require 'fileutils' require 'json' class Sppuppet def initialize(settings, client, project, data, event) @settings = settings @settings['plus_ones_required'] ||= 1 @settings['reports_dir'] ||= '/var/lib/tutter/reports' @client = client @project = project @data = data @event = event end def run case @event when 'issue_comment' if @data['action'] != 'created' # Not a new comment, ignore return 200, 'not a new comment, skipping' end pull_request_id = @data['issue']['number'] pr = @client.pull_request @project, pull_request_id votes = {} merge = (@data['comment']['body'] == '!merge' || @data['comment']['body'].start_with?(':shipit:')) return 200, 'Not a merge comment' unless merge unless pr.mergeable_state == 'clean' msg = "Merge state for #{@project} #{pull_request_id} is not clean. Current state: #{pr.mergeable_state}" @client.add_comment(@project, pull_request_id, msg) return 200, msg end # We fetch the latest commit and it's date. last_commit = @client.pull_request_commits(@project, pull_request_id).last last_commit_date = comments = @client.issue_comments(@project, pull_request_id) # Check each comment for +1 and merge comments comments.each do |i| # Comment is older than last commit. # We only want to check for +1 in newer comments next if last_commit_date > i.created_at match = /^:?([+-])1:?/.match(i.body) if match score = match[1] == '+' ? 1 : -1 # pull request submitter cant +1 unless pr.user.login == i.attrs[:user].attrs[:login] votes[i.attrs[:user].attrs[:login]] = score end end end num_votes = votes.values.reduce(0) { |a, e| a + e } if num_votes < @settings['plus_ones_required'] msg = "Not enough plus ones. #{@settings['plus_ones_required']} required, and only have #{num_votes}" @client.add_comment(@project, pull_request_id, msg) return 200, msg end json = { url: pr.url, title: pr.title, author: pr.user.login, description: pr.body, commits: @client.pull_request_commits(@project, pr.number).map { |c| { author:, message: c.commit.message, sha: c.commit.tree.sha } }, head_sha: pr.head.sha, tests: @client.combined_status(@project, pr.head.sha) { |s| {state: s.state, url: s.target_url, description: s.description } }, reviewers: votes.keys, deployer: comments.last.user.login } # TODO: Word wrap description merge_msg = < e return 200, "Pull request not mergeable: #{e.message}" end puts merge_commit.inspect json[:merge_sha] = merge_commit.sha report_directory = "#{@settings['reports_dir']}/#{merge_commit.sha[0..1]}/#{merge_commit.sha[2..3]}" report_path = "#{report_directory}/#{merge_commit.sha}.json" if @settings['generate_reports'] FileUtils.mkdir_p report_directory, 'w') { |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(json)) } end return 200, "merging #{pull_request_id} #{@project}" when 'pull_request' # If a new pull request is opened, comment with instructions if @data['action'] == 'opened' && @settings['post_instructions'] issue = @data['number'] comment = @settings['instructions'] || "To merge at least #{@settings['plus_ones_required']} person other than the submitter needs to write a comment with saying _+1_ or :+1:. Then write _!merge_ or :shipit: to trigger the merging." begin @client.add_comment(@project, issue, comment) return 200, 'Commented!' rescue Octokit::NotFound return 404, 'Octokit returned 404, this could be an issue with your access token' rescue Octokit::Unauthorized return 401, "Authorization to #{@project} failed, please verify your access token" rescue Octokit::TooManyLoginAttempts return 429, "Account for #{@project} has been temporary locked down due to to many failed login attempts" end else return 200, 'Not posting instructions' end else return 200, "Unhandled event type #{@event}" end end end