module Account::Memberships::ControllerBase extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do account_load_and_authorize_resource :membership, :team, member_actions: [:demote, :promote, :reinvite], collection_actions: [:search] end def index unless @memberships.count > 0 redirect_to account_team_invitations_path(@team), notice: I18n.t("memberships.notifications.no_members") end end def search # TODO This is a particularly crazy example where we're doing the search logic ourselves in SQL. # In the future, I could see us replacing this with a recommended example using Elasticsearch and the `searchkick` Ruby Gem. limit = params[:limit] || 100 page = [params[:page].to_i, 1].max # Ensure we never have a negative or zero page value search_term = "%#{params[:search]&.upcase}%" offset = (page - 1) * limit # Currently we're only searching on user.first_name, user.last_name, memberships.user_first_name and memberships.user_last_name. Should we also search on the email address? # This query could use impromement. Currently if you search for "Ad Pal" you wouldn't find a user "Adam Pallozzi" query = "UPPER(first_name) LIKE :search_term OR UPPER(last_name) LIKE :search_term OR UPPER(user_first_name) LIKE :search_term OR UPPER(user_last_name) LIKE :search_term" # We're using left outer join here because we may get memberships that don't belong to a membership yet memberships = @team.memberships.accessible_by(current_ability, :show).left_outer_joins(:user).where(query, search_term: search_term) total_results = memberships.size # the Areal.sql(LOWER(COALESCE...)) part means that if the user record doesn't exist or if there are records that start with a lower case letter, we will still sort everything correctly using the user.first_name instead. memberships_array = memberships.limit(limit).offset(offset).order(Arel.sql("LOWER(COALESCE(first_name, user_first_name) )")).map { |membership| {id:, text: membership.label_string.to_s} } results = {results: memberships_array, pagination: {more: (total_results > page * limit)}} render json: results.to_json end def show end def edit end # PATCH/PUT /account/memberships/:id # PATCH/PUT /account/memberships/:id.json def update respond_to do |format| if @membership.update(membership_params) format.html { redirect_to [:account, @membership], notice: I18n.t("memberships.notifications.updated") } format.json { render :show, status: :ok, location: [:account, @membership] } else format.html { render :edit, status: :unprocessable_entity } format.json { render json: @membership.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end rescue RemovingLastTeamAdminException => _ format.html { redirect_to [:account, @team, :memberships], alert: I18n.t("memberships.notifications.cant_demote") } format.json { render json: {exception: I18n.t("memberships.notifications.cant_demote")}, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end def demote @membership.roles.delete Role.admin redirect_to account_team_memberships_path(@team) rescue RemovingLastTeamAdminException => _ redirect_to account_team_memberships_path(@team), alert: I18n.t("memberships.notifications.cant_demote") end def promote @membership.roles << Role.admin unless @membership.roles.include?(Role.admin) redirect_to account_team_memberships_path(@team) end def destroy # Instead of destroying the membership, we nullify the user_id and use the membership record as a 'Tombstone' for referencing past associations (eg message at-mentions and Scaffolding::CompletelyConcrete::TangibleThings::Assignment) user_was = @membership.user @membership.nullify_user if user_was == current_user # if a user removes themselves from a team, we'll have to send them to their dashboard. redirect_to account_dashboard_path, notice: I18n.t("memberships.notifications.you_removed_yourself", team_name: else redirect_to [:account, @team, :memberships], notice: I18n.t("memberships.notifications.destroyed") end rescue RemovingLastTeamAdminException redirect_to account_team_memberships_path(@team), alert: I18n.t("memberships.notifications.cant_remove") end def reinvite @invitation = @membership, team: @team, email: @membership.user_email, from_membership: current_membership) if redirect_to [:account, @team, :memberships], notice: I18n.t("account.memberships.notifications.reinvited") else redirect_to [:account, @team, :memberships], notice: "There was an error creating the invitation (#{@invitation.errors.full_messages.to_sentence})" end end private def manageable_role_keys end # NOTE this method is only designed to work in the context of updating a membership. # we don't provide any support for creating memberships other than by an invitation. def membership_params # we use strong params first. strong_params = params.require(:membership).permit( :user_first_name, :user_last_name, :user_profile_photo_id, # 🚅 super scaffolding will insert new fields above this line. # 🚅 super scaffolding will insert new arrays above this line. ) # after that, we have to be more careful how we update the roles. # we can't let users remove roles from a membership that they don't have permission # to remove, but we want to allow them to add or remove other roles they do have # permission to assign to other team members. if params[:membership] && params[:membership][:role_ids].present? # first, start with the list of role keys already assigned to this membership. existing_role_keys = @membership.role_ids # generate a list of role keys we can't allow the current user to remove from this membership. existing_role_keys_that_are_unmanageable = existing_role_keys - manageable_role_keys # now let's ensure the list of role keys from the form only includes keys that they're allowed to assign. assignable_role_keys_from_the_form = params[:membership][:role_ids].map(&:to_s) & manageable_role_keys # any role keys that are manageable by the current user have to then come from the form data, # otherwise we can assume they were removed by being unchecked. strong_params[:role_ids] = existing_role_keys_that_are_unmanageable + assignable_role_keys_from_the_form end # 🚅 super scaffolding will insert processing for new fields above this line. strong_params end end