module Fastlane module Actions class SpmAction < Action def cmd = ["swift"] cmd << (package_commands.include?(params[:command]) ? "package" : params[:command]) cmd << "--build-path #{params[:build_path]}" if params[:build_path] cmd << "--package-path #{params[:package_path]}" if params[:package_path] cmd << "--configuration #{params[:configuration]}" if params[:configuration] cmd << "--verbose" if params[:verbose] cmd << params[:command] if package_commands.include?(params[:command]) sh(cmd.join(" ")) end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Runs Swift Package Manager on your project" end def self.available_options [ :command, env_name: "FL_SPM_COMMAND", description: "The swift command (one of: #{available_commands.join(', ')})", default_value: "build", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please pass a valid command. Use one of the following: #{available_commands.join(', ')}") unless available_commands.include? value end), :build_path, env_name: "FL_SPM_BUILD_PATH", description: "Specify build/cache directory [default: ./.build]", optional: true), :package_path, env_name: "FL_SPM_PACKAGE_PATH", description: "Change working directory before any other operation", optional: true), :configuration, short_option: "-c", env_name: "FL_SPM_CONFIGURATION", description: "Build with configuration (debug|release) [default: debug]", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please pass a valid configuration: (debug|release)") unless valid_configurations.include? value end), :verbose, short_option: "-v", env_name: "FL_SPM_VERBOSE", description: "Increase verbosity of informational output", is_string: false, default_value: false) ] end def self.authors ["Flávio Caetano (@fjcaetano)"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end def self.example_code [ 'spm', 'spm( command: "build", build_path: "./build", configuration: "release" )' ] end def self.category :building end def self.available_commands %w(build test) + self.package_commands end def self.package_commands %w(clean reset update) end def self.valid_configurations %w(debug release) end end end end