describe("toHaveBeenCalled", function() { it("passes when the actual was called, with a custom .not fail message", function() { var matcher = j$.matchers.toHaveBeenCalled(), calledSpy = j$.createSpy('called-spy'), result; calledSpy(); result =; expect(result.pass).toBe(true); expect(result.message).toEqual("Expected spy called-spy not to have been called."); }); it("fails when the actual was not called", function() { var matcher = j$.matchers.toHaveBeenCalled(), uncalledSpy = j$.createSpy('uncalled spy'), result; result =; expect(result.pass).toBe(false); }); it("throws an exception when the actual is not a spy", function() { var matcher = j$.matchers.toHaveBeenCalled(), fn = function() {}; expect(function() { }).toThrow(new Error("Expected a spy, but got Function.")); }); it("throws an exception when invoked with any arguments", function() { var matcher = j$.matchers.toHaveBeenCalled(), spy = j$.createSpy('sample spy'); expect(function() {, 'foo') }).toThrow(new Error("toHaveBeenCalled does not take arguments, use toHaveBeenCalledWith")); }); it("has a custom message on failure", function() { var matcher = j$.matchers.toHaveBeenCalled(), spy = j$.createSpy('sample-spy'), result; result =; expect(result.message).toEqual("Expected spy sample-spy to have been called."); }); });