipv4 地址" ], "Obfuscate host ipv4 addresses": [ "模糊的主机 ipv4 地址" ], "Exclude installed packages from being uploaded to the Red Hat cloud": [ "将安装的软件包上传到红帽云" ], "Exclude installed Packages": [ "排除安装的软件包" ], "Should import include parameter tags from Foreman?": [ "应从 Foreman 导入包含参数标签?" ], "Include parameters in insights-client reports": [ "在 insights-client 报告中包含参数" ], "RHC daemon id": [ "RHC 守护进程 ID" ], "ID of the RHC(Yggdrasil) daemon": [ "RHC (Yggdrasil)守护进程的 ID" ], "Fix host": [ "修复主机" ], "Oops! Couldn't find organization that matches your query": [ "未找到与您的查询匹配的机构" ], "Fetching data about your accounts": [ "获取有关您的帐户的数据" ], "Loading...": [ "载入中..." ], "Encountered an error while trying to access the server:": [ "在尝试访问服务器时遇到错误:" ], "Generating": [ "生成中" ], "Uploading": [ "上载中" ], "Download Report": [ "下载报告" ], "Full Screen": [ "全屏" ], "Clear": [ "清除" ], "Filter..": [ "过滤器..." ], "Any Organization": [ "任意机构" ], "Enable automatic upload of your hosts inventory to the Red Hat cloud": [ "启用自动将主机清单上传到红帽云" ], "Settings": [ "设置" ], "Cloud connector setup is in progress now: ": [ "云连接器设置现在正在进行: " ], "Cloud connector job link": [ "云连接器作业链接" ], "Cloud connector setup has failed: ": [ "云连接器设置失败: " ], "Cloud connector setup has started: ": [ "云连接器设置已启动: " ], "view the job in progress": [ "查看正在进行中的任务" ], "Cloud Connector is in progress": [ "云连接器正在进行" ], "Reconfigure Cloud Connector": [ "重新配置云连接器" ], "Configure Cloud Connector": [ "配置云连接器" ], "Notice": [ "注意事項" ], "This action will also enable automatic reports upload": [ "此操作还会启用自动报告上传" ], "Organization status": [ "机构标签" ], "Displays manifest statuses per accessible organizations.": [ "显示每个可访问的机构的清单状态。" ], "%s organizations": [ "%s 机构" ], "The Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console provides a set of cloud services, including Red Hat Insights and Subscriptions, that provide predictive analysis, remediation of issues, and unified subscription reporting for this Satellite instance.": [ "" ], "The Satellite inventory upload plugin automatically uploads Satellite host inventory data to the Inventory service of Insights, where it can also be used by the Subscriptions service for subscription reporting. If you use the Subscriptions service, enabling inventory uploads is required.": [ "" ], "To enable this reporting for all Satellite organizations, set {uploadButtonName} to on. The data will be reported automatically once per day.": [ "" ], "To manually upload the data for a specific organization, select an organization and click {restartButtonName}.": [ "" ], "Restart": [ "重新开始" ], "For more information about the Subscriptions service, see:": [ "" ], "About subscription watch": [ "订阅查看" ], "For more information about Insights and Cloud Connector, see:": [ "" ], "Red Hat Insights Data and Application Security": [ "Red Hat Insights 数据和应用程序安全" ], "Cloud Connector has been configured however the inventory auto-upload is disabled, it's recommended to enable it": [ "已配置了云连接器,但禁用了清单自动上传,建议启用它" ], "Cloud Connector has been configured however obfuscating host names setting is enabled, it's recommended to disable it": [ "已配置了云连接器,但启用了模糊主机名设置,建议禁用它" ], "Inventory sync has started:": [ "清单同步已启动:" ], "Inventory sync has failed: ": [ "清单同步失败: " ], "Hosts with subscription in organization: ": [ "机构中具有订阅的主机: " ], "Successfully synced hosts: ": [ "成功同步的主机:" ], "Disconnected hosts: ": [ "断开连接的主机:" ], "For more info, please visit the": [ "如需更多信息,请访问" ], "hosts page": [ "主机页" ], "Next run: ": [ "下一次运行 :" ], "Completed": [ "完成" ], "Remain": [ "保留" ], "Exit Code: %s": [ "退出代码:%s" ], "Red Hat Inventory": [ "Red Hat 清单" ], "Documentation": [ "文档" ], "Actions history": [ "操作历史记录" ], " Sync inventory status": [ " 同步清单状态" ], "Connectivity test": [ "连接测试" ], "Red Hat Cloud Inventory": [ "红帽云清单" ], "Inventory Auto Upload": [ "清单自动上传" ], "Advanced Inventory Settings": [ "高级清单设置" ], "Show Advanced Settings": [ "显示高级设置" ], "More details can be found in": [ "如需更多详细信息,请参阅" ], "Configure": [ "配置" ], "Obfuscate IPs": [ "模糊 IP" ], "Exclude packages": [ "排除软件包" ], "Exclude packages from being uploaded to the Red Hat cloud": [ "排除软件包上传到红帽云" ], "Insights synchronization process is used to provide Insights recommendations output for hosts managed here.": [ "Insights 同步过程用于为此处管理的主机提供 Insights 建议输出。" ], "Sync automatically": [ "自动同步" ], "Playbook": [ "运行 playbook" ], "Manual": [ "手册" ], "View in Red Hat Insights": [ "禁用 Red Hat Insights" ], "Knowledgebase article": [ "知识库文章" ], "Hostname": [ "主机名" ], "Recommendation": [ "建议" ], "Total risk": [ "总风险" ], "Remediate": [ "补救" ], "items": [ "项" ], "page": [ "page" ], "Items per page": [ "每页的项" ], "per page": [ "每页" ], "Go to first page": [ "前往第一页" ], "Go to previous page": [ "前往上一页" ], "Go to last page": [ "前往最后一页" ], "Go to next page": [ "前往下一页" ], "Current page": [ "当前页" ], "Pagination": [ "分页" ], "Recommendations selected: %s.": [ "选择的建议:%s。" ], "Select recommendations from all pages": [ "在所有页面中选择建议" ], "All recommendations are now selected.": [ "现在选择了所有建议。" ], "Clear Selection": [ "清除选择" ], "Remediation summary": [ "补救概述" ], "Cancel": [ "取消" ], "No": [ "否" ], "Resolution": [ "解决方案" ], "Reboot Required": [ "需要重启" ], "Sync recommendations": [ "同步建议" ], "Recommendation sync has failed: ": [ "建议同步失败: " ], "Recommendation sync has started: ": [ "建议同步已启动: " ], "Recommendations synced successfully": [ "成功同步建议" ], "No recommendations were found for this host!": [ "没有找到此主机的建议!" ], "Low": [ "低" ], "Moderate": [ "中等" ], "Important": [ "重要" ], "Critical": [ "关键" ], "Total risks": [ "总风险" ], "View all recommendations": [ "查看所有建议" ], "No results found": [ "没有找到结果" ], "Go to Satellite Insights page": [ "进入 Satellite Insights 页面" ], "Read more about it in RH cloud insights": [ "在 RH Cloud insights 中了解更多有关它的信息" ], "The task failed with the following error:": [ "任务失败,错误为:" ], "view the task page for more details": [ "查看任务页面以了解更多详细信息" ], "Loading": [ "加载" ], "The server returned the following error: %s": [ "服务器返回以下错误:%s" ], "Foreman plugin that process & upload data to Red Hat Cloud": [ "处理数据并将其上传到红帽云的 Foreman 插件" ] } } };