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linkedTextComponentset_linkedTextComponenttargetTextComponentget_textComponentset_textComponentGetComponentsInParentGetComponentInParentSetParentget_parentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current<>2__currentget_currentGUIContentset_titleContentset_contentIsPersistentGetFontExtentCullStateChangedEventButtonClickedEventTouchScreenKeyboardEventOnChangeEventToggleEventm_ProcessingEventScrollEventTextSelectionEventDropdownEventPopEventProcessEventSubmitEventUnityEventTintRepaintworldPointintersectingPointInverseTransformPointWorldToScreenPointRectangleContainsScreenPointscreenPointGetPointpointtintFontget_fontset_fontm_Countget_Countget_childCountwordCountspaceCountreferenceCountpageCountlineCountget_atlasTextureCountvisible_SpriteCountm_spriteCounttagCountvisible_LinkCountlinkCountset_materialCountm_AutoSizeIterationCountm_AutoSizeMaxIterationCountvisible_CharacterCounttotal_CharacterCountm_lineVisibleCharacterCountvisibleCharacterCountm_totalCharacterCountcontrolCharacterCountm_characterCountget_passCountget_currentVertCountvertexCountcountID_BevelAmountDotSetToCustomIfContentTypeIsNotCreateUIElementRootUpdateSubObjectPivotGetPivotm_pivotget_pivotset_pivotSubscriptsubscriptSuperscriptsuperscriptTrimStartMoveTextStartstartAddVertsimpleVertInsertConvertInternalRegisterResourceForReimportm_enableEmojiSupportget_enableEmojiSupportset_enableEmojiSupportenableMultiAtlasSupportAdjustRectTransformRelativeToViewportAdjustTextPositionRelativeToViewportm_TextViewportget_textViewportset_textViewportset_viewportToUpperASCIIFastToLowerASCIIFastToUpperFastToLowerFastAddLastRaycastdstadd_OnSpriteAssetRequestremove_OnSpriteAssetRequestadd_OnFontAssetRequestremove_OnFontAssetRequestOptionDataListsrcListAlphaFadeListm_StyleListm_materialListCreateDropdownListDelayedDestroyDropdownListImmediateDestroyDropdownListdropdownListToListspriteInfoListm_glyphInfoListm_fallbackCleanupLists_MissingCharacterListm_GlyphIndexListlistSendOnFocusLostget_FirstfirstGUILayoutset_ignoreLayoutm_isRebuildingLayoutResetVertexLayoutset_hideInputm_HideMobileInputget_shouldHideMobileInputset_shouldHideMobileInputBaseInputm_OnValidateInputget_onValidateInputset_onValidateInputm_AllowInputget_inputevtget_NextMoveNextSystem.TextTMP_Textm_Textm_isVolumetricTextget_isVolumetricTextset_isVolumetricTextGetParsedTextsourceTextCreateTextm_isParsingTextm_RichTextm_isRichTextget_richTextset_richTextGetLinkTextm_OriginalTextm_ItemTextget_itemTextset_itemTextm_CaptionTextget_captionTextset_captionTextadd_OnPreRenderTextremove_OnPreRenderTextPreprocessTextSetTextget_isRightToLeftTextset_isRightToLeftTextParseInputTextm_textget_textset_textAddComponentMenuset_uvPowm_ImporterWindowTMP_PackageResourceImporterWindowShowPackageImporterWindowEditorWindowGetWindowShowKeyword_GlowOverflowget_yellowget_xm_fontSizeMaxget_fontSizeMaxset_fontSizeMaxm_lineSpacingMaxget_anchorMaxset_anchorMaxget_offsetMaxset_offsetMaxget_xMaxget_yMaxget_maxID_FaceTexID_OutlineTexID_MainTexsrcIndexendIndexFindIndexm_materialReferenceIndexm_AtlasTextureIndexcloseIndexm_spriteIndexwriteIndexGetMinCaretPositionFromStringIndexGetCaretPositionFromStringIndexGetMaxCaretPositionFromStringIndexstringIndexm_GlyphIndexsecondGlyphIndexGetGlyphIndexfirstGlyphIndexget_glyphIndexset_glyphIndexm_currentMaterialIndexmaterialIndexinsertionIndexlastVisibleCharIndexcharIndexlastVisibleCharacterIndexfirstVisibleCharacterIndexlastCharacterIndexlinkIdFirstCharacterIndexlinkTextfirstCharacterIndexm_firstOverflowCharacterIndexget_firstOverflowCharacterIndexcharacterIndexget_atlasIndexset_atlasIndexvalueStartIndexstartIndexlastIndexunderlineVertexIndexstrikethroughVertexIndexvertexIndexget_indexset_indexRegexhexUIVertexTMP_Vertexs_DefaultMaterialSuffixm_FXMatrixm_EnvMapMatrixUpdateEnvMapMatrixSetMatrixID_EnvMatrixget_helpBoxsyncTextInputBoxThenByOrderByget_yScreenPointToRaym_DoubleClickDelaydelaym_pageToDisplayget_pageToDisplayset_pageToDisplayKeyword_Underlaym_isOverlayget_isOverlayset_isOverlayInitializeArraym_OpeningTagArrayget_styleOpeningTagArraym_ClosingTagArrayget_styleClosingTagArrayinternalParsingArrayResizeInternalArrayTexturePacker_JsonArrayTexturePackerJsonArrayCopyListDataToArraym_input_CharArrayAddIntegerToCharArrayAddFloatToCharArraySetCharArrayGetCharactersArraydstArrayk_GlyphIndexArrayarrayGlyphValueRecord_LegacyFaceInfo_LegacyTMP_TextElement_LegacyaccuracyDeleteKeyKerningPairKeyGlyphPairKeyContainsKeyGetKeykeySetValueWithoutNotifySetTextWithoutNotifyget_activeInHierarchyaddImmediatelyApproximatelySetLayerRecursivelyOperatingSystemFamilyget_operatingSystemFamilym_ReadOnlyget_readOnlyset_readOnlyvisibleOnlyop_MultiplyApplyLastIndexOfAnyOnDestroyCopym_GlyphPairAdjustmentRecordLookupDictionarym_StyleLookupDictionarym_GlyphLookupDictionaryInitializeGlyphLookupDictionarym_CharacterLookupDictionaryInitializeCharacterLookupDictionaryInitializeGlyphPaidAdjustmentRecordsLookupDictionaryObjectFactoryDirectoryuploadGeometryUpdateGeometrySortGeometryGraphicRegistryTMP_UpdateRegistryCanvasUpdateRegistrym_Capacityk_DefaultCapacitycapacityop_Equalityop_Inequalityget_ignoreVisibilityset_ignoreVisibilityset_verticalScrollbarVisibilityTMP_CompatibilityGUIUtilityPrefabUtilityRectTransformUtilityEditorUtilitySetPropertyUtilitym_layoutPriorityget_layoutPriorityget_identitym_ScrollSensitivityget_scrollSensitivityset_scrollSensitivityIsNullOrEmptyemptyHasPropertym_isPreferredWidthDirtym_isMaterialDirtySetMaterialDirtym_materialDirtySetAllDirtym_IsStringPositionDirtym_IsCaretPositionDirtyMarkGeometryAsDirtySetVerticesDirtym_IsSpriteAssetLookupTablesDirtyIsFontAssetLookupTablesDirtySetDirtym_isPreferredHeightDirtySetPivotDirtyisFallbackListDirtym_isLayoutDirtySetLayoutDirtyHeavyzCoroutine container not configured... did you forget to call Init?ScrollbarSliding Area Handle ButtonText (TMP)!InputField (TMP)Text AreaPlaceholder TextEnter text...Dropdown Label ArrowTemplateViewportContent ItemItem BackgroundItem CheckmarkItem LabelOption AOption BOption CDropdown.value-The dropdown template is not assigned. The template needs to be assigned and must have a child GameObject with a Toggle component serving as the item.The dropdown template is not valid. The template must have a child GameObject with a Toggle component serving as the item. The dropdown template is not valid. The child GameObject with a Toggle component (the item) must have a RectTransform on its parent.The dropdown template is not valid. The Item Text must be on the item GameObject or children of it.The dropdown template is not valid. The Item Image must be on the item GameObject or children of it.Dropdown ListBlocker Item : =Unable to load font face for []. Make sure "Include Font Data" is enabled in the Font Import Settings. 1.1.07TMP.ReadFontAssetDefinition9TMP.AddSynthesizedCharacters)TMP.TryAddCharactersQUnable to add characters to font asset [g] because its AtlasPopulationMode is set to Static.k] because the provided Unicode list is Null or Empty.o] because the provided character list is Null or Empty.'TMP.TryAddCharacterkUnable to add the requested character to font asset [Y]'s atlas texture. Please make the texture [] readable. ATMP.UpdateGlyphAdjustmentRecords-TMP.ClearFontAssetData/TMP.UpdateFontAssetData-Upgrading font asset [] to version .Font asset [_] doesn't have a reference to its source font file. Please assign the appropriate source font file for this asset in the Font Atlas & Material section of font asset inspector.1Synthesizing Space for []3] Glyph Adjustment Table. Atlas Material CaretSelectAll<u> </u> ''!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~Selected Shader does not support Stencil Masking. Please select the Distance Field or Mobile Distance Field Shader. Masking ID:?No Masking Material exists for 3Removed (1) reference to . There are # references left.5Removed last reference to  with ID OMaterial List has already been cleared. + Internal error. Trying to destroy object that is already released to pool.aAssets/TextMesh Pro/Resources/TMP Settings.assetKAssets/TextMesh Pro/Examples & ExtrasTMP EssentialsThis appears to be the first time you access TextMesh Pro, as such we need to add resources to your project that are essential for using TextMesh Pro. These new resources will be placed at the root of your project in the "TextMesh Pro" folder.+Import TMP Essentialso/Package Resources/TMP Essential Resources.unitypackage+TMP Examples & ExtrasThe Examples & Extras package contains addition resources and examples that will make discovering and learning about TextMesh Pro's powerful features easier. These additional resources will be placed in the same folder as the TMP essential resources.9Import TMP Examples & Extrask/Package Resources/TMP Examples & Extras.unitypackage/TMP Essential Resources[+] have been imported.=Packages/com.unity.textmeshproAssets/..o/Assets/Packages/com.unity.TextMeshPro/Editor ResourcesM/Assets/Packages/com.unity.TextMeshProK/Assets/TextMesh Pro/Editor Resources)/Assets/TextMesh ProTextMesh Pro#/Editor ResourcesTMP ImporterTextSettings%Scrollbar click...%Scrollbar selected+Scrollbar De-Selected 1.4.0TMP SettingsCTextMeshPro/Mobile/Distance Field3TextMeshPro/Mobile/BitmapBEVEL_ONGLOW_ONUNDERLAY_ONRATIOS_OFFMASK_SOFTMASK_HARDMASK_TEXOUTLINE_ON%unity_GUIZTestMode_CullMode_MainTex_FaceTex_FaceColor_FaceDilate_FaceShininess_UnderlayColor!_UnderlayOffsetX!_UnderlayOffsetY_UnderlayDilate#_UnderlaySoftness_WeightNormal_WeightBold_OutlineTex_OutlineWidth!_OutlineSoftness_OutlineColor_Outline2Color_Outline2Width_Padding_GradientScale_ScaleX_ScaleY%_PerspectiveFilter_Sharpness_TextureWidth_TextureHeight _Bevel_LightAngle _Cube_EnvMatrix%_EnvMatrixRotation_GlowColor_GlowOffset_GlowPower_GlowOuter_GlowInner_MaskCoord_ClipRect_UseClipRect_MaskSoftnessX_MaskSoftnessY_VertexOffsetX_VertexOffsetY_Stencil_StencilOp_StencilComp!_StencilReadMask#_StencilWriteMask_ShaderFlags_ScaleRatioA_ScaleRatioB_ScaleRatioC%TextMeshPro/Sprite1Upgrading sprite asset [ NormalTMP SubMesh ['Material Assignment (Instance)%TMP UI SubObject [3Material Property ChangesTMP SubMeshUI [ <BR> <NBSP> <ZWSP><STYLE=</STYLE>Can't Generate Mesh! No Font Asset has been assigned to Object ID: Unable to add underline since the primary Font Asset doesn't contain the underline character.Unable to add highlight since the primary Font Asset doesn't contain the underline character.The character used for Underline is not available in font asset [].ESprite Assets/Default Sprite AssetAction ID: [3] First character index: 1] Last character index: -------------------------------- !-#$%&-()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[-]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~--------------------------------- !-#$%&-()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[-]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~-?TMP.RegisterTextObjectForUpdateQTMP.RegisterTextElementForGraphicRebuildOTMP.RegisterTextElementForCullingUpdateCTMP.UnRegisterTextObjectForUpdateeTMP.InternalUnRegisterTextElementForGraphicRebuildOPerform update of MeshRenderer objects. 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